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Amity's (POV)

Luz was angry, which is understandable. But I don't agree with her going out to look for the monster. We had had a conversation only ten minutes ago. I had told her I was scared, and she had bluntly told me that I wouldn't be coming.

I had tried arguing, saying that I had a choice and whoever agreed to her going. She had told me she was going and there was no other choice. I tried stopping her before she shoved me off. 

I was so worried, yet angry at Luz.  How could she do this? Doesn't she know I care? There wasn't much time to think about that though. I had to at least see Luz off. The group was leaving in a couple of minutes.

From what I heard, the people going were Luz, Edric, Gus, and some friend of Edric's. Her name was Fethullah. The people who were staying were me, Willow, Boscha, Mattholomule, and Emira.

The group headed to the door, ready to go off. "We'll be back by midnight," Gus shouted so everyone could hear. Luz looked towards me quietly. I bit my lip staring back into her eyes. I shook my head before looking away.

I heard someone approach me, knowing it was Luz. "Hey," she tried. She cupped my face with her hands making me look her in the eyes. My eyes were dull and full of emptiness. Didn't she know how much I cared?

Did she even care what was going to happen to herself if she was caught? I gave her a disappointed yet sad gaze. She frowned and pulled me into her arms. I wrapped my arms around her saying, "You'd better come back." 

She nodded and said, "I'll see you soon Mittens." She let me go and started towards the now opened door. Everyone finished up their goodbyes for now and headed out the door. I didn't realize how sad I was until the front door shut. It sunk in as I realized it was going to be a long couple hours.

Luz' (POV)

I shut the door making sure I heard a click. I smiled a little knowing it had been Boscha to lock the door. We had made a knocking passcode to get back in so that any unwanted guests would not be let in or spoken too.

We didn't know what the Nachtkrapp could do, therefore we kept all doors, windows, and even vents closed. 

"We should head towards the east corridor first. That was where the last two attacks were rumoured to be," Edric said uneasily. He seemed off tonight. He kept glancing around nervously and would stare off into space for minutes. 

Right now he looked terrified, which of course was understandable, but it wasn't a look Edric ever tried to pull off. 

We headed to the east section and started exploring the area. Most of the floor was clear except for a trail of what seemed to be a black stain of ooz leading off into the next corridor beyond us. 

"Whelp, that's not freaking," I laughed out nervously. "Let's just get this over with," Gus dryly stated. He was not in a good mood I guess. I looked to Edric who nodded his head vigorously. I sighed and started down the corridor.

Gus sighed saying, "Luz, we need to take samples of the goo." I stopped and turned my head to say, "Then two of you stay here, while I and someone else goes and does the big kid stuff." Fethullah insisted on everyone staying together as Edric began to tremble.

He was acting so weird. It was not the time to decide to let hormones kick in. If he was going to be this scared he shouldn't have come. "I'll take Edric and you and Gus stay here," I stated. I wasn't going to wait around for some stupid sample.

That monster is out there, and we need to stop it. Edric stared at me horrified that I wanted to go towards the monster. "Come on." I grabbed his arm and dragged him along behind me. We walked for a few more minutes following the trail until we found it.

The building had been split in two. We gaped through the open crevice of the building, staring off into the night sky. A sudden rumble shook the ground. Edric began to hyperventilate saying things along the lines of, "I don't want to die," and "Please don't hurt Amity or Emira." 

I followed the very last of the trail until there was no more. "Edric we need to regroup," I stammered. I turned to see Edric staring off into space once again. "Not the time," I yelled, pulling him along behind me. 

Another sudden CRASH shook the ground beneath us. I stumbled falling facefirst onto my face. "Gus!" I picked myself up and began calling for the others. Once again a sudden THUMP shook the floor. 

I tripped twisting my ankle in the process. "Ahh," I cried out in pain. I tried to get up, but my ankle didn't support me. Edric rushed over and slung my arm around his shoulder. He picked me up so I could stand ith one leg at least. 

We continued following the trail of goo hoping to find the others. I stumbled once more and fell to my knees. "I can't do it, Edric," I began to sob in hopelessness. "Luz," I heard a voice shouting from down the corridor. Gus and Futhullah were rushing towards us. 

They made it to us in no time saying, "We need to get back to the room. Now!" Gus and Edric helped me to my feet as we stumbled through the corridors making our way back towards the room. 

Another BOOM echoed off the walls around us. The monster was getting to close. "We're not going to make it," Edric cried. I fell to my knees for the final time saying," We can't lead them towards the others. We have to stop."

The others nodded. Another loud CRASH  shook the floor. The roof began to collapse upon us as the noises grew louder. I let out a final, "I'm sorry Amity," before all I saw was black.

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