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Kim Seokjin's first sin was allowing his alpha to take him on the couch. To give in and let his legs fall apart like a flower in full bloom, impossibly long and flexible, one tossed over the low back with the other wrapped high around Jungkook's ribs, tightening with each downwards thrust, until they were locked together and his muscles felt like they were going catch on fire from over excretion.

His second was going down onto his knees and taking his alpha into his mouth, allowing it to penetrate deep into his throat, to waste the seed by letting it spill across his skin instead of where it belonged. Until his eyes were watering and there was drool sliding from swollen lips and he was so wet and needy and desperate that he was ready to beg.

His third was pushing his alpha down onto the floor and riding him, thick rug creating deep burns upon his skin that would take days to fade, little sparks of pain that mixed with the pleasure until he couldn't tell where one ended and the other began. Until it all just became one jumbled mess within his mind and he didn't even care anymore because all of it felt like he was ascending from their world and entering the gates of heaven. And if the way to get there was through sinning, then so be it.


"Here." A bottle of water was being pressed against his heated skin, the cool surface causing goose flesh to race against his entire body as he arched into the sensation.

"Feel so good."

"You need to drink it sweetheart. Don't need you getting dehydrated."

"Then can we go into our nest and sleep?" Pushing himself up felt like it took an actual monumental effort and more strength than he actually currently had. But he managed, resting his weight back on one arm as he took the open bottle and downed the contents.

"Anything my baby wants."


Crawling inside the formation of blankets and pillows felt like entering a haven in the middle of the desert, despite the overwhelming warmth that seemed to radiate from every single surface. Twisting around, he sought out the very best spot before curling up beside it, leaving that special place for his alpha.

"Alpha?" Jungkook had, right up until he actually entered the nest, been directly behind him. But now his presence was missing, and he tried to keep himself from giving in to the sense of rising panic.

"I'm here baby." It was gentle and reassuring, and he watched as Jungkook slipped his head in between the two blankets that formed the overhead canopy. "You need to give alpha permission to come into your nest."

"Oh." That his mate had actually waited made his heart grow and swell, thrumming inside of his chest with so much love and adoration he wasn't sure how he could ever begin to contain it all. "You can come in, Kookie. I saved the best spot for you."

"You really are such a perfect omega." Slipping inside, he crawled up until he could align himself beside Seokjin, falling into the place that had been left for him. It was, somehow, exceptionally more comfortable than the rest, like it had been tailored entirely for him. Instantly strong arms wrapped around the tiny little omega beside him, one hand traveling down to his thighs to lift one onto his hip, slotting their bodies together until there was nothing left between them except the dual beating of their hearts.

"Only because you love me." It was a soft whisper, spoken against the raw, broken skin of their bonding mark. "You're so perfect in return, alpha."

"Only because you love me."


Seokjin's sins were many and they were varied and when he looked back and counted them up they even amazed him. In some silent attempt to chose a favorite he had to go with enticing his alpha to take him on the bathroom counter before he ever even managed to get the two of them into the shower he was attempting to prepare.

Despite what he had been expecting, there was never that subtle shift in his scent, no underlying current that played along the edges of sweet vanilla. No bitter floral, no fruity musk that interrupted the notes and lingered behind once it had faded away. Once, he had asked Yoongi when he had first noticed the scent of vanilla wafting along behind him, only to be informed that he hadn't. No, Hoseok had noticed it first, only days after it seemingly happened. But asking Jungkook to smell him in some lame attempt to see if something had actually stuck seemed like adding insult to an injury he had caused.

So he took the pills away from his mate, not allowing him to every know when it had been done - or if it had ever truly been done at all. There was absolutely no change, no outward side of the preventative measure. Maybe, in that way, he should have just done it on his own to begin with. But then the memories of where lying had gotten him in the past sprung to the fore front of his mind and that was all it took for him to realize he had done the right thing.

Unfortunately, right didn't always mean painless. Someone would usually be left to suffer, weather the decision made was right or wrong or some mixture of the two. 

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