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We decided to keep up the pretense that we were getting to know each other. We stayed close, which wasn't much difference to what we had been doing anyway but I just put my arm around her shoulders. She was a pleasure to be around and she seemed to sooth my mood which was a change. I knew Oddy was fuming. I could feel him staring at me. He was off with me during the show but I didn't make an issue out of it. I knew it was because he couldn't control his jealousy.

After the show we went to a club I wasn't really that bothered about going out but everyone else was going so I tagged along. Shay sat by me so I draped my arm over her shoulder. Max took a couple of photos of us and I have to say we look good together. I could tell she was playing upto it a bit. Overly flirty and constantly touching me. I wasn't complaining about it. I just knew that it was to piss Oddy off.  She excused herself to go to the toilet, I was guessing it was because Jeni was basically giving Oddy a striptease. This drunk girl who had been our show plopped herself down next to me in Shay's seat.

"OMG your $crim! Your so hot!" she ran her hand down my torso. My eyes went wide
"You should come back to our place for an after party. We will take care of you" she pointed to her friend. If this was a year ago I would have left there and then. 2 young semi hot girls offering a threesome. But sober me could tell that it would be a disaster. Being the sober one with 2 really drunk girls wouldn't give me a great result.

I look up to see Shaina and she looks annoyed. She has her arms crossed and she's tapping her foot. The drunk girl is sat in her seat. I press my lips together trying not to laugh. When the girl gives Shay a dirty look she gets told to move. When that doesn't work she slides herself onto my lap wrapping her hands around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. It's a good kiss. It would have been better if she was doing it to piss the girl and Oddy off and if we weren't being watched. If she actually wanted to kiss me for me. She slid back into her seat and in the crook of my arm as soon as the girl left with a smug look on her face. I could feel Oddy's anger from here, I daren't look at him just incase he goes off.

We left not long after the kiss because Jeni was wasted. After Oddy put her to bed we all chilled playing xbox. Shay sat with me her legs over mine. Oddy stared at her the whole time we sat there like a stalker. She got up to head off to bed. She stretched and all of us stared. Her hoodie lifting to show off her toned stomach that had tattoos scattered around. Before leaving she bent down tilting my head to meet hers and gave me a lingering kiss. I felt all eyes on me. And as soon as Shania was out of ear shot Meth and Oddy starts to question me about her. Oddys jealousy flaring. He literally wouldn't look at me for the rest of the night.

He was cold with me the whole next day. He was the one stopping himself from pursuing Shania not me. We had a flight home tonight so we spent most of the day driving the bus home and a bit of shopping. If I was being honest I did feel sorry for Oddy because me and Shay where acting very coupley. At one point she held my hand to pull me into a shop. It felt slightly awkward especially when I saw the look on Oddys face. Like I'd just slapped him.

Me and Shay sat together on the plane. I just stayed with my headphones on finishing songs and making beats. She looked deep in thought looking down at a battered book. I peered over her shoulder to nosey. They where lyrics. She caught me looking and narrowed her eyes snapping the book shut. She hit me on the top of the head lightly with the book.

"Nosey!" she chuckles

"Cheeky!" I start to tickle her. She giggles uncontrollably thrashing her legs

"$crim stop it!" she tries to move so I can't reach

"Will you two pack it in, I'm trying to fucking sleep" Oddys face appears over the seat in front of me. I hold my hands up in defence

"This isn't finished" I point at her "Want to watch a movie?"

"Only if I can pick" she pulls my laptop on her lap hiding the screen from me. She smiles mischievously as she put the laptop on the table. Suicide squad starts to play

"Your hilarious" she grins and snuggles into my shoulder to watch plugging in her headphones. I put my arm around her pulling her in closer and put my chin on her head as the movie plays on. We must have fell asleep because I flicker my eyes open and Oddy is taking my laptop off my table and walks off to his seat. I just snuggle down with Shay and go back to sleep.

Oddy wakes us up when the planes landing and no-one speaks the whole way home. Not a word. We pile into a car and Shania snoozes on my shoulder before we get dropped off at mine. Oddy doesn't even say bye to us. I go to show Shay to her new room but she's too sleepy to even look I can see her eyes drooping. I scoop her up carrying her up to her room, tucking her into bed. She's snoring softly by the time I bring up her luggage. Well we're home.

Black Fray (Ruby, Suicideboys Story - completed)Where stories live. Discover now