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She's worried about what people with say. There's much worse happened in our friendship circle than if they think we've both been with the same girl. Shit we've been with the same girl at the same time. She's so self depreciating sometimes. She must have been through some shit. You don't just get like that over night.

She finally admits she likes him. At least I know where i stand now. Not that im not slightly disappointed. But if she wants to be friends, friends we will be.

I have a genius idea. I send out a few texts and make her get dressed to go shopping. I'll throw a welcome/home warming party. That will  give them chance to figure their shit out and distract me.

I drag her round like a rag doll making her try loads of stuff on till I find THE dress. It's totally her style but I know Oddy will love it. I leave her while I go and get all the rest of the party essentials. I knew people would be doing drugs. It didn't bother me to be honest. I felt great. I don't even think I'm tempted.

We made our way back to the house to find Kyle and Meth trying to set up. It seemed to be minutes later and the house had a decent amount of people in it. Not too many just our good friends.

I was great at picking out clothes for Shay she looked hot. I knew Oddy would love it. If he got his head out of his arse. I saw him turn up and head into the kitchen, where I knew she was with Max. When Max comes out he comes over to stand with me

"Them 2 are intense" Max rolls his eyes

"Yeah there's something going on but they won't admit it"

"Thought you two where you know?" He motions sex positions.

"Nah it was for Jeni's benefit and maybe to piss Oddy off a little" I chuckle "She's a nice girl but she's crushing on Oddy"

"Where is Jeni?"

"Gone" I raise my eyebrows

"Thank fuck, not that she wasn't pleasant to look at but she just didn't fit. You know?" He winces

"Oh I know"

I wander through the house making sure everyone is good, this is now my job being the sober one. I quite like it. I'm normally the eldest anyway, I'm like the granddad of the group. I see Oddy KO'ed on the couch with Shay stood over him hands on her hips.

"I knew he would end up like this, he mixed way too many pills with that lean" she huffed

"Wanna help me stick him on your bed?" She just nods grabbing one of his arms. No-one pays us much attention as we drag him upstairs. This is a normal thing that happens when we have parties. Someone normally has an accident or passes out. We dump him on her bed and he just snuggles down. We just look at eachother and shrug going back down the party. I'm glad she has come out of her shell a little. She got on with everyone and actively made conversation with people. She was going to fit right in.

People started to crash and burn and me and Shay helped everyone to bed or into Ubers. We silently cleaned up. Making our way through the house picking up empty bottles and discarded solo cups.

"Come on let's go to bed we can do the rest in the morning" she sighs setting down her bin liner. I put my hands on her shoulders and squeeze as we head up the stairs. She rolls her head slightly and lets a moan slip her lips. It sent a shiver down my spine. She turned on the step and kissed me.

"Shay your drunk and Oddys in there waiting for you" I pull away from her, holding her at arm's length

"I know" she pouts, sticking out her bottom lip

"Not that I don't want to" we stand looking at each other for what feels like an eternity. She break the silence

"Well I should go to bed then"she sighs, I just nod. I smile as she turns to wave to me as she goes into her bedroom. I hear Oddys snores coming from her bed.

I sit on my balcony relaxing with a cigarette watching the stars, Pontiac at my feet. I try and clear my head. I felt some kind of connection to Shania but I didn't know what that was. I felt protective over her but was it just a brother/father figure or I had a romantic connection. I couldn't quite tell. I know I find her attractive but so do most people. I wouldn't say no if we were both consenting adults not under the influence. But I definitely don't want to ruin anything that's developing between her and Oddy. They seem suited. They are both good people. They both obviously need to work some shit out at the moment. I just hope that they can help each other with it and not push each other away.

Oddy needs to curb his drug intake. I'm not one to judge but Shay was right that concoction from tonight just made him pass out. He wasted his opportunity to get closer to Shay and for what a good night's sleep? Hopefully he will make up for it when he wakes up in her bed. It surprised me that I wasn't particularly jealous. Not sure if that was a sign or not or just me mellowing out in my old age or sobriety.

Black Fray (Ruby, Suicideboys Story - completed)Where stories live. Discover now