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It was grim and grey looking out of the Uber window rain falling leaving tiny splashes on my arm. We where performing in a dingy club in London tomorrow, so we had arrived just over a day early to recoup a little. I didn't take in any details of what hotel we were staying at, it was just another hotel in another city. I didn't have room in my head to retain the information. I was lethargic and my whole body ached. I just dragged myself into my hotel room and crashed.

It was 5pm when I finally came round. I needed a shower to make me feel like a human again. I let the water run over my head for what felt like forever, letting it relieve some tension. The water a perfect temperature and the pressure was surprisingly good for a hotel.This tour was stressful, we only had a couple more shows and then we where home. I couldn't wait. I love seeing the fans but it was taking a toll on my body. All the performances and then the partying. The drugs and drink was fun but it makes you feel shit when it wears off. Then your stuck in a vicious cycle, I can see why $crim has issues with addiction.

I pull out some clothes while I dry off. My phone starts to ring from somewhere under the covers. It's $crim. They had decided that we where going for food then to the venue we where playing to see a local unsigned band. I loved that shit, seeing raw potential. Just really wasn't in the mood today. I agreed because what else would I do? Speak to Jeni? Nah I wasn't in the mood for that shit either. I didn't want to know what she was doing it would just put me in a bad mood

After meeting them all in the reception we headed out for food, pizza as usual. It was our favourite and you could get it in every city in every country..it wasn't bad but it wasn't the same as home. It never is.

The venue was underground, a grungy, dingy, dark hole in the wall. The walls plastered with old band posters. Famous and local. The floors where sticky and the ceiling was quite low. Perfect venue in my opinion. The band wasn't on yet so we went over to the bar to meet the manger. We where taken over to a seating area which they sectioned off for a VIP area. They brought over bottles of whisky, tequila, glasses and beer. We got settled as the band started to come on stage. I didn't pay much attention till a female voice announced the band. I wasn't expecting a girl, not entirely sure why. Guessing the name Black Fray didn't give off female lead singer vibes. She was cute, long black hair down to her tiny waist. She was wearing black leather pants that showed her plump ass. Her large ripped Nirvana shirt tied at the waist showing a few tattoos that littered her midriff. She was definitely grunge.

The band where really good. Like REALLY good. Her range was ridiculous and I couldn't take my eyes off her. Yeah I thought she was stunning but she just seemed to command the room. I looked over at the other guys and they seemed to be the same. We all sat there quietly drinking as we watched. They sang quite a few originals which the crowd seemed to know so they must have a decent following. They also did a few covers one being 'Aerosmith - Crying', she blew me away with her version. They thanked the crowd after an encore and disappeared into the back. Our group just looked between each other nodding in agreement that they were good. We shouted the manager over to see if we could head backstage to meet the band. He left a security guard with our table and led us to the green room. We greeted the band but there was no girl. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

We invited them to join us. They were a great bunch of guys. The drummer Timmy sat by me and we chatted all night about music. We had a lot of bands we liked in common and we were both avid movie buffs. I invited them to watch our show tomorrow. This is the sort of band I would have loved to be a member of. One that was eager and hungry. I tried to not mention the girl unless she was brought up in conversation. I didn't want to seem like I was digging for information. I had, well have a girlfriend and didn't want things to get twisted. I was curious though. Especially why she had left straight away. That made me even more curious of her. We drank numerous bottles of whisky and went to the back to smoke numerous blunts. I liked the vibe of these guys they seemed to gel with us all and they were all fans.

After leaving we all discussed and wanted to learn more about them maybe see if they where a good fit for G59. We didn't want to rush anything but we though we thought we could invite them new Orleans and go from there. I spent at least another hour before I went to sleep doing a deep search on the band. Starting with Google, moving onto Instagram then falling into YouTube. Watching videos of them at small festivals and small venue's. She was captivating. That's the only word that describes her. The way her hips sway, her hair flicks and the way she moves about the stage like she owns it. She Interacts with the rest of the band with ease and hypes the crowd up without really trying. It excites me that we could sign these soon. Putting my obvious attraction aside these are really good, they have their own sound and style but I think they could definitely go mainstream. I fall asleep with her face on my mind

Black Fray (Ruby, Suicideboys Story - completed)Where stories live. Discover now