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I stood at the back watching. I found a really good spot near the bar that gave me a perfect view of the stage. I would have loved to go backstage and meet them but it just wasn't worth the hassle with Joe. If I had met them without him he would have gone psycho at me. For multiple reasons. He would have been jealous that he hadn't met them and he would have got himself all worked up about if they had hit on me. That's why he doesn't come to gigs anymore. Sometimes I don't tell him about them. Just easier that way. He knows I have to put on a show and he knows I'm not overly sexual but he still hates that men oggle at me. 

Joe brought me my drink. My soft drink. He didn't like me to drink when we were out. He didn't mind at home where he could keep an eye on me but he didn't want people to get the wrong impression of me if I was drunk. I drank if I was at gigs, especially if we were staying overnight. I hoped no-one saw us because they would question is either being stood at the back or not going backstage. Joe had said if we stayed to watch most of the show and then text the band to get them to all cone to the club. I thought that was nice of Joe, he was even sorting out the VIP for them specially.

They were good, crazy good. Like they kept their energy up the whole time even on the less upbeat numbers . You could tell they were Pros. I'm sure Scrim recognised me for a split second but I couldn't be sure he only saw me last night but he definitely made eye contact with me. We left as they were performing their last song. Joe pulling me roughly through the crowd. We got in his car and drive straight to the club. I text the guys to check they would be coming. I wanted company tonight. I didn't want to have either sit in Joe's office or at the end of the bar alone like I always have to. 

It was around 12 when I heard a commotion in the club. I peeked out of Joe's office. Joe was shaking hands with Ruby, his eyes flashed towards me stood in the open door. He looked fuming. Stu our bassist saw me lurking and called me over. I couldn't retreat because it would have looked stupid, I would just have to deal with Joe's temper later. I painted a broad smile on my lips and headed over. Ruby's eyes met mine, they were like honey with green emerald flakes. They completely sucked me in. I dragged my gaze away feeling a blush creep across my face, hoping it was dark enough in here to hide my embarrassment.

"Hey shawty" $crim eyed me suspiciously. He definitely recognised me from earlier. He looked between me and Joe narrowing his eyes. I smiled brightly as I leaned into shake his hand. He pulled me into a hug.
"Nah we don't shake hands we hug, we got southern hospitality" his accent sounding thick.  Ruby smiles from behind him and once $crim pulls away Ruby hugs me quickly. His eyes not staying on me long. Once we are sat at the VIP area Tim throws an arm round my shoulder and gives me a play by play of what I 'missed' at the show. I see $crim watching my reaction as I pretend I didn't see any of it. His face stays passive not giving away his thoughts.

We all sit chatting about everything from music to movies trying to get to know each other. I felt slightly awkward because the guys had already had time to get to know them a bit.

"So now we finally have you ALL in one place" $crim looks over to me. I blush and look down at my feet.
"We want to invite you to new Orleans to spend some time with us. We want to see if we are a good fit because we fuck wit ya and are really interested in signing you up" we all look between each other, mouths wide.

"Hell yeah, I'm up for that" says Reece the guitarist says. We all nod in agreement.

"What you all excited for?" Joe says as he slides next to me putting his arm round me possessively.

"We are going to new Orleans to talk about them signing us" Stu tells him excitedly. My stomach drops as I see Joe's slick façade crack for a split second. He recovers quickly and smiles wide

"Well that's generous of you, well done guys" I could tell he was lying. I knew he was furious. It didn't take long for him to inconspicuously pull me away from the group and take me to his office. My mind was working 10 to the dozen to think of something that would help diffuse the situation. I hadn't realised we had reached his office that quickly. As soon as the door closed he threw me against the desk. I collided with it at my waist, doubling over as it took the wind out of me. I braced myself for what I knew was coming. He grabbed me by my hair pulling me up and holding me flat against the desk. He kicked my legs apart, I knew there would be a bruise on them in the morning.

"Do you think I'm going to let you leave the country? Let alone with them fuckwits. Why do you have to make me angry. You know what I'm like when you get me angry" he pulls my hair tighter and I cry out as I sob. He uses his free hand to unbuckle his pants forcing himself on me. I gripped the desk with one hand and covered my cries of pain with the other.

"I can't concentrate with you fucking crying" he pushes me off the desk to the floor. I peek up as he follows to where I've landed. I curl into the fetal position, I know what's coming. I hear  the click of the door as I feel the toe of his boot connect with my stomach.

"Whoa, I fuckin knew summat wasn't right with this situation. Fuckin touch her again and I'll beat you till your not breathin" $crim stands between us looking down at me with my skirt hitched up to my waist and Joe's jeans undone. Joe goes towards me instinctively. $crim swings a punch and I hear a crack as it connects. Joe hits the floor with a thud and doesn't move. I wipe my eyes and fix my skirt as I slowly rise. $crim holds his hand out to me as he pulls his phone out. He pulls me to his side holding me close as I start to sob in shock.

"Ruby, we need to leave NOW. Get everyone out. No I said NOW"

Black Fray (Ruby, Suicideboys Story - completed)Where stories live. Discover now