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"I can't do this."

"Baby, you can. It's gonna be fine."

"No I really, really can't do this, Jungkook."

"I know it feels like you can't but -"

"Since you're not getting it, let me put it to you this way. I'm not doing it."

"Seokjin, you're being irrational."

"So what if I am? So what if I fucking am, Jungkook. But I'm literally standing here feeling like I'm five seconds away from my tenth panic attack this week telling you I'm not doing it and instead of listening you're arguing with me."

"Okay. I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry, Jinnie. I know this is scary for you, but you started this and it's something you need to finish."

"For who? I could have gone the rest of my life never knowing who my father was and been just fine."

"Then why? Why did you even do it in the first place?"

"Because things were different then, okay? My fucking alpha was gone, I had just found out that I had been lied to my entire life, and all I had was the thought of finding this alpha who I never got the chance to know.

But now... now Yoongi has Taehyung and I'm going to be a brother. Now I have you and I have our baby growing inside me. And I realize that if he really did want me, he would have fought for me. He would have fought for us. For me and for Yoongi. But he didn't. So why should I lie to someone who has loved me every single day of my entire life for someone who couldn't even bother to try and find us?"

"Seokjin... did you ever ask him why?"

"No. And I'm never going to. Because it doesn't fucking matter. Namjoon was right. God, Namjoon has always been right. I should have just been honest and told him that things had changed and I wasn't interested anymore. Do you know how much pain I could have saved myself if I had just listened to him to begin with? He told me I should tell you about my age, but did I listen? Fuck no. He asked me multiple times if you were okay with us hanging out, and I always just ignored him."

"You keep going to that other fucking alpha and he keeps filling your head with all of this confusing shit. He's not your mate, Seokjin. I am."

"Out of everything, that's what you're taking away from this? That I asked Namjoon for advice? You think he doesn't know you're my mate? The whole fucking world knows you're my mate, Jungkook. I have your mark on my neck and your child inside me and I'm walking around constantly smelled like sea salt and caramel. There is not a single person on this earth who does not know that we're mated.

This is an entire fucking disaster. And you know what? Namjoon said it was gonna be. He even called this too. So let me make a couple of things really clear for you. I'm not going to New York. I'm not finishing anything. I'm going to message Hoseok and tell him the truth, like I should have done in the first place. Then I'm going to block him and try and forget all of this ever happened. I honestly thing I will be so much happier once that truth is out.

And as for you. Learn to check your jealousy. I get what Jimin did fucked you up. But in case you haven't noticed, I'm not him. I'm Seokjin. And before you open your mouth and let anything stupid come out, I'm going to Yoongi's. Do me a favor and give me at least a day without your presence."


All of it had escalated so quickly.

Looking back at it, he would never really be sure what he had been expecting, but it definitely wasn't what he had received.

That everything seemed to lead to some sort of explosive drama between them was a large red flag flying high that he had never stopped to notice. Maybe their personalities just clashed in ways they had never foresaw.

Or maybe life wasn't perfect and there were no fairy tales. Things didn't end up going right just because fate chose to place you in someone's path.

He had wanted someone who would fight for him, not fight against him. And it felt like that's what was constantly happening. Like they were fighting each other instead of standing as one and fighting the world around them.

Maybe he had been too idealistic. No, that was definitely one of his biggest faults. That he looked at the world through rose colored glasses and never managed to take them off until it was too late. That he held on to hope to tightly and never let it fade until it was lost completely.

Telling Hoseok the truth was a difficult endeavor that took far longer and produced far more tears than expected. But as the words poured out and the explanation came, he felt himself growing lighter. Lies had plagued his existence over the course of this last year, and while they had once seemingly lead him to shining light at the end of the tunnel, he wasn't so sure if that was truly the end goal.

Especially when so much misery could have been avoided if he had just started with the truth. If he had used that as the foundation to build upon, instead of one build out of missteps and falsehoods.

But it was too late for that now and there was no going back.

The only way was forward. 

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