Present - Jungkook & Seokjin

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Sunlight, brilliant and blinding, poured over them through the open curtains, basking them in the beautiful pure light. Silence was their constant companion, broken only by the soft sounds of their breathing and the rhythmatic beating of their hearts as they joined together, forming into one perfect song. It felt as fragile as it didn't serene, as if it might shatter into a million tiny shards at the smallest provocation.

But then that moment passed and became the next and it was still there, this feeling of warmth spreading along his flesh, starting low within his core and seeping outwards. A tingle at the base of his spine, searing upwards until it fused with every single nerve ending and sparked with electric energy.

How one being could so thoroughly take over another, until they no longer completely belonged to themselves but to each other. Until it was impossible to know where one of them ended and the other began. Until there was nothing left of who they had been as individuals but only who they were together.

They were one. And that was the beginning and the end of the everything.


It hurt to be apart. A deep ache that doesn't could soothe. As their bond weaved between their hearts and souls and solidified they were in constant need of one another, never able to take more than a few steps before the pain would return and they would have to retreat back into the safety of the other's presence. It should have been annoying, to have such need for someone beyond yourself. To not be able to function without that person at your side. But it felt right, as though the universe it's self had blessed them, had given them each other for this very purpose.

So they stayed together.


There was an urge welling up deep with his chest that had been present for hours now, and it was getting more and more difficult to ignore with each passing one. A desire to do something he never had before, the suppressants that flooded his system dulling those particular wants. But the presence of his mate seemed to overthrow everything that his system had once known, throwing it into chaos and making his senses go haywire.

"Alpha?" Every muscle felt weak as he moved to push himself up, hair an absolute mess and skin creased from where he had laid with his cheek pressed against his mates chest for so long.

"Yes little one?" Long fingers reached out, traced along the edge of the other's wide shoulders to his collar bone, before flinting across the fresh mark that still swirled glorious reds and purples.

"Can we go home?" This place had felt like his home for so long, his and Yoongi's scents embedded so deeply into everything that it was endlessly comforting. But suddenly it didn't feel quite so welcoming anymore. Not when the only source of his mates scent was Jungkook himself and the sheets that surrounded them. Not when he desperately needed to carry out these thoughts that were plaguing him before his mind collapsed from the weight of it. "I need -" That was as far as he got before a soft sob rose up in his throat and he moved to bury his face down in his mates chest. "Need -"

"Tell alpha what it is you need baby." Fingers instantly moved to card through thick strands, the need to comfort and soothe almost insanely strong.

"I need -" It felt so silly. Probably because, rationally, it was. Silly and ridiculous but at that moment he needed it more than he needed to breathe. "I need to build a nest for us, alpha."

It was a natural response, brought on by an urge to keep his alpha safe. To hide him away from other omegas, to protect their bond that was so fresh and weak.

"Such a good omega." Warmth washed over him at the knowledge that his little one was having such a strong response to their mating, that his hormones were falling in line with the order of how things were meant to progress. It wasn't odd for an omega's heat to be triggered by mating, which would in turn signal their alpha's rut. It was something they were ill prepared for, but his prior experience meant he knew exactly what to do. "Get dressed for me, baby. Want me to take these blankets with us?"

"Yes." Scrambling up, Seokjin was already searching for his clothing, tugging on whatever happened to be closest. They were, realistically, going precisely a few hundred feet across the hall. It shouldn't technically matter if he chose to go naked.

Jungkook watched with amusement as the little omega practically darted around the room, grabbing up their clothing from last night and gathering it into his arms. That he had to practically fight his own mate for his pants was a comical turn of events he hadn't been expecting. That he barely won only made the emotion stronger, letting them sit low on his hips as he piled the sheets and blankets together and carried them through the apartment.

It was entirely unfortunate that the poor little omega from down the hall chose that exact moment to leave for work, glancing over just in time catch sight of Jungkook's shirtless form. That Seokjin should appear practically out of no where and actually snarl at her shouldn't have made his alpha swell with pride, but it did.

That he actually hoped his little omega was going into heat was a strange thought process he had never exprienced before. That he would be most fertile and open and ready to accept his seed shouldn't have been something that he wanted. But it was impossible to describe how much he suddenly did. How much he wanted them to create something together, something that was theirs, a piece of both of them. Something created and born from their love.

He longed for it now. With his entire being. 

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