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Amity's (POV) Luz scooped me up quickly carrying me over, behind some rubble. "You'll be safe here. I love you." I felt as Luz' hand pulled away and her essence left my side. I felt the tears well up knowing I couldn't do anything but wait and see. That wasn't enough. I had to do something.

Luz' (POV) 

I set Amity down quickly and said, "You'll be safe here. I love you!" I felt the tears well up in my eyes knowing it would be the last time I would get to say that. I ran from Amity wiping my eyes heading to a corner to ready my spells. 

I drew faster than ever, writing out abominations and plants and illusions. I hit the first illusion quickly letting a wall slide up in front of the incoming sounds. I heard a screech and ducked behind a wall hoping Eda hadn't seen me. 

"I'm sorry Eda!" I screamed as I threw a liquid spray onto her feathers. The spray was acid, and it definitely would be leaving a mark. I felt Gus' presence as he drew a circle letting another illusion of spikes pop up scaring Eda. 

Willow scampered out from under some bubble during a circle to catch Eda. The plants emerged from the ground and wrapped up and around Eda's ankles tying her to the floor. She lets out an ear-piercing screech as she tears through them. Oh no. Eda looks around before spotting me. 

She growls and scratches the ground as shivers run up my spine. And then, she charges. I close my eyes readying myself for impact... until, "SCREEEEEEE!" Eda screams as a hand emerges from the ground swapping around her tight, so she can't move. 

I dart my eyes over to the rubble to see Amity groaning in pain as she holds Eda in place. I look around angrily and spot Pheobe. She has the serum. I run towards her not caring about me anymore. I swipe the bottle from her run-up to Eda pushing the liquid into her mouth. 

Amity screams in pain collapsing to the floor. The hand around the beast falters for a moment, but I slam a strength spell on it letting it stand for a few more moments. Then... the beast shrinks. "Eda!" I cry out. I catch her as she falls limp carrying her over to Amity. 

"That was so stupid," I tell Amity. I cup her face in my hands pressing my lips against hers. "You're the one who almost died," she cries pressing her lips against mine again. I give her a half-hearted laugh before another scream emerges from the shadows. 

Along the lines stands a tall beast with raven like features. The beast is as black as the night, and I know exactly the man who rides it. Jason Futhara. I feel as Amity wraps her arms around my waist pulling me in for one last kiss. 

"You don't have to do this," she mutters. I smile under her and feel tears as they begin to pour from my eyes. "I do." Amity latches on tighter, but I shove her off me and run towards the beast pulling out an old spell. 

I remember going out to the woods that day. Amity was there. I tried to pretend like I was so cool and that I knew two spells for school. Amity laughs at me to this day because she says she liked me no matter what. No, she loved me no matter what, and I was doing this to save her.

I brought out my chalk and hit the centre of the circle. An icicle erupted from the ground as the giant monster tried to step on me. I rolled out from under it barely feeling as my stomach dropped to my knees as the icicle began spiralling towards the roof. As soon as we reached it I slapped a plant spell down. 

A giant thornvault erupted from the ground and pushed the NachtKrapp high into the air. Such a beautiful creature. As it screamed I realized Willow had tied its' wings to its' sides. I let out a cry as the beautiful creatures body slammed against the roof, crumbling it. 

Futhara rolled off to the side groaning in agony. That's when I felt it. "Ahhhh," I screamed as unimaginable pain rolled through my veins I heard a chuckle as I curled into a ball letting tears fall from my eyes. We were so close.

"Did they forget to mention anything done to me, the spellcaster is done 7 times as much. You won't make it. Such a shame tsk tsk tsk." I rolled over gaspingfor air as I reached into my pocket and pulled out the piece of paper that would end it all. 

"At least we'll die together," I snarl slapping the paper down. Pain takes over a swe both scream feeling the spell rip my flesh and his. He cries out as I roll out of the spell gasping in pain. My vision goes blurry and then dark.

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