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"How was your day baby?" They had settled into a little corner booth at a tiny Japanese restaurant near their apartment, and Seokjin had spent far too long pouring over the menu, only to order what seemed like half of it entirely for himself.

"Kind of shitty, honestly."

"Want to talk about it?"

"My dad finally contacted me again."

"Really? That's great, Jinnie. I know it's been a while, but you seemed really excited last time you guys talked."

"Yeah but... that was before."

"Before what?"

"Before all of this."

"Not really following you here."

"Before, you know, we got mated and I got knocked up."

"Still not really following you."

"Just... things are different now. I mean... what's the point? Yoongi is actually happy. For once in my entire life he's actually happy, Kookie. I can't jeopardize that."

"So you don't tell him."

"Yeah, look how well lying always went with you."

"Okay, not saying you don't have a point, because you definitely do. But sometimes you gotta know when to lie. Keeping how old you were from me? Not a good time to lie. Not telling me about Namjoon? Also not a great time to lie. Not telling Yoongi that you're talking to your dad behind his back right after he just finally found happiness? Pretty good time for it, all things considered."

"He told his other son about me, Jungkook. He wants to know if I want to come there and see them. He even told me to bring you."

"Doesn't he live in New York or something?"


"Okay, well, my English is not great but you know what fuck it let's do it."

"I have never once heard you speak a single word of English."

"Listen, okay, just because it's not my first language and I'm not fluent like you and Yoongi doesn't mean I can't do it."

"Say something then."


"Boy I know you did not mean twenty. I just know you didn't."


"Oh. My. God. Please stop."


"Okay, even I can't figure that one out."


"Appreciate? Is that what you're trying to say to me right now?"


"Well at least you got that one right."

"See? It'll be fine. I'll book everything when we get home."

"And Namjoon thought you'd agree with him."

"Oh this I have to hear. What did that omega stealing bitch say?"

"That I should be honest and tell him I wasn't interested."

"Well he's wrong."

"I guess we're gonna see about that."


"This is gonna be a fucking disaster."

"Oh, I know. But Jungkook thinks it's a brilliant idea."

"Does he even speak English?"

"He says he does."


"And I'm fully prepared to never let him out of my sight because he's not going to understand a word anyone says."

"Should have had him binge watch Friends."

"I'm sure he'd love Namjoon's Crash Course in Speaking English."

"Okay, maybe don't call it that. But I'm gonna pray for you."

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it."

"So, probably a stupid question but... what are you gonna tell Yoongi?"

"Honestly I'm kind of hoping he just won't notice I'm gone."

"Oh you are definitely going to need those prayers."


He couldn't do this.

He couldn't.

He wasn't strong enough. Wasn't brave enough. Wasn't so many things that he needed to be to do something like this. Maybe he had been, once, full of foolish bravado and hyped up on whatever emotions had been needed to make him act. But those had faded as quickly as they had come, leaving behind an empty space where courage had once sat.

He couldn't do this.

He couldn't.

Anxiety and panic crawled along the length of his spine like thousands of spiders lurking in the dead of night. Fear pooled into his stomach like twisting snakes waiting to strike. His heart pounded and his mouth went dry and his limbs shook. There was nothing that could stop it, nothing that could bring it's end. Like he was on a train speeding towards it's goal, only it was one he no longer wanted to teach.

He couldn't do this.

So he didn't. 

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