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There were absolutely no less than twenty test spread out on the coffee table before them, all of them very clearly labeled with either name in bold, black permanent marker. Each and every single one, despite the brand or type, had somehow come back exactly the same.


"It's possible we just got a bad batch." Even if they both knew that was entirely and completely impossible. "Or maybe I just... contaminated them all."

"Or alpha sperm is fucking magical and those pills are a lie."

"I mean, that too. They obviously always worked out super well for me."

"I don't get it. I don't smell any different."

"Okay see, I don't smell any different to me either. I never noticed with you until I was further along, even if everyone else kept pointing it out."

"But Jungkook would have picked up on it by now, right?"

"I don't know if you've noticed Jinnie but we've been pumping out so much vanilla and ginger lately I don't think anyone knows what anything smells like anymore."



There was, realistically, a very small chance that all of those test had been wrong. Statistically, false positives had to be a thing. Except he knew they usually weren't, because he had spent actual hours pouring over endless search results trying to somehow calm the absolutely terror he felt welling up inside of his very core.

And there wasn't even the scent of ginger there to calm them, since he and Yoongi had decided to make an attempt to catch onto whatever scent might be currently hiding beneath his own, only to get zero concrete results. Only that he smelled like sea salt. Which, he supposed, could have been different than sea breeze.

No, that was a definite and total stretch and it was honestly just easier to pretend like all of those test had been wrong.

They were wrong.


"You smell different." It wasn't that he had been purposefully trying to get Jungkook to smell him for the better part of two whole days. Only he definitely had been, and the fruits of his labors were finally coming forth.

"What do you mean?" There was a sick twisting in his gut as he waited in rapt anticipation, like this one answer was somehow going to bring about the end of his entire world.

"You smell like caramel." There was an enhanced sort of sweetness about the way Seokjin smelled, an undercurrent that only seemed to grow stronger when paired with his own salty sea notes.

Everything within him dropped at those words, like a weight falling to the bottom of the ocean, dragging him down into the depths. Of course he smelled like caramel, something that would hide especially well under the sweetness of his own scent. Would be easily over powered by the harsh floral that Yoongi currently reeked of.

"Yeah, your kids really got me out here smelling like a whole ass bakery."

"What?" There was a distinct mixture of shock and confusion apparent on the alpha's face, and silently he wondered if this was what Yoongi had once experienced when telling his own father about the unexpected development that was his arrival into the world.

"I'm pregnant, Jungkook."

"But you said -"

"They didn't work." Maybe he had waited too long. Maybe it had already taken, had settled and stuck so well that no amount of wishing it away was going to work. Maybe the pills were old and had lost their effectiveness. They had only been sitting in that drawer at the bottom of his dresser for actual years, a sort of back up just in case he ever messed around and made some incredibly stupid decision.

"So what are you going to do?" There was something contained within that voice, something that he absolutely hated. An edge of something that made his chest ache and his heart clench.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't want it, Seokjin. And I'm not gonna make you have it." No matter how much he wanted it, he wasn't going to force Seokjin into something if he truly hadn't wanted it. They had taken steps to make sure it wouldn't occur, but it had. He shouldn't be punished for something he actively tried to stop. "So we need to decide what we're gonna do."

"Well, I don't know what you're gonna do, but I'm gonna be a mom."

"You're gonna keep it?"

"Of course I am, Kookie. It's yours."

"But that -" The words never even stood a chance, not against the force that was this tiny little omega. Not against the way his finger pressed in against his lips as he shifted, raising one leg to bring it across his lap, sitting down upon his own in a straddle. It was an intimate move, one that brought them impossibly close.

"It's yours, alpha. And I am so completely in love with you that it makes me feel crazy. And someone once told me that's what babies should be made from. Love."

"But what about you? I thought you wanted to finish college and have a career?"

"I do. And I'm still going to. It's just gonna take a little bit longer and I'll have one more person to make sure I succeed for."

"I love you so fucking much, Jinnie." All of this felt like some sort of whirlwind, an endless loop that he wasn't able to exit. Some twister of emotions and time that never stopped, never slowed. All of it seemed to happen in slow motion, before speeding forward at twice the normal rate. But this was their story, their fate, and there was nothing he could do to change it. Nothing he would ever want to do to change it.

"I love you too, alpha. But we really gotta teach you to wrap it up."

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