The Return of the Human

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Luz (POV)

      It was finally happening! I was going back to the Boiling Isles in less than a week. It had only cost me 2 suspensions my only human "friend" and 3 hamsters. I was disappointed that my mother thought so low of me, but I couldn't take it personally. I couldn't wait to see my actual friends and family again. Besides my mom, no one really talks to me ever or even cares if I'm alive. I sit alone at lunch. I draw my friends and write them post cards in my free time. Owlbert will drop off a letter and pick up a letter every time he is sent through to the human world for "treasure". It has been nice hearing that my friends have been doing well. Eda has found a potential "cure" for her Elixir, and both Willow and Gus had achieved perfect grades. Amity, I had no idea what Amity was doing. I hadn't heard from her since my last day on the Boiling Isles, almost 1 full year ago. 


"Luz, what are you doing?" Amity said. I had been working on a going away present for 3 days now. I was a mess, There was tape on my body and glue in my hair. I turned to Amity and replied, " Oh hi Amity, I didn't know you had 4th period off." She smirked slightly and said," It's the last day of the semester silly and you know the Mr. Bonks doesn't want anything to do with us." I chuckled slightly, and at that Amity also started laughing. She wasn't wrong. Mr. Bonks was our history teacher technically, but he hated his job more than I hated tomatoes. 

"So Luz, are you going to answer my question?" Amity giggled. "I'm working on something special for someone special, if you know what I mean." I nervously pushed the present behind my back knowing it wasn't finished yet. "Who is this special someone? Is it someone I know? Maybe someone who has Mint Green hair?" Amity guessed. "H-How did you k-know it was for y-you?" I squeaked in reply.

She shot me a look before saying, "Maybe it's the fact my name is spelled out in cut out letters on the table." I sighed before saying, "Okay okay maybe it is for you, but you have to wait until it's done." She laughed and said, "Alright, but you'd better be done by end of 6th period. My patience won't last much longer." Amity winked at me before exited the room and shutting the door behind her.

I sighed a breath of relief and got back to working on my masterpiece. It was a friendship bracelet. I know it's very cliche, but I just had too make one for her. 

"And done" I motioned towards my work of art to no one in particular. I picked up the bracelet carefully and slipped it into my pocket before going to the front gates of Hexside. 

"Oh AMITY!" I full on sprinted towards her before being met with the concrete face first. This wasn't the first time I had embarrassed myself in front of her. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and lift me. "Ow my nose." I winced in pain. "Luz, you have to stop being so clumsy! You're going to give me a heart attack! Are you okay?" Amity asked worriedly.  

I lifted my body off the floor into a standing position. Amity's hand was still on my arm grabbing as if to make sure I wasn't going to fall over again. "Yeah, I'm fine. I came to give you your present. So close your eyes." I excitedly waited for her to do so, and she eventually very reluctantly closed her eyes. "Okay now hold out your hand." She raised her right arm up suspiciously. 

I slipped the bracelet out of my pocket and onto to her hand before saying, "Okay you can open your eyes now." Amity opened her eyes and greeted me with a wide grin. "I love it! Is it some curse protector or something." I facepalmed in my head. Right they weren't taught what something as simple as a friendship bracelet is.

I laughed slightly before replied, "No you goofball. It's a friendship band. I want you to have it so you can think about me when I'm gone." She frowned slightly, "When you're gone?" I sighed mumbling, "I have to go." 

Amity looked at me curiously before pulling me into a hug. "I hope your okay Luz. I'm here if you need me. We'll talk tomorrow okay?" "Okay." I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes now. She gave me a reassuring smile before waving and walking off towards her house.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow," I muttered. 


I had been afraid to tell her I was leaving. So I just had avoided the subject completely. I hoped she would forgive me when I came back.  I jumped at the sound of my mom's voice telling me to hurry or I'll be late for my "second" year of boring classes. I threw on my backpack and hurried downstairs hoping to have a chance to say goodbye to my mom before I left. 

"I love you mom. I'll text you when I get there." I hugged my mother before walking out the door to wait for my "ride".  Just to my right I heard the sound of the door opening. "Right on time," I muttered before walking over to the ever glowing door. "Owlbert!" I exclaimed happily. The little bird happily chirped at me before walking over to the nearest garbage can and grabbing the bag. 

"Here let me help you," I offered. I slung the bag over my shoulder before putting Owlbert on my other. I started moving faster towards the door, for I just wanted to see Eda and King again. I was consumed by the ever magic door and was spit out in the lands of the Boiling Isles. 

I walked through the curtains to find Eda sitting counting her weekly snails. She glanced over to find me giddily standing there. A big smile covered her face as she walked over to give me a hug. "Luz! I am so glad I didn't send Owlbert to South America again! It's great to see you!" 

I hear a small voice from around the corner. The little voice booms saying, "Bow before me! I am your king of demons!" "King," I call out releasing Eda from my grip. "It's just Luz, your favourite human!" 

I here a scream of joy and see King turning the corner and running to me. I bend down and give him a tight hug saying, "I missed you too." King coughs and stutters, "Yes, W-who wouldn't miss me?" I laugh at his confidence and stand back up. 

"I ought to say hello to my other friends, shouldn't I?" I ask lamely. Eda laughs before teasing me, "Oh does the human want to see her friends more than me?" I smile back slightly annoyed, but start towards the door saying, "Don't worry I'll be back." As soon as I exit the house I start running towards the school of witches. If I can get there in 10 minutes I should be in time for them exiting school. I guess we'll just have to find out if they missed me or not!

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