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"You look crazy."

"Do you have a better idea?" Currently he was hiding behind the thick foliage of some sort of fake plant, the waxy leaves large enough to create the perfect cover for his to dart behind after trying to catch a peak at the supposed cute cashier who carried his omega's name.

Why would his incredibly stupid brain not get the memo that Seokjin wasn't his? Probably for the same reason his heart hadn't come to realization either.

"You can stop acting like a stalker and just go talk to him?"

"Yeah, that's not happening." Shifting, he lifted himself up just enough to bring the top of his head up over one of the leaves, trying to catch a glimpse when the omega wouldn't notice him. But he just kept turning his back or walking towards the kitchen each time he would try. "What did he smell like?"


"Are you hard of hearing? What did he smell like?"

"Like disappointment. Probably at having fallen for such an idiot."

"Will you just - fuck he's looking this way." He ducked back down before the other could catch him, sinking back onto the balls of his feet and slipping into the shadows. "This is useless."

"I can't believe I'm actually about to help you stalk this poor kid but listen I'm gonna go sit over there -" There was a row of tables along the wall that just so happened to be at a perfect angle and location that Jungkook could remain where he was and hidden and still see perfectly. "- so when he brings the food out you should be able to tell if it's him."

"Look at you, actually having a good idea for once."

"Shut the fuck up. Here I am, helping you out of the kindness of my heart and you're dragging me for no reason."

"See if he smells like vanilla while you're at it."

"You're fucking hopeless."


"Sorry that took so long." Realistically, Taehyung didn't know a lot. It wasn't like Jungkook had ever given him anymore information than this kid's name and a general description of what an angel apparently looked like. Admittedly, this particular omega did fit that image pretty well.

"No problem." Unfortunately, as a beta his senses were slightly dulled, making it slightly more difficult for him to pick up on the scent of an omega. Especially when the air was filled with rich, heavy spices and thick tomato sauce. Sniffing probably made him look ridiculous, but he was committed now.

"You doing okay?" Thankfully, said omega just sounded more amused than anything.

"Yeah. Sorry. I just thought I smelled vanilla. It seemed kind of out of place."

"I get that a lot. Or people will ask if we have any more of those delicious smelling cookies and I have to tell them it's just me."

"You should find a way to bottle it."

"That's the strangest yet most flattering compliment I've ever gotten."

"Us betas aren't really good at the whole flirting with omega's thing."

"What makes you think I'm an omega?"


"I could still grow!"

"Hate to break it to you, but it was your scent."

"Of course it was. So troublesome, always giving me away."

Somewhere there was the distinct sound of a wounded animal whimpering, and Taehyung watched in horror as Seokjin's attention turned towards where Jungkook was hiding, trying to find the source.

"I like it." It was rushed, but it drew the omega's attention back towards him and away from his absolutely moron of a best friend. "One of my friends smelled just like a rose bush."

"That sounds nice."

"Not really. It pretty much just made everyone sneeze."

"Poor thing. My brother smells like ginger."

"That must be interesting when the two of you are together."

"You really are terrible at this flirting with omega's thing."

"Yeah, it's really more my friend's area of expertise."

"Bring him with you next time. I'll let you know your score."


"My omega is blond." Somehow Jungkook had managed to not only slip out of the restaurant without Seokjin actually realizing he was there, but also apparently get the confirmation that he needed.

"Well, you were almost back to normal." This set back was probably going to cost him another three weeks of constant work and attention. At least he knew Jungkook would shower before each shift and probably sleep occasionally. "It was nice while it lasted."

"He looked so good." Taehyung rolled his eyes as they made their way down the dimly lit street, carefully avoiding the pockets of pedestrians on their way to whatever nightly rituals they currently had planned.

"Yeah, unfortunately his taste in alpha's is terrible."

"Don't be jealous."

"He is like, ungodly beautiful though."

"I fucking told you."

"I really don't get it. First you somehow find Jimin, the world's most perfect omega. Like, textbook definition. Then you find Seokjin? How?"

"I guess I'm just blessed like that."

"Yeah. That's exactly the word I'd use."


Blessed was definitely not the word that suited what he was. No, he was entirely and completely the opposite. Cursed to such an extreme that he wondered if there was even any way of breaking it.

Seeing Seokjin should, ideally, not have affected him at all. It had, in all honesty, been actual months since the last time they had been in each other's presence. His alpha shouldn't have reacted so strongly, so viscerally, his entire being pulling and tugging and longing. Like this undeniable need for the omega had been seared into his very soul and he could no longer pretend it wasn't there.

Going back wasn't an option. Seokjin wasn't meant for him.

And nothing was going to change that. 

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