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Luz' (POV)

Fading... Gone... she couldn't be gone. "Amity," I scream impatiently. There... body... "No," I collapse to my knees taking in a deep breathe before... 

"Luz!" I woke up suddenly. I gasped as I sat up. Amity sat beside me, her eyes full of worry. "Are you ok? You were mumbling and shaking. I'm so worried. Please tell me what's going on."

She sat down beside me, rubbing my back in the process. "Amity, Futhara's going to be here in a day. Why am I sleeping? What happened?" 

Amity sighed sadly not wanting to remind what happened. I knew what had happened. I just didn't want to leave this world so soon. I wanted to make sure it wasn't all just in my head. "You know what happened, Luz. Now tell me what you were dreaming about."

I sighed nodding my head in agreement. I explained the dream to her hastily. She remained calm throughout the entire story before caressing my face softly. "It's ok, Luz. I'm still here." And I'm still going to die, I thought unhappily.

The door opens and Gus walks in hastily. "Come on. It's time to set up the ritual." I frown and get up from the bed leaving a sad Amity.

I followed Gus through the corridor and into a large opening the building had created. No ceiling or walls were surrounding us. Willow, Boscha and Pheobe all stood in the centre discussing whatever. 

"Futhara will be here in  5 hours. We need to set up the ritual now, so we can make sure everything goes to plan." I sigh and begin walking towards the 3 girls. I take the ritual map from them without a word and set it on the ground trying to seem hopeful.

Their plan could "supposedly" save me from dying, but I didn't believe it. They wanted to imprint the Mark of Cain on me before I completed the ritual, but we need someone who has experience with runes to do that. 

"I don't get it, Gus. Why do you trust this newcomer so much? How do we know she's not just trying to get Luz killed?" I heard Willow hammering Gus with questions. "Yah, Augustus, why let me die? Why can't it be you," I sarcastically chimed in? 

"Luz, we've talked of this. My father will not stop until the world is in utter chaos. He will destroy this dimension until there is nothing left. The ritual cannot be completed unless it is completed by someone of the same species, Luz. That's you." Pheobe was full of bull shit. 

"The ritual also cannot be completed unless someone dies," Willow countered. I sighed and looked back to the work space. I took a piece of chalk from a bucket nearby and began drawing an ice circle on the floor. 

The second spell I had ever learned. I felt a tear run down my face. I wiped it off finishing the circle. I wiped my eyes clean again before turning around. "Is everything in position," I ask cautiously.  

Everyone nods their heads slowly. Suddenly, Amity comes screaming into the room. I catch her as she falls to the floor. "Amity? What happened?" I hold her as she shivers in my embrace. "He's here."

Ok pause. The episode of grom was literally the cutest thing ever. Amity totally has feelings for Luz and Luz may not know it, but she totally loves Amity! Such a good episode. Love you all!

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