Itty bitties or big kids!

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Pheobe's (POV)

Log, Day 3. Today the little... I mean King, taught me how to make food out of the plants near-by. I usually searched for bugs, but he refuses to eat them. He says a healthy diet is not based on bugs. I wouldn't know. 

I have become quite fond of the little rascal. I enjoy his company and plan on keeping him around. We are going to move campsites to a large bunny hole soon. King went and scouted it out earlier. 

King is quite fascinated with demons. He says the creatures that follow us is a dangerous one. Not one of them has been seen in the past 3,000, on the Boiling Isles of course. King also mentioned other dimensions. 

I am very excited to hear more of his stories, so I will get back to this journal soon. I must go prepare a salad now, Goodbye for now.


Luz absolutely adored the babies. They weren't even classified as babies. Their parents had just dropped them off at a daycare centre for free basically. There was a kitty pool, a playset, a mini kitchen, and much more, and Luz loved all of it.

I didn't get what her fascination with these kids was. They were annoying and had snot bubbles coming out of there noses. Their hands were sticky from sucking on popcorn or some other substance. 

Luz went and hugged all of them at least once. Eventually, we made it to the mini kitchen where a staff member was happily waiting. Luz was ready talking to her before I got there. Luz told us some of the things that had happened in the previous night.

She told us Amity had turned angry suddenly. As soon as the rumble had been heard, Amity persisted on getting the door open. So Luz tackled her, and that's what caused Luz to hurt. She told us she had just punched her once or twice, but she seems mentally hurt too. I had to find out what actually happened. 

"Willow! Jenny and I were just talking about the kids and their routine," Luz' voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "We have a total of 36 kids in the sanctum. Currently, there are only 28 because no one has seen 8 of them recently." Jenny frowned as she said the last part. 

"But we shouldn't worry! The kids probably just got sent home without telling anyone or everyone." Jenny smiled brightly. Something was very off about this girl. She tilted her head and stared at me curiously.

"And who is this young lady," she glanced at Luz who looked at me. "This is Willow. She's a friend of mine." "Oh," the lady frowned at the last part. What was wrong with this girl.

"Oh, one more thing cutie! The kitties summer camp is ending a week before the rest of yours does, so I'll have the final week off to come to see you." Luz smiled brightly and nodded her head. "See you soon!" 

Luz waved and trotted over to me as wI started walking off. "Luz? What was that about," I questioned suspiciously? Even if Amity had been rude, I knew she had feelings for Luz. "She's a cool person. I thought she would want to talk to us later on, but she seemed kind of angry at you for some reason. Do you know her already?" 

I looked at Luz in utter confusion. Did she really not see what was going on here. "Luz, she was trying to flirt with you." Luz looked at me saying, "No, she was just being nice, and even if she was, I'm not into her like that."

Luz nodded her head contentedly. I looked around before saying, "If you say so, Luz...

(Amity's POV)

Something was up with Luz. She was totally avoiding me. I had no one else to talk to besides Gus, so he had to listen to my rant. "I just don't understand why Luz is avoiding me. Did something happen last night? All I remember was the thumping and being angry," I shouted, clearly frustrated.

Gus looked at me very confused."You don't remember much of last night, do you?" I shook my head asking, "What happened? I was kind of going off of what everyone said this morning. I know the thumping was the cause of the kids going missing." 

Gus nodded his head saying, "I wasn't informed much on the situation, but I know a lot went on between you and Luz last night." I could tell he wasn't telling me everything, but I tried not to push.

"Did I hurt anyone?" I was genuinely curious and afraid. He didn't answer but instead said, "We're here. We need to check o see whos all gone. I grumbled something about getting an answer later and looked up at the big building we were entering.

The building we were going into was the main building for the resort. We had stayed in the hotel or the resort part, but this is where the paperwork and such got done. It was pretty bland with windows popping out every floor. The building was very tall and had to be 3 stories or less.

We walked inside the tall building nervously. There were adult witches and wizards everywhere. "Come on," Gus shouted over the loud noise of people talking. I followed Gus into a more secluded part of the building where two chairs were waiting for us.

"Are these for us," I questioned. Gus nodded his head and replied, "you have to have a reservation or appointment already scheduled. I asked for one to be scheduled a little while ago, and I finally have it now. We just wait until they get here now."

Gus sat in one of the chairs and me in the other. I could tell he was anxious. His left foot was tapping as I stared him down. What was he not telling me? Suddenly, the door behind is opened and an old man walked in. 

"Hi, there kids. Are you here to give me your money?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked to Gus for support. "No, Mr Pines. We came in for the documents, remember?" Mr Pines nodded his head. 

"Yes yes, I remember now. A total of 220 kids came to the hotel in total, and a total of 74 have gone "missing." 8 of them have been tiny kids, my least favourite, 16 of them have been older teens, which I also hate, and the rest of the 50 have been you guys age. Or around your age."

Mr Pines nodded his head reassuringly. I felt strange about this guy. He really just wanted us for money. I wonder if he was behind all of this.

bAM wHAt?! I rewatched Liv and Maddie today! I hope you all are having a good day, and as always, I love you guys. WE HIT 1k reads. That's so many people. So many reads. Thank you for all the support. Now on with the show.

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