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Jeni and Oddy disappear into Oddys room. And not long after I hear them start to have sex. I don't want to hear this and Shay shouldn't have to either. I knock on her door and ask her if she wants to go to breakfast. She looks over to Oddys door and nods quickly shoving her hair up and some trainers and a hoodie on. We are down on the street within minutes. We wander aimlessly looking for somewhere to eat and find a cute little cafe. We sit down ordering coffee and waffles.

"So I'm sending my brother bed shopping, any requests?"

"No, you don't have to cater it to me. It's a guest room and I'm only using it till I get back on my feet" she is do unassuming

"Well tough because my brother's been insta stalking you for inspiration" I smile as I bit into my waffle

"Aww that's as kind of him and also kind of creepy" she giggles. We eat in silence for a bit

"Sorry about Jeni, before. I really don't like her" I roll my eyes dramatically

"Who is she if you don't mind me asking?" She picks at her good

"Ruby's girlfriend I suppose" I look up from my food to see her face drop.
"She's a nightmare and he doesn't even like her. I just think he doesn't know how to let her down gently" she chews on the inside of her mouth. She's crushing on Oddy, bad by the looks of it.

"Will she be in the bus with us?" She puts her utensils down and cracked her coffee

"Probably, I'm not sure shawty" I call for the bill watching her retreat into herself. She's been through so much already she don't need dragging into Oddys shit.

We head back to the hotel to shower and gather out things to get on the road. Jeni was being her obnoxious self when we arrived. Cooing over Oddy like he was a fucking child. They only worked because they both got fucked up and forget what happened the night before. We meet everyone down in the lobby.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Kyle elbows me trying to be discreet

"No fucking idea she just turned up this morning" I huffed rolling my eyes.

"Well this is going to be fun" he sighs. The bus pulls up and we all pile on. It's only a few hours to our next destination so we all do our own thing . Most of us with headphones on to drown out the sound of Jeni's voice. It's a good job Kyle had got a bigger bus than needed because we wouldn't have been able to fit. It just ment that Oddy and Jeni would have the bigger bunk.

We started to get ready for the next show. Jeni took up most of the free space doing her makeup and hair. She had literally been here for mere hours and her shit was everywhere. Jeni was completely overdressed as usual. Her boobs were spilling out and I'm surprised she could breathe in that skirt it was that tight. It showed every lump and bump and not in a good way. She repulsed me. I didn't see why he kept her around, she couldn't be that good in bed.

Shay emerged from her bunk. And fuck did she put Jeni to shame. She didn't need to put in as much makeup to make an impact and she didn't need to pour herself into skin tight clothes to look sexy. She had simple black ripped jeans with strappy shoes, a black cropped top and a black leather jacket. Oddy come stumbling out the toilet looking spaced. He smiled at Jeni as she turned and wiggles get butt for him but his jaw dropped when he saw Shay. Jeni did not seem best pleased

"Only friends $crim, huh?" Jeni chuckles as she points to Shaina. Both me and Oddy furrow our brows in confused and look at what she's referring to. Shay looks in the mirror. A hickey. It's written all over Oddys face. It was him. It must have happened last night. That's where Shay's strange mood has come from. Something happened last night between then and Jeni's come and messed it up. Well Oddy has fucked it all up...

We all sort of look at each other not sure what to say. Untill Shay comes and wraps her arm round me leaning up and planting a kiss on my lips. I know it was to throw Jeni off the scent and to get Oddys attention. He kisses his teeth. Obviously annoyed at her move.

"Ohhh yay another girl to talk about the boys to!" Jeni claps her hands .Shaina just smiles sweetly but digs her fingers into my side to make sure I know she's not happy about this situation.

One we get to the venue I pull Shay into a dressing room.

"What happened?" I put my hands on my hips

"We just kissed" she sighs

"Like what sort of kiss? Like peck on the lips or full make out? Because if you hadn't noticed you have a HICKEY" I look at her quizzically

"Well more like full in make out I suppose" she shuffles on the spot

"You suppose?" I point my finger at her cocking my head

"Well I was kinda in my underwear" she fidgets with her hands

"So you were making out in your underwear, I'm guessing there was touching. And there was definitely neck sucking because that wasn't there the other day and it wasn't me" I pace infront of her. "Well we have to break them up!" She laughs at me "Why are you laughing I'm being deadly serious" she looks at me wide eyed

"Why would you do that, he's your cousin?"

"Because, he's too chicken shit himself to do it and I really don't like her" I shrug
"You got anything else better to do?"

Black Fray (Ruby, Suicideboys Story - completed)Where stories live. Discover now