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I woke up because $crim was shaking Ruby awake. That ment I must have fell asleep in the middle of us watching Skins. I lifted my head up, shit I fell asleep on his shoulder. I hope I didn't snore or drool on him. Omg I would be so embarrassed. I handed him his air pod that was still in my ear and he gave me a small smile. At least he's not repulsed by me now.

I got to sit backstage and watch the show. I perched on an unused speaker to the side of the stage and watched from start to finish. Even Germ and Meth. I enjoyed it so much better than when I had to hide. I rapped along to everything and danced along.

Sitting with them backstage after the show felt so normal to me. Like I belonged there weirdly. I didn't feel out of place or in the way at all which I thought I may do. I was always a nuisance to Joe when he was working. I could be nowhere near him and I'd be doing something wrong. I wasn't used to feeling comfortable. Here they made me feel like I was helping. 

I ended up sitting with Ruby and I was hyper aware of the close proximity we where in. The fact that he had his arms over the back of the couch and I just wanted him to drop it and drape it over my shoulders. I felt myself gravitate towards him, like a magnet. I turned my body away so I didn't seem like a desperate groupie but I rested my head on him. His presence just soothed me.

$crim had to bring up the fact he spotted me at the London show. Ruby was looking at me like I'd hit him or something. I didn't want to talk about it particularly so I mentioned Joe and they dropped it.

I thought the 3 of us where going to have take out and watch films but $crim decided to go out. I felt super awkward just being me and Ruby. We put his favourite film Goodfellows on and the pizza was delivered shortly after. We watched and ate in silence. It was quite awkward. I couldnt gage how he felt about me being here, let alone invading his tour. We were sat so close but not touching, I couldn't concentrate on the film. I could smell him, weed and some expensive aftershave. I could feel the heat radiating from him. I just wanted to scoot closer but that would be weird and inappropriate. I kept glancing over at him looking at the tattoos scattered over his arms.

"You know I can see you staring at me" he smiled still watching the film. I pulled my knees up to my chest and covered my face groaning as I blushed bright red.

"Sorry I was just looking at your tattoos" I lied, I was looking at him in general.

"Why didn't you just ask?" He chuckles

"Because I'm super awkward?" I cringe. He turns smiling at me, turning his body towards me and holding his arms out so I can see the tattoos. I lean in to look, there's no rhyme or reason to them just a collection of tattoos he wanted. I run the pad of my finger over the stark wolf on his hand. I watched the hairs on his arms stand up as my finger connected with his skin."I loved game of thrones"

"Maybe we could rewatch it together" he breathes. I turn his arm to look at the rest of his tattoos. "You got any?"

"Yeah, you want to see?" He just nods at me. I pull the t-shirt I'm wearing over my head leaving me in a sports bra. He blushes and tries to avert his eyes. I kneel up to give him a better view. He must notice one that interests him because he sits up and gets closer.

"I've got a grim reaper too on my leg" he traces the tattoo on my ribs. He turns my arms over looking at the skull hourglass then over to one down my sternum. I shyly move the band of my sport's bra so he can see the lace design of the tattoo that curves under my breasts. He hovers his hand under it, not wanting to touch me. He gulps and licks his lips "It's very intricate"

"Yeah it hurt like a bitch. The healing was bad too"

"Anymore?" I twist so he can see my back, he brushes my hair off my back sending shivers down my spine. I arch my back at the feeling. He traces the lace mandala tattoo down my spine. I close my eyes at his touch not wanting him to stop. Leaning my head to the side in pleasure. He reaches up and strokes my neck just behind my ear where I have a small tattoo of a angel wing. My eyes roll back and I let out a small gasp. "What's this one?" He runs his finger down my side to the tattoo peaking out of my sweatpants. I looked over my shoulder as I pulled my sweats down past my bum. He bit his bottom lip as he scanned my body. I lifted the leg of my knickers up to show the skull on my hip bone. His fingertips caress the tattoo. I stand to pull up my sweats with him watching me intently. I turn and pick up my t-shirt to put it back on when Ruby uses the waistband of my sweats to pull me down on him. I gasp as I land on his lap my knees on either side of him as I straddle him. We slowly lean into each other until our lips are a breath away. He pulls me closer finally making our lips meet. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him as close as possible while his hands travel down my back landing on my ass. He bites down on my bottom lip gently wanting me to allow his tongue in my mouth. He squeezes my ass as I grind down on him feeling his dick harden under me. He starts to kiss down my neck. I moan escapes my lips when he gets to the crook of my neck. He jolts his head away from me. Picking me up and moving me out if his lap.

"I can't do this" with that he walks into his room and slams the door.

I trapes into my room and bury myself under the cover and pillows embarrassed. He had definitely kissed me first. I wasn't imaging that. So what was the issue. Was it because I was damaged? Did he think I was getting into $crim?

I fell asleep crying and confused. I thought I had found someone that got me. We had things in common. There was definitely sexual tension there, unless it was one sided. Maybe he was toying with me because he knew I liked him...

I was rudely awakened by $crim arguing with a girl. I couldn't stop myself from walking out to see what was happening. She was stood with her luggage in the middle of the living area. $crim did not look happy. He told me to go back to bed but I couldn't help but listen in.

She was here for Ruby. Did he have a girlfriend?

Black Fray (Ruby, Suicideboys Story - completed)Where stories live. Discover now