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Shopping was good. Ruby stayed close but not hovering, he let us be girls and just acted as our bodyguard. He let us do what we wanted and go as many places as we wanted without too much of a fuss. When I refused to buy something because of the price he swooped in and bought it. I felt awkward at first, I have never had anyone do that for me. Not even Joe and he had plenty of money. It was nice, once i'd got used to it. I really didn't expect it but he said I deserved to be spoilt and wouldn't take no for an answer. He especially liked the lingerie shopping. Picking out pieces for me to wear. He made quite a few purchases in that shop. Once everyone had shopped till we dropped we all piled back into the car. Our retail therapy had done the trick and we were all in high spirits. We had bought that much between us that it barely fit in the car.

Once we got back Adam wanted us to do a photoshoot, he doesn't get chance to shoot with girls very often. He does alot of action photography on rock and rap artists. I know he's working predominantly with Post Malone. His stuff it's good. It went well, we had gathered up rather a large crowd. All of the boys friends circled round watching us pose. Ruby and Scrim didn't look too pleased about their friends gorping as us.

Scrim seemed to get himself in some more trouble again when the girl from last night, Bailey turned up wanting to finish where they left off. It just happened at the wrong time. The girl he'd been trying to get to forgive him had seen Bailey all over him and bolted. Scrim lost it. Like I've never seen someone so frantic. He flew off the handle. There were bottles and cans swiped off the tables. Tables where being up heaved and there we here chairs thrown in the pool. He was beside himself. We were all trying to contact her and trying to calm him down. That was until he walked out. Just picked up his keys and drove off. Ruby panicked and they started to try and make sure that Scrim couldn't get hold of any drugs. I told them they were being hasty, overreacting slightly. I know I hadn't known him that long but I just had a gut feeling to trust him. That he had no intention of using. He was just frustrated and needed to do something other than wait. He's a do'er. He doesn't like to be idle and this would be the worst scenario for him. God knows what he would do if someone he loves falls ill or when he has a kid. He's far too impatient. Especially for labor.

It felt like hours that we were all just left in limbo. With neither of them answering any of our calls. We couldn't locate either of them which was making everyone sick with worry. We were calling round to everyone they knew. Calling bars and shops they he frequented. Some even went out looking, driving round the streets.

Then they walked in together. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. He was sober and he had found her. No one mentioned the ordeal after that. No-one wanted to admit how worried they where. We all chilled in the backyard at the fire pit for the rest of the night. I liked it better than the party that they had planned. I liked this group of people I felt relaxed around them even in a bikini. That has never happened before. I was always self conscious of my body. Joe used to make sure I went the gym everyday. I was only allowed to go between certain times because he didn't want me to speak to any other guys. If I missed a day I would get punished. He used to complain that I never seemed to shift that giggle from my ass. However he refused to let me see a personal trainer. I think he was too scared they would figure out that I was being hit. Or that I would get too friendly with them. He didn't like me having friends or the fact I would have anyone else to rely on. He only humored me with the band, thinking it wouldn't go anywhere. I always played it down . Didn't let on how big our following was and when he'd come to shows I would turn down the performance. He never saw me give my all. He wouldn't have liked it.

I snuggled into Ruby looking around at the group and I realized that this is what I'd been missing. Family. I've not really ever had one other than my sister. She would like this group. These are her sort of people. Friendly, caring, rowdy, party animals with huge hearts.

"You want to get off? You seem sleepy" Ruby kissed my neck.

"Yeah, today has been hectic. I'm drained. I just want to crawl in bed and go to sleep. You can stay if you want. I'll go to my bedroom" I smiled up at him

"Your bedroom is our bedroom at mine, your mine now" he teased

"All yours Aristos" I pucker my lips and lean up, he meets me halfway.

"We're going to head home everyone. It's been a long day. Anyone need a ride?" everyone declined and said their goodbyes. I gave Scrim a hug and pulled his girl in for one.

"You get in touch with me anytime. About anything. No matter how stupid it is. Us wags of suicideboys need to stick together" I give her a peck on her cheek and wink at her before we leave.

We drove in silence just with our fingers interlocked. Once back at the house we just silently got ready for bed. It was like second nature for us to be together now. We moved about his house in unison. I crawled into bed and Ruby put a fresh bottle of water down on my side then crawled in behind me. He nuzzled into my neck and I pulled his arms around me.

"Night Beautiful"

"Goodnight Handsome"

Black Fray (Ruby, Suicideboys Story - completed)Where stories live. Discover now