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Phoebe's (POV) 

Yesterday was a bad day. Today is worse. The infection is spreading. two days ago it was at my calf. Now it is at my lower thigh. I'm losing consciousness now. 

Luz's (POV) 

"Okay, guys. Is this absolutely necessary," I complain as Willow shoves me away from Amity. "We're travelling in groups of two, therefore you and Amity must not travel together," she exclaims. 

I roll my eyes asking, "And why can't I go with Amity again?" "Because you two will just end up making out somewhere," Edric states. I feel my face burn bright red and look at the floor. When I finally glance up, I find most everyone staring at me in amusement.

Even Amity was sitting in a corner laughing at me. I gave her a smug look and walked over to her. "If you guys love this so much, why separate us?" I gave them a shrug before turning and kissing Amity. 

I gave her a soft sweet kiss, just to get her fired up and everyone else. "I'm so telling Mom that this is disgusting," Emira spat. Edric and her made gagging noises as everyone else booed us. I had great friends. 

I brought Amity in front of me and wrapped my arms around her waist, placing my head on top of hers. Amity giggled into my chest as Willow tried untangling us.

"Oh,W whatever we're going in groups of four now. don't ask about the number 3. It sucks." I laughed in victory, hugging Amity to my chest. 

The entire reason we were splitting up was to search for kids who were left. There was barely anyone left in the resort after last night.

[Last Night]

Still Luz' (POV)

THUMP! CRASH!  I awoke with a sudden thud. "Amity," I called. I looked to my left to see her curled in a ball whimpering. I immediately rushed to her reassuring everything was going to be okay.

"Luz, t-the f-f-feeling is ba-back. I wan-want to g-go outside a-again." I cradled her in my arms rocking her back and forth. "It's okay. It's going to be okay." 

If Amity was feeling this, so were the others. More kids would be going missing tonight. A large quantity this time. Amity's body trembled in my arms as she whimpered and muttered something about the NachtKrapp. 

Suddenly she stopped moving altogether. "Amity," I cried. I shook her limp body and raised her head to look me in the eyes. They were wide open. Her eyes were red from crying, while the rest of her face was pale.

"It's so close," she whispered. CRASH! CRACK!  A loud noise echoed in my ears. I could still here the ringing even after I had let the tears roll down my face. So many kids, so close. Willow's room was just across the hall if only I could go out.

But Amity was more important than getting eaten alive. Maybe Gus had gotten to Willow. She was in there all alone. 

Another boom shook the room. Amity let out a cry before snuggling closer to me. It was going to be a long night.

[Present Time in Morning]

From what we had heard, Willow had gotten to Gus and Mattholomule a while before all of that had started. She couldn't sleep, so she went to sleep on Gus and Mattholomule's couch. 

Emira and Edric and their roommates had made it out safely, and so had Boscha. We just needed to figure out either who was left or who was gone. 

"Okay, so since we can't trust Luz and Amity alone we have two teams instead of 4. There is no 3 anymore. Luz, I guess Amity, me and Gus. Then Boscha, Mattholomule, Edric, and Emira. Let's get going and meet here by noon," Willow ordered. 

We all split into our groups and headed off in opposite directions. I couldn't believe how empty the park looked. I could find almost no one walking about. We took count of every person we saw and asked them about the previous nights. 

All of them recalled losing some friends, but none remembered feeling compelled to go outside. They were all scared straight. (That was a bad pun.) 

We continued along until we had stopped by Eda's shop. I was laughing at a joke, holding Willow's hand when we all stopped dead silent. Eda's cart of goods was torn to pieces. There were fabric and bottles of potions and ingredients spilt everywhere.

Broken glass surrounded the stand. Amity grabbed my hand as I let a few tears fall from my eyes. I wiped my eyes and stated, "I'm going to find that thing and make sure it pays." I clenched my teeth in anger. 

I let go of Amity's hand and walked towards the sight. "Luz," she tried; I didn't stop though. I looked through everything trying to find some sort of sign that Eda might be alive. I threw things aside, looking for anything before, "Oww," I yelped in pain. I had stabbed myself with the glass and was now currently sucking my thumb, but I kept looking. 

Eventually,  Amity and Willow cam over and dragged me away from the sight. "I'm so sorry, Luz," Willow whispered. I stared in shock at the scene still taken aback. Amity held me up as I slowly began to accept reality. 

"We go to look for it," I started angrily. "At night, we have guards out patrolling. We set traps and hiding spots. We travel in groups and never go out alone." I looked to them for their input, and they all shook their heads in agreement.

"We start tonight," Gus stated calmly. We nodded and got up. Tonight, we would not lose.

Sorry, I'm releasing this chapter a bit later. I am now back from visiting family and will go back to posting regularly. I love you all!

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