The Book

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Pheobe's (POV)

Log entry day 5. I missed day 3 and 4, I'm aware. We were being followed and hunted constantly. I almost lost King. I'm still in shock, so I won't write about the experience now. I don't know how much longer I can wait out the creatures. Yesterday, they got too close. I think I have an infection now. They got my leg when I saved King. That's all for now.

Gus' (POV)

Of course we the book I was looking for was at the end of a long, dark, scary-looking tunnel. "Welp, no time to waste," I say hastily. I grab my backpack that's slung over my shoulder, pulling it closer to me for comfort.

I turn my head to see Willow and Mattholomule shaking in awe and confusion. I roll my eyes saying, "Come on, guys. The sooner we go through this, the sooner we get back." "You didn't mention we were going on a quest!" Willow started to freak out about all the safety precautions as Mattholomule just sighed.

We proceeded to argue over the next few minutes about getting the book or not when all of a sudden the door behind us slammed shut. "Great, now it's pitch black in here," Willow stutters. I draw a light circle and immediately a ball of light lights up the hall.

Willow pulls at the door and repeatedly turns the handle hoping for a response. The handle rattles but does not budge. I sigh and say, "Well, we should get going then." They both slowly nod their heads and start to walk down the dark hall.

In no time we had walked down endless halls of darkness, having only a light to guide us. Eventually, we came across a dark black door. We went through the door, happy to have some sort of guide.

The room we came across was not large. "Hey, guys, I found a light switch," Mattholomule yells. He flicks it on to reveal another door on the opposite side of the room. I start to walk towards it before running into an invisible wall.

"Ouch!" I collapse out of pure shock and pain. I stumble back to my feet and reach my hand out to find the wall sitting in-front of me. "It seems like some sort of protection spell," I say cautiously.

"Maybe we can dis-arm it," Willow suggests. I nod my head saying," Maybe. It could always be an illusion as well. Making us believe the wall is here." They both nod their heads in agreement.

Mattholomule goes first, trying to break the force field. He draws a circle and his arms become bulkier. He begins punching the invisible force in a pitter-patter motion. He began panting before stopping and drawing another circle.

His arms shrank back down to normal size as he wheezed. "I" 'wheeze' "don't" 'Wheeze' "think that" 'wheeze' "worked" 'wheeze'.

Willow and I worked together trying to trick the field into believing it was an illusion. She raised plants from her spares in her pockets trying to move past the wall as I made illusion after illusion walking through the wall, but nothing seemed to work.

After about 30 minutes of trying different techniques, a piece of paper popped out of the ceiling. The paper flowed freely to the floor. When it finally came to a halt, we all moved towards it.

I picked up the paper hastily reading the words aloud. "To get past a chapter, you must read it thoroughly." I looked around questioningly at the two. "Any ideas," I ask uneasily.

Both of them shake their heads. We're all pretty silent until Willow says, "We must get past the chapter first?" "The chapter we're in," Mattholomule finishes. "We have to finish our chapter." "What?" Me and Willow both look at him confused.

"I don't know guys! I'm trying ok," Mattholomule cries. We nod our heads in unison before I say, "Mattholomules right. We have to try." Willow let out a cry and said, "I haven't been honest with you guys. Dakota isn't sick, their gone!"

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