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(Still Luz' POV)

The next few days had gone by swiftly. We had explored every corner of the hotel and messed with Eda. I remember telling her that teens love having smelly feet, so she would sell a potion that would make you smell worse than a Grumplump.

We were actually lying on the beach looking up at the clouds when Boscha came rushing over in a panic.

"Gone?" Amity raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Amity. Verity wouldn't leave the resort. Do you know how badly she wanted to go to this? She's gone," Boscha was screaming in panic. Apparently her friend, Verity, had gone missing this morning.

"Did you check the sauna," I asked cautiously. Her eyes lit up. "No, I haven't. I'll go check there right now!" She ran off without saying anything else.

Just as I was laying back down and getting comfortable, I heard another voice. My eyes shot open in annoyance. "Luz! Guess what? I sold my first smile!" I heard King shout halfway across the beach.

"It's my new business they give me money and power and I'll smile at them for 2 whole seconds!" "Yes that's very nice King," I said lazily. 

"Fine if that doesn't interest you then this will. Remember that kid who went missing a couple of days ago. Well, form my count another 3 kids haven't been seen since yesterday." King smiled contentedly.

I sat up and looked at him in shock. "What? More kids have gone missing?" He nodded his head and Amity stood up. "That can't be a coincidence that kids are going missing all at once," Amity declared.

"Yeah something isn't right here," I whispered almost too quiet for them to here. "Let's go meet up with Willow and Gus and ask them about it." Amity shrugged and nodded as we started trudging off to find Willow and Gus.

King hopped on my back so he could come too. We walked along the beach for a good 20 minutes before we saw Gus. He helping a little boy build a sandcastle when all of a sudden Mattholomule started screaming.

"AAHHAHAHHA! Gus! I need help! The little boy doesn't need help he's fine. I, however, need sunscreen rubbed on my back, or I'll get a sunburn." Mattholomule stomped over to the sandcastle shoving the sunscreen towards Gus.

"Ew No! I'm not touching you or your back with anything," Gus shouted back. Mattholomule let out an angry huff before squirting some of the sunscreens on his hand and slapping it on his back.

"I'm sorry that we're interrupting whatever this is, but we've got a bigger problem," Amity pointed to Mattholomule suspiciously. 

"Oh hey what's up guys," Gus said as he plucked a flag from the castle. "More kids have gone missing and nobody's buying my smiles," King cried as he fell from my shoulder. I attempted to catch him, but he just fell facefirst into the sand anyways.

Gus raised an eyebrow before Amity sighed saying, "It's a long story, but we need to find Willow right now." He nodded his head before patting the small boy's head and coming over to us. 

We searched the entirety of the beach without finding Willow, so we checked the pools and the cafe next.  We eventually found Willow in a rode cafe(A cafe that isn't too liked.) Willow greeted us happily, but when we explained the situation further she sighed sadly.

"Yah we've been hearing a lot about the situation and about all the kids. We've been trying to avoid it, but I guess it was ought to happen eventually." Dakota popped out from what seemed to be the middle of nowhere with a happy expression.

"What's up guys," They slipped their arm around Willow's shoulders before seeing our grim expressions. Their smile turned to a frown quickly. 

"I think we should ask around to see if anyone else known has gone missing. We know the new kid, Boscha's friend, and the 3 unknown kids so far. We just need to have a number on how many people are gone." Amity talked with confidence.

"Ok? And then what," I asked cautiously. Amity glanced over to me and made a shrugging gesture before saying, "We meet back up and count how many are gone and make sure no one else goes missing." She nervously tapped her foot as she spoke.

I smiled reassuringly and grabbed her hand for comfort. She smiled back, but I knew she was still anxious. "That's not a bad idea," Gus said suddenly. "We could separate into teams and meet back at the hotel by 5 o'clock."

"Ok, that sounds like a good idea. Let's split into teams." Gus pointed at me and Amity and then Willow and Dakota. "I'll travel with Boscha and King. I needed to head over to the sauna anyways." Gus winked as he started to trudge off. King nodded happily and hopped on Gus' shoulder.

"We meet back at the front of the hotel at 5 pm. No later," Willow said sternly. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement before walking off in separate directions.

"Maybe they're just playing a terrible terrible prank on us," I spoke cautiously. Amity suddenly burst into tears and collapsed pulling herself into a ball, burying her head in her arms. 

I fell to my knees immediately trying to console and comfort her. I embraced her and pulled her into my arms as she sobbed. She wrapped her arms around me as if the world was ending, "Amity," I asked worriedly. 

"Luz! They're going to think it was a prank. They're going to blame my brother and sister for this. The worst part is I don't know if we can trust them. I don't know if this some stupid prank. I don't know what's going to happen and I'm getting scared," Amity sobbed into my chest.

"Oh Amity," I rubbed her back tenderly. "I know your siblings. They would pull a good prank not like this. They wouldn't purposefully make kids go missing." "How do w-we k-k-know that?" Amity trembled as she spoke.

"Well, we're going to find out. We are going to find your siblings and ask them about it. Ok? We'll make sure they don't go missing, and I'll do everything and anything to make sure you're safe." I calmly rubbed her back in circling motion.

She nodded into my head before sniffling and looking up into my eyes. Why were they so gorgeous? Whoa! What has gotten into me?! "Ok. And Luz. Thank you for being here." 

So very sorry my readers, I did not mean to leave you guys as I did. I will continue to update now. I Wasn't doing well and ended up in the hospital for a little while and I'm finally back to 90% health. Thank you guys for everything! I love you all. If any of you ever need someone to talk to I'm here! <3<3<3

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