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$lick was calling me, he'd only gone to the toilet or for a smoke. What could be so important

"Yo, what's up?"I huffed, why is he being so needy.

"Ruby, we need to leave NOW. No get everyone out NOW"

"Alright calm down, what you do?" He'd put the phone down. Typical selfish Slick. 

" Right looks like we are leaving, back to our hotel?" Everyone nodded in agreement and we headed outside.

"Wheres Shaina? Oh she's with $lick" shit she was a mess. She was clinging to $licks waist as he tried to calm her down. He nodded to me as they got in a car.

"I'll meet you at the hotel" Slick barks as he holds Shaina close against him.

Then they were gone.

It had been an hour since we got back to the hotel and $lick and Shaina wasn't answering our calls. Was I worrying and they were just fucking? Something didn't seem right though someone doesn't cry like that for no reason. I felt myself being jealous at the idea of them fucking.

They walked in, with baggage. Lots of baggage. There was 2 large suitcases, both with duffle bags balanced on the top. A guitar case that $lick was carrying and Shaina was pulling a small case.

"Shit you've left him" Stu jumps up from the couch. "What he do this time?"

"That fucker has her on the floor ready to kick her" $lick runs his hands over his face
"Fuck knows what would have happened if I hadn't of heard what was happening" he whispered to her and helped her take her things into his room in the suite. The guys from the band looked at each other stressed. $lick come out closing the door behind him obviously leaving Shaina.

"What the fuck happened?!" I ask as he sits down on the sofa in front of us.

"He was fuckin forcing himself on her, or that's what I could hear. She was fuckin screaming mane. When I walked in she was on the floor he was going to hit her with me in the room so I lost it. He was out cold when we left. Pussy only needed one punch" I could tell this had deeply affected him, he was agitated. He was constantly wringing his hands while he stared at the ground. His right fist was bloodied."I need something to do, let me roll. I need to get that sick fuck out my head" I passed him the tray. Since he's been sober he's doesn't smoke weed but rolling calms him. Must be methodical. He's always been a fidgety person even as kids. That why he smokes so damn much. Even when he was doing drugs he always had a cigarette.

"Did you guys know about her?" I looked at her bandmates wondering how they let this slide. Stu had said what had he done this time, that means they know something.

"We know he's cheated before and that he was controlling but I certainly didn't know he fucking hit her, I'd have beat the shit out of him myself. She like a fucking little sister to me" Stu runs his hands over his shaved head.

"From the sounds of it, this is a regular occurrence" $lick sighed heavily "How could a man lay his hands on a woman like that. Especially one he says he loves, makes me fuckin angry"

"I wanna burn his fucking club to the ground" Timmy is pacing across the room.

"I love the enthusiasm but that's not necessary" Shaina had appeared in the doorway. She looks like she's showered, her hair looks slightly damp and is in a loose bun on the top of her head. She has big baggy sweats on and a oversized Fall Out Boy t-shirt with bare feet. Her eyes are red from crying. I've never seen someone look so beautiful and broken at the same time.

"How you feeling?" $lick jumps up holding her at arm's length checking her over. He leads her to the couch he was just sat on "You want a drink?"

"Just a soft drink please" she crawls onto the couch sitting with her knees to her chest. She wraps her arms ribs her legs and leans her chin on her knees.

" So obviously Shaina isn't going back to that douchebag. So I've told her she's staying with us for the last few dates of the tour and coming home with us" he looks up at me not for reassurance or permission but to make sure I acknowledge it. I just nod. He had this in his head and I didn't want to agitate him further.

"Be nice to have a somebody other than these lot to talk to" I smile sweetly at her. This wasn't going to go down well with Jeni. I'll have to tell her she's with $lick or she will hit the roof and no-one needs to deal with that, especially Shaina after what's she's obviously been through. Looks like they are getting close anyway so it's not much of a stretch. Not sure why I felt such a pang of jealousy. I hadn't even had chance to speak to the girl.

Germ, Max and Meth where fussing over her. Seeing if they could get her anything while her bandmates where just sat in shock, obviously none of them had any idea what was going on behind closed doors.

"Should we order food? Pizza makes everything better or at least lightens the mood?" I chirp up. Reece pulls out his phone and orders everyone food. We all chat about the future trying to look at the positives. We didn't want to talk too much business but tell them where we were looking to do going forward so they could decide if they wanted to be a part of that journey. They would obviously have to talk it out between them. We just wanted to chill tonight and make Shaina feel a bit better. 

The food was delivered and I'm not sure how many he thought he was feeding but the food was spread out everywhere. Shaina seemed to be perking up and feeling a bit more comfortable around us now which was good. Especially as she's going to be traveling and living with us for the foreseeable future. She lent forward to grab a piece of pizza and flinched, gritting her teeth.

"Let me see?" I was shocked at my own forwardness.

"Excuse me?" She looked at me confused

"Your side, he kicked you didn't he?" I point towards her side that the pain must have radiated from. She flared her nostrils as she breathed in lifting her top. She winced at our reactions. We all just stared. The curve of her waist was turning a deep shade of purple and it was big, definitely a kick. A hard kick to by the looks of that bruise. I moved closer to take a look taking the t-shirt out of her hand so she could relax and stop the pain. All her body was littered in faded bruises. Places that could be covered if necessary. He must have been beating her alot.

I looked into her blue eyes, getting lost in them. How could someone do that to her. She was perfect

Black Fray (Ruby, Suicideboys Story - completed)Where stories live. Discover now