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Pheobe's (POV)

Log, Entry 2. I moved places two days ago now.  The ground shakes even more. It shakes even when the monster is miles away. I found a friend yesterday. He was weeping sitting up in the treetops. 

I had offered him food, and he came with me. His name is King.

Luz' (POV)

Yesterday had been a rough day. I rolled over to see Amity sleeping soundly. Her beautiful golden eyes were shut and her mouth was slightly agape. There was a tiny bit of drool escaping her mouth by her bottom lip. 

I chuckled slightly. She had definitely gotten a good nights rest after last night. Last night. What was I going to say about last night? She probably hates me. She wasn't in her right mind, and I kissed her!

And then she called me all those names. She called me a gay-slur. I felt tears well up in my eyes as pain shot through both my mind and body. My gut hurt. My face hurt. Everything hurt. We had made a group chat during the night. Amity was going to murder me if she remembered last night.

I've decided to avoid her for now. Maybe she just needs some time without me. I'll see how she is when she wakes up, and I'll go from there. Plus, I needed to stop dwelling on my stupid feelings. 

I'll admit it. I have feelings for Ms Amity Blight, and she has no feelings towards me. What I did was wrong. She wasn't in her right mind, and I had forced her to kiss me.

"L-Luz?" I turned from my worried stance to meet her eyes. "Are you ok?" I smiled saying, "Yeah, of course, I'm good. We should go get some breakfast." I hopped out of the bed and grabbed some clothes running towards the bathroom. 

I shut the door behind me before almost collapsing to the floor. It didn't seem like she remembered last night. Was she trying to forget it? Does she hate me? 

I quickly changed my clothes and opened the bathroom door to find Amity standing there, already dressed. She smiled upon me opening the door and opened the door to the hallway offering her hand. 

I couldn't tell what she was doing anymore. She offered her hand to me, yet she must hate me. She is not ever going to like me after last night. 

Couldn't she remember what happened last night? "Luz," Amity called walking down the hallway. I didn't realize I had zoned out until she had called my name. I rushed out the door shutting it behind me quickly.

In no time we had made it down to the cafe to find Willow and Gus sitting at a table nearby. I went and sat down next to Gus, while Amity sat next to Willow.

They both went silent as Amity sat down. Ok so maybe I had told them Amity had gone berserk last night, and maybe I forgot to mention she was ok now. They side glanced at me and I shot them both a look.

Amity looked at me almost painfully, but then shrugged it off. "We should talk about last night," Amity plainly stated. Willow nodded her head saying, "Gus and I have discussed the new missing people with our... other alliances and discovered there is a total of 146 students left at the resort."

"Meaning a total of 53 students went missing last night during that... situation," Gus finished for her. I nodded my head. We had a little group chat of certain people that we had yet to add Amity too. 

Nobody knew if she was ok or not so we all agreed to not speak of it around her. The group chat consisted of the Blight twins, Willow and Gus, Boscha and her friend Rose, and of course Mattholomule and Dakota.

"So, today we should separate again and find out about the kids who went missing. Luz, we should check on Matthew, my siblings' friend," Amity raised her eyebrow testing what I was going to say next. 

I gulped and replied, "We should check on him, but Willow and I already agreed to go scout out the younger kids camp today. To see if anyone younger went missing." Amity furrowed her eyebrows slightly. 

Gus slipped in before I died of nervousness. "I was going to go check out the kids our age to find out who went missing within our age group, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?  Groups of two do work best!" 

Amity nodded her head slowly before shooting me a look. What was with this girl? She was driving me insane! "Where's Dakota, Willow," Amity stared into my eyes the entirety of the sentence. 

"Dakota caught a fever. They won't be coming today. That's why I asked Luz to come with me. I didn't think it would bother you. You can go with Luz if you really want to. I'll go with Gus." Amity's face softened. Willow always knew how to soften things up.

"No, it's ok. I was just curious. I'm happy to go with Gus!" I shot her a  bright smile before turning to Gus. "Who's inspecting the older kids then?" "Emira and Edric agreed to investigate their peers. Is that a good idea? Probably not.," Gus sighed as he showed me the message the twins had sent him.

It said, 'Will inspect big kid area. We know it best #HAGS' I giggled at the message and grabbed Willow's arm in triumphant. "Come, Willow! We must inspect the babies," I shouted happily. 
Honestly, I was happy to go look at young cute witches and wizards.

Willow laughed and Amity and Gus began laughing too. "Is it so bad I want to look at little children," I questioned them. "When you say it like that, it is," Amity laughed. My face lightened at her adorable laugh and I quickly joined them.

"You guys are terrible." I rolled my eyes at them before getting up from my seat. "Now come on. We have things to do today!" I grabbed Willow and dragged her towards the littles. 

Amity's (POV)

Something was up with Luz. She had been acting strange ever since last night. I remember feeling angry, so angry. I don't think I hurt anyone though, but she was totally avoiding me.

Oh no! Conflict between 2 characters and just the story in general. If you didn't notice, I refrained from spelling out some of the worse terms in the past chapter. I myself would like to believe I and every other human being cannot say the gay-slur. Even if you are gay or queer, the term is just offensive overall. Trust me I've been there. That is just my personal opinion though. Feel free to comment on it down below if you feel it is necessary. I love you all!

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