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"Alpha?" Every single day felt like it drug on endlessly, minutes transforming into hours as the clock seemed to slow and stop. Exhaustion had settled in bone deep, making his muscles feel heavy and weak. Yet sleep barely came, an uneasy restlessness coming over him the moment the sun set. Perhaps it was the fact that his alpha was often gone instead of at his side. Rationally he knew all of the reasons why, was so incredibly proud of his mate and his chosen career. Of how selfless and brave and amazing he was, for getting up every single day and going back to the very same thing that had almost ended his life. But it only tired him further, not having that comfort there when he needed it most.

There was no answer, and he let his bag fall onto the sofa, perching on the arm to lean down to tug off his shoes, tossing them aimlessly in the vague direction of the door. Silently he moved through the apartment, going into the kitchen and peaking into the refrigerator, almost letting out a soft squeal in delight when he spotted the container of fresh strawberry juice. It had always been his absolute favorite, and since becoming pregnant it had been an almost constant need. He didn't even bother with a glass, just lifted the container to his mouth and drank directly from it, draining half without even stopping.

Sighing in contentment, he placed it back inside, before glancing at the options for what he could possibly make for dinner. But it all honestly sounded like so much work and he didn't think he had the strength to complete the task.

Moving into the bedroom, he wasn't quite expecting the alpha sized lump he found curled up in the bed, a cocoon of blankets wrapped securely around him. For a moment panic welled up, thinking perhaps he had slept through his alarm, before remembering that it was his span of days off. Something inside of him twisted, and he found himself crawling up under the covers, using his head to nudge the alpha's arm out of the way, slipping beneath it and into the space it created. Cradling himself in close to the wonderful warmth and let himself drift away on the current of sudden love and protection that only his mate could ever provide.


There was an absolutely inhuman sound coming from the bathroom, and it drew him from the realm of dreams and into the waking world with force. Rubbing his eyes, he tried to clear the fog of sleep enough to figure out what it actually was, before it started again and he realized that it was Seokjin, emptying the meager contents of his stomach for what felt like the millionth time.

Pushing himself upwards, he walked into the small room, sighing as he knelt down behind the tiny omega. Gentle fingers moved across a sweaty forehead, pushing back soaked strands of hair before trailing down to rub his back in small little circles. Silently, his scent kicked up a notch, salty sea air swirling to life and slowly working it's magic, until the awful retching came to an end.

Wrapping his arms around his mate's little waist, he leaned back, falling until he was sitting upon the cool tile, leaning against the outer wall with the other's weight resting upon his chest. A palm went to the other's forehead, pushing back his hair and stroking through the soaked strands in slow, soothing movements. Until the omega's breathing finally seemed to regulate and calm and it didn't seem like he was about to pass out at any second.

"Sorry for waking you." He felt awful that he had interrupted his alpha's rest, especially when he didn't get much more of it than he did.

"It's alright, little one." Dropping a kiss against Seokjin's temple, he slowly allowed the hand that hand been wrapped around his waist to shift, trailing downwards until it rested over the spot where their child lie. "I'm sorry the pup is giving you so much trouble."

"I would have expected nothing less from your child." Although he really, truly hoped this phase would pass sooner rather than later.

"Such a cruel omega." Dropping another kiss to sweat soaked skin, before rubbing his nose down into the nape of his neck, trailing around to his throat and the gland that lay directly below a pulse point, scenting him well before releasing. "You feeling up to a shower baby?"

"Mm, only if you take one with me." That Seokjin could currently somehow go from feeling incredibly ill to wanting nothing more than to have his alpha toss him against a wall and do filthy, sinful things to him was another side effect that neither of them had been prepared for.

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"Alpha." Pulling away and spinning around, he let his hands come up to rest upon his mates shoulders, cocking his head to the side and letting his sharp teeth bite into his bottom lip. "I know I look like a mess right now but I'm fine."

"Oh Jinnie, you're way past looking like a mess." But somehow he still managed to pull it off. Maybe it was just how incredibly, desperately in love he was, or the fact that his omega was the actual definition of beautiful. "Fine, but you gotta brush your teeth first."

"I'm on it." That the omega was already jumping up and practically running to the sink as he said it shouldn't have been as arousing as it was, but knowing just how eager his little one was for him did something indescribable to his ego.

Which, according to literally everyone who knew him, did not need to get any bigger. A truly unfortunate fact that he never failed to ignore.

"You hungry baby? Maybe we can go out after this." Twisting the knobs, he turned on the hot and cold water, mixing it to the perfect temperature before turning on the spray of the shower.

"God, yes. I want beef udon so bad. Oh, and pot stickers. But only pork ones."

"That is oddly specific."

"Your baby wants what it wants."

"How long are you going to use that as an excuse?"

"Oh, at least until the kid is five."

"That's what I was afraid of."

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