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Luz' (POV)

I laughed as Amity picked up Levi and spun him around making him giggle in joy. I look over to Natalie to see her sitting in her cradle playing with her toy happily.

I smile as Amity trots over with Levi on her shoulders making a train noise. He giggled hugging her face tightly. Amity sat down next to me giving me a quick peck on the cheek before asking, "How's the other little cutie?"

I laugh nuzzling my head in her lap as Levi jumps off her shoulders and comes to sit on my lap. "You mean me," I ask goofily. Amity rolls her eyes but smiles. "Ok, what about the other other little cutie?"

"Of course she's dandy as ever," I lift my head up as Levi plops himself in my lap drawing a small circle of magic. He had almost completed it when the magic drained. "That was so close Levi! You're doing so good for such a young man," I say hugging Levi to my chest.

He giggles happily asking, "Can you do magic, Mommy?" I laugh and pull out a sheet of paper scribbling down the very first spell I ever learned. "Auntie Eda taught me that you don't have to do magic in the air to do magic."

I tapped the circle and it disinegrated quickly into a ball of light. I chuckled as the boy looked in awe at the ball. Amity leaned over and drew a quick circle. Another ball of light appeared. It danced around my light energetically.

I heard Natalie giggle besides me, so I picked her up, giving her to Amity since Levi was on my lap. The two lights danced around each other for another moment before conjoining and becoming one.

I smiled stupidly as Amity started pointing off where the light was now floating.

"Aunt Willwhoa!" Levi shouts happily. He stumbles off my laugh running in his cute toddler like way towards Willow. I chuckle and stand up about to head towards Willow. Behind her are Gus, Mattholomule, Boscha, Scara, and Eda. I smile letting Willow's kids talk to Levi.

"2 year olds," I hear Amity laugh behind me. I smile helping her to her feet as she cradles Natalie. "You wanna a 3rd," I joke. Amity lets out an UGH before saying, "Nope, I'm good with two." "Me too." I give her a quick kiss and head over to the others.

I give Eda a hug asking, "Where's old King?" She laughs and turns around. A grumpy King sits waiting on her back. His arms are crossed and his legs dangle from his little carrier. "Aww, who's a good King?"

He sighs opening his arms for a hug. I give him one and then look around curiously.

Gus stumbles over to me and puts out a hand expecting me to shake it. I laugh and give him a hug saying, "Long time no see, huh?" He laughs and replies, "My travels to study Earth were very fun thanks for asking!"

I waltz back over to Amity happily. "Let me take Natalie, Mittens. You look tired." She sighs and smiles handing Natalie to me. "SURPRISE!" I laugh as Amity jumps about 3 feet in the air as the twins jump out in front of her.

"AHH!" Amity shreeked while punching Edric in the gut. Edric's son Emile comes out yelling,"SAPWISE!" We all laugh as Amity regains herself. "Come inside, come inside," I usher people inside the house holding back Levi as he tries to get to the cake first.

"Levi, no!" I try to stop him as he runs towards the cookies and cake. He grabs a cookie and darts away leaving me glaring around trying to find him. I sigh and grab a baby bottle from the kitchen feeding the 6 month old some milk.

She happily grabs the bottle from my hands and puts it up to her lips sucking the milk from inside. I smile rocking her back and forth until I hear footsteps coming over. I look up to see Willow trotting over with her son in her arms.

Willow smiles as the boy reaches up and grabs my face tenderly, pinching my cheeks. I laugh and make a baby face at him as he giggles. "You're an expert now, huh?" Willow says goofily as I continue to mess with Caleb.

I laugh and back up holding Natalie to my chest as she drinks the last bits of milk out of the bottle. I smile again putting the bottle back down on the table and look back to Willow asking, "How have things been with Caleb? Since he only 2 whole months old!" I do the last part in a baby voice and giggle as Caleb claps his hands.

"Great! We've started teaching Reese magic and she's doing so well! Yesterday she completed a full plant circle and grew a daisy!" I smiled happy for her. "Levi almost had his first circle today. He was so close, but it really wears him out to do simple stuff," I say anxiously.

I don't want Levi to be "half a witch" or a wizard that can't complete spells. I don't want him to have to be like me. "Hey, that's normal, I promise," Willow reassures me. I nod my head hoping its true before saying, "I'm going to grab a drink."

I walk over to the counter top grabbing a cup and pouring the liquid in slowly. I feel a pair of hands slide up around my waist hugging me tightly. I turn around, one hand on my drink, the other holding Natalie.

there, I'm met with a large pair of golden eyes. I smile warmly, pecking Amity on the lips. Then, Natalie starts to cry.

The rest of the night went by smoothly as we ushered everyone out the door. It was 9pm on a Sunday, and I was not feeling it. Willow walked out last thanking us for the gathering and we shut the door softly behind her.

Baby in arms I walked over to our room, sitting downon the bed and turning on the crystal TV. The news pops up and I let out a sigh as I cradle Natalie to my chest. "Can I sit on your lap, Mommy," Levi asks from besides me.

I smile nodding my head letting Levi climb on my lap as I put Natalie next to me, still holding her tightly. I feel as my arm is lifted and Amity climbs onto the bed, pulling Natalie on top of her as Levi remains on my chest.

Eventually, Levi starts to snore and he rolls over onto the bed still hugging me tightly. I chuckle and look over to see Natalie on the other side of her so she can scooch in next to me. She gives me a warm kiss as we lay in silence.

Nothing... and I mean nothing... could be more perfect

The End

Authors Note:

Thank you all so much for reading this book. It has been a long journey of writing, crying, no sleep, and writing some more! It means the world to me when you vote, comment, or even just read the book! Let me know some suggestions for another book in the comments below! I'm already working on another one, but its not Lumity! Thank you all again! TShark out

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