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We headed back to New Orleans. $lick was going to be releasing his album soon. Then he would have to do a small tour. I'd probably join Black Fray for some of their promo tour and join $lick whenever we crossed paths. I'd probably miss touring with him too much and stay so we could work on some new songs. $lick didn't want to do anything for his album release but me and Kyle had other ideas. We where planning a massive party at his house. We hadn't told him yet and would only tell him when it was too late and he couldn't back out. Me and $licks side of the family didn't get on. At all.  But family is family and $lick loves them. So they where invited. We invited some of our old friends and all our industry friends. We hadn't all been in the same place for a while. I made sure that Black Fray was free and I sent all the invitations out.

Shania helped me as much as she could but she was trying to focus on finding the rest of Black Fray somewhere to live. We had sorted out their visas and wanted them close to us. Kyle left that to her and I asked $lick to help out with the viewings so she wasn't traveling around alone. It helped us get him out the house to get things arranged for the party.

He had just bought this house and it was barely furnished. We needed to fix that before the party. Me and Kyle out of character pushed him into house shopping. He didn't question it. I think he just thought we were trying to get him out the house. He was definitely still hung up on this girl. Majorly. He wouldn't man up and DM her. She even asked him to and he  thinks she was just being nice. She has a boyfriend, he'd just say. 

I wanted this party to be professional and not the ratchet ones we normally have. It will probably be ratchet by the end of the night, we aren't the poshest of people. But with this being $licks first solo album and the first music he's done sober I wanted it to be special. And I'm assuming that when you're sober you don't want everyone drinking lean and sniffing coke off your new kitchen counters


"Oddy?" He smirked pulling his headphones off

"So we are having a party tomorrow"

"Your throwing a party?" He looks confused

"Yes, at your house. Me and Kyle have arranged it all you just need to not wear sweatpants or shorts"

"Says the one... And what is this party for exactly?" He chuckles

"Well a album listening party that you didn't want and that you never asked for. Your welcome" I grin.

"Well do we need to go shopping? I literally have cereal and milk and that's it"

"Nah got it catered and Kyle's ordered everything. Even your groceries because you can't live on cereal, surprisingly enough"

"So who's coming?" I can tell he's warmed up to the idea.

"Loads of people, most of them are going to start arriving soon that's why I wanted to let you know before people turn up" and like on cue in walks Fat Nick and Pouya with Coco bringing up the rear.

"$lick this place looks beautiful now you have actual furniture, I can't wait to get in that pool" Coco wraps her arms around him and squeezes "Someone's bulked out! It suits you"

"Hey man I'm excited to hear what people think" Pouya gives us a bro hug.

"I've not listened to it so it will be a surprise" Coco claps her hands excitedly.

For the rest of the day we greeted people who were arriving and staying over while a team came to dress the house. $lick has never had so many people in his house. We stayed out of the way in the movie room watching movies and listening to music. It was like the old times where we didn't have the tours and we just made music and partied. Apart from the swanky house we were sat in. Our house in the the 7th ward was nothing like this. Looking back it would like a crack den compared to this. Just shows how far we have come.

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