Wants vs Needs

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Luz' (POV)

"Luz!" I hear. I try to open my eyes and find myself feeling groggy and dizzy. I sit up and immediately feel the weight sink on my shoulders. I fall back down, hitting my head on a rock in the process. 

"Oww," I groan in pain. "Luz!" I open my eyes to find a distraught Amity sitting in front of me. She lets out a sigh of relief and smiles down at me. She leans down and wraps her arms around my waist, lifting me gently off the rubble. 

"I thought I'd lost you! I'm so sorry," she grasped onto my me as if I was the first person she'd ever hugged. I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her close. "It's ok," I mumble into her neck.

We stay like that for a minute before she releases her death grip and pulls me into a sitting position.

I played the past events in my head and grimaced at the aching pain in my shoulder. "Amity, we have to find the others. She nods and helps me to my feet. We start down the long dark hallway to see only rubble in our next steps.

"Why did you become so... isolating all of a sudden?" I sighed and looked towards Amity. "It's a long story." "I've got time," she smirks. I roll my eyes and playfully punch her shoulder. 

"Ok fine. I trust you, and I'm really sorry I isolated you form my life. I didn't want you to know what happened because if you knew the steps we have to take to defeat the overall bad, you would be heartbroken, and I couldn't do that to you."

Amity let out a heavy sigh and wrapped her left arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to her. "You always do things for others, Luz. You're humble, and we all love that, but sometimes you have to think about what you want and what you need."

I frowned slightly. What I wanted to be was not important. What needed to happen was important, and I needed to fix this for everyone else. 

"Amity, we woke up feeling like dead bodies. I couldn't feel or see anything for what felt like hours. I was just too lie there in defeat. Then I heard the sounds again, and I was suddenly aware of my surroundings. I was able to open my eyes and feel the searing pain ripple through each and every one of my bones." 

I paused and looked to her adorable face. She smiled, urging me to continue. 

"All I could see was the light at first. When everything came into focus, a man and a NachtKrapp stood in front of us. It took all my power in my body not to throw up then and there. The creature was sickening. Even worse, the man was sickening. He had runes etched into his skin, from his feet to his neck."

I stop for a moment to make sure Amity wants me to continue. She nods her head slightly. I take a deep breath preparing my self for the next part.

"He has the Mark of Cain. The Mark of Cain can only be removed through a supernatural power or through a ritual that involves a sacrifice." "A supernatural power," she asks clearly confused. "Something of higher power than a human. A demon or an angel, for say, could remove the mark safely?" 

"And if a human does it?" "They're destroyed with the rune." Amity frowns slightly, starting to catch onto what I was saying. "We need someone to be willing to die?" I nod my head shakily. 

"And who would that be?" "Me," I say softly. She gasps and tears instantly start flooding her eyes. "Luz, you can't. I need you!" "You don't need me Amity, but I need to do this!"

"What do YOU want, Luz? Haven't you done enough for everyone else already? What do YOU want?" She wraps her arms around me hugging me close as if I was going to die there and then. 

A distant memory of a dream came into my head.

[Le Dream]

Luz sits happily strumming a ukelele in a rocking chair. She hums along to the melody as she plucks the strings. Amity walks in with a small child. The infant begins to giggle as Amity makes funny faces at her. 

Amity laughs at the babies happiness and squeezes herself into the chair by Luz. Luz gives her a kiss on the cheek, softly starting to sing along to the tune.

The baby yawns and falls asleep in Amity's arms. Amity lets out a yawn too, and rests her head on Luz' shoulder. Luz sings along to the song until all three of them fall asleep. 

The dream fades as Luz is brought back into reality.

[End of Dream]

"I want you to be happy," I sigh. I want to be happy with Amity, but I need to protect her to do that even if it means sacrificing myself, nothing would happen to Amity under my watch.

Amity reaches out and pulls me in for a tight hug. I hug her back. "I need you, to be happy," she says sadly. 

"Help," A scream echoes from around the corner. I break apart our hug and grab Amity's hand pulling her down the hallway. "Luz, this could be a trap," Amity yanks on my arm stopping me in place. 

"We have to help them, Amity." "Ok, but we do it from here. They come to us because I'mn not going anywhere near a random voice." 

"I don't know who's out there, but my name is Boscha! I was with a group and now they're all gone," the voice cries. 

"Boscha," Amity calls out. "Amity," I snap. She rolls her eyes looking for Boscha. "Boscha lead us to your voice," I call out. I hear a cry of pain and a RUMBLE as the building shakes. Boscha yells out a single, "this way," before Amity, and I take off running down the hallway. 

We turn the corner to see a pile of rubble, and none other than Boscha.

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