Chill Out

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Amity's (POV)

I angrily stomped around the room still ranting to Boscha and Willow about Luz. "She just started talking shit to me! Just like that! I just wanted to maybe help her or understand what she was going through, but no. Of course, not. So I-I I dumped her." 

I broke down in tears and sat before the two of them. "Hey guys I Just- OH is Amity alright," Mattholomule asks. I shake my head letting out an "AMRHHAL BROKE JKSUSLD WOTH MEEEEJEKLRERD." 

Bpscha comes over and pats my back softly as I whimper. "Luz and Amity broke up," she said rubbing my back. "They were together?" "That's what I said," Willow exclaimed. I cried harder as Willow and Mattholomule came over and gave me a hug. 

"I know what we're going to do today," Boscha says excitedly. "What," I sob. "We're going to have fun, and not think about Luz. You lived without her for a long time, so I'm sure you can stand a couple of hours."

I sniffled and let another tear fall to the floor. "Ok," I mumbled softly. Boscha let out a cry of joy as we headed out the door and down to the main area of the building. Now that I think about it none o the adults or staff have been around for a while. 

Ever since that one big night that the kids went missing, no one found the staff. I ignored the bad feeling I had and continued walking with the others. We wandered around for a bit, before stopping in front of the water rides. 

"I don't know that this is such a good idea," I start. Boscha and WIllow shush me as we hurry towards the main roller coaster. "Luz and I rode that one together." I sighed in the exhaustion of running everywhere.

"Stop remembering her. Right now you're here for you!" Boscha pulls me towards the roller coaster happily and we sit down in the two front seats. "Wait who's going to-" I was cut off as Willow pulled a switch and the carts jerked into action.

"Don't worry. I've done this a hundred times before," Boscha exclaimed. I looked at her in shock before remembering we did usually break into the theme parks for the likes on Pinstagram. I sighed as the roller coaster reached the top of the tower steadying itself on the ledge. 

I let out a, "Oh dear lord," before the cart plummeted down the ramp. I let out a high pitched scream as the roller coaster swerved through some twisty tunnels, making me sick inside. I remember when Luz and I rode this.

She almost threw up. It was really funny at the time. It had not been so funny when she actually did throw up afterwards.

I smiled sadly at the memory before the cart came to a complete halt. "Wasn't that fun, Amity? Amity?" Boscha turned towards me. 

"It would've been more fun if Luz had been here. I just don't get why she can't tell me anything! Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt her? Thank you, guys, but I need to go find Luz. Something is really wrong. I can feel it!" 

Boscha sighed unhappily. "If that's what you want. We'll come with you of course. We are always going to be your friends. MAttholomule and Willow smiled nodding their heads in agreement. 

"Thanks guys. Now let's go track down Luz before it's too late!"

Sorry for such a short chapter, but some have to be short, just to prove a single point. I love you all! Talk to someone(or me) (;

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