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Pheobe's (POV)

Log, Day 4. Today has gone very well. King has started telling me stories of this human he met. He says she is the best person out there, besides his mentor, Eda. Actually scratch that, he loves both of them way too much.

I may not be making it out alive of this situation, one of my many reasons for journaling, but I am determined to get King back to his family, alive.

Luz' (POV)

We sauntered back over to our meetup location. Willow, me, and the Blight twins were waiting for Amity and Gus to get back. We had gathered that 8 younglings went missing and 16 oldies. Which left 50 kids of our age group to have gone missing.

Let's just say I wasn't very excited to hear that. What if something happened to Amity while I was gone? She had freaked out only last night. I should've gone with her. 

I hated to admit it, but I still liked Amity. She had hurt me almost as my father had, but she didn't. She hadn't controlled herself, but she had controlled her thoughts. She knew what was going on, I just don't know why she went through with her actions.

It didn't matter anymore, I needed to be there for Amity, but maybe she didn't want me. Maybe all she remembered was the kiss. All she remembered was her friend kissing her. I forced her to kiss me.                                                             

I wouldn't blame her if she was mad. I just wanted her to know, I  would respect her boundaries. We had been friends for too long to mess up now. I had to gain her trust back, but I didn't want too. 

Part of me wanted her to leave me alone. Part of me wanted her to leave me forever. To never talk to me or talk about me or even think about me ever again. She had hurt me. She couldn't remember, but she had hurt me none the less.

"Yo, Luz," Edric's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He pointed towards the entrance of the building. There stood none other than Amiry Blight (and Gus). 

"Hey guys," Willow waved Amity and Gus over. We all walked over to our table and sat down. "What are my siblings doing here," Amity questioned. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Emira saw me do this and cut in before I could.

 "Oh come on Mittens, don't you want to see your favourite siblings?" Amity just shrugged. She had definitely seen me roll my eyes. She looked away from me and instead at Gus who was laying paperwork for all the kids out.

"Now Mr Pines is not a giver, but I offered him money so he lent me the forms for the kids who went missing. I've already gone through them, so I'll just tell you what I found." We all nodded our heads at Gus who continued speaking, "As we stated before a total of 74 kids are missing in total. From what I've seen out of the photos, I cannot determine whether there is  a pattern or not."

I sighed and glanced back towards the twins There probably hadn't been a pattern after all. That meant, we had no leads, and we were back at square one. After all of this work and stress to keep everyone safe, I had failed to help them. 

This was my fault. If I had done more research, or even just handled the Amity situation better, then we wouldn't be in this situation. We would have done fixed everything if this wasn't for me. 

I felt a hand pull my finger away from my mouth. I had been biting my nail without realizing it. I flinched at the hand, and I realized my mistake too late. Amity pulled back her hand and furrowed her eyebrows for a moment. 

She relaxed and huffed out a sigh before saying, "I don't know what to do, but we can't blame ourselves. We should tests it tonight. Everyone stay in your rooms, and tomorrow we'll come back and see who's all missing. Maybe it is a pattern after all. WE just haven't tried everything yet.

She stood up and continued, "I'm going to take a nap. It has been a very eventful couple of days." I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up staring into her sweet golden eyes. "It has been an eventful couple of days," I angrily urged her to keep talking.

"Yes, Luz." That was it. "Do you know just how much pain you've caused me?! You don't even care, do you? You obviously remember last night! You know what you did, but you don't care," I cried. 

Her face lit up in shock and fear. No one had ever seen me this angry. I saw tears well up in her eyes, and my face immediately softened. I hadn't meant to make her cry. I hadn't meant any of this, yet it was all happening.

"I-I'm s-so sorry. I didn't know I hurt you," she cried. She made her way out of the booth and ran back towards the hotel. "Amity," I called after her, but it was too late for an apology now. I started to make my way after her before a hand stopped me.

"Luz, you've done enough," Emira gave me a small smile. Gus through his mug of water to the floor in frustration. "AGH! This is all my fault. She just wanted to know what happened last night. I didn't have the heart or guts to tell her. Then I didn't tell you she didn't remember," Gus screamed aloud.

"Gus, this is not your fault," Willow tried, but Gus didn't agree. She put her hand on his shoulder in order to soothe him, only to have him shove it off. 

"This is all my fault, Gus. I yelled at her. I didn't ask her what she remembered. I didn't even ask her if she wanted to talk to someone," I yelled. This was my fault. Emira sighed and drew a circle. She suddenly disappeared and Edric freaked out. 

"I can't lose both of them. Who am I kidding? This is my fault. Those two are my siblings! I should take care of them not her friends. That is the role of an older brother. I'm supposed to take care of my siblings!"

"I know what I can do to fix this," I announced. "I'm leaving the Boiling Isles."

OOH, cliff hanger who?  Also, I'm going on a trip for the next week, so the updates are going to be a bit slower. I love you all!

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