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(Luz' POV)

I sunk into the warm bed realizing just how much I had missed it. Man, for a hotel bed, these were pretty decent beds. I roll over to find Amity lying in the bed staring deep into my eyes. 

"WAH," I screamed as I rolled off the bed. I heard a giggle and then face appeared over mine. "You're so clumsy sometimes." She laughed as she reached out a hand and pulled me back onto the bed. 

I sat across from her smiling at her. Why did she have to be so gorgeous? Her eyes were just the right colour. They were brighter today. A nice sunset gold colour. They glimmered in the sunlight that beamed in through the window.

"Amity your eyes are so beautiful," I muttered just loud enough for her to hear. I blushed at the realization of what I had just said. "Thanks, Luz," she said as she plopped onto the bed facefirst. She turned her head up slightly to see me sitting there in embarrassment.

 Then she winked at me. I felt my face heat up in even more embarrassment and collapsed my face into a pillow. "Why," I teasingly questioned. 

I looked up to see her smirking at me saying, "I would compliment you Luz, but this wouldn't be Pg-13 if I did. "Ahhhh," I cried as I put my face back in the pillow embarrassed at this entire conversation. 

"Oh come on Luz, I'm joking," she teased as she lifted my face from the pillow. "Well I'm gay, so how would I know," I whaled. I covered my mouth as soon as the words left my mouth. "Wait, your gay?" 

How the frick was I supposed to respond to that. No, I technically was not gay. I was bisexual, but that was beside the point. She might not want to room with me anymore! She could hate me! She could hurt me or worse. She could completely out me if she wanted.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I jumped off the bed and backed into the opposite wall holding my hands up in fear. My dad. Flashbacks seared through my brain as I fell to the floor and cried. 

"Luz! LUZ!" I heard my name being called as I tried to breathe. I couldn't breathe! It was like there was no air all of a sudden. It felt as if I had been swimming and a sudden wave had engulfed me out of nowhere.

My breath quickened as I tried to suck in air. I couldn't see! Everything was so blurry. I felt so nauseous. I felt everything at once, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. 

I buried my face in my arms sobbing from the flashbacks. Luz. It was like a calling, but something brought me back to reality. Then I realized someone's arms were around me. Amity.

"Luz it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you ever. I'm here for you," she whispered. I wrapped my arms around her waist and cried into her shoulder. "I'm sorry Amity. It wasn't a choice." "Luzzy no!" I hadn't heard that name since last summer. The last day I had seen Amity. her little chosen nickname.

"Luz, what happened over the school year? Something is wrong. I can feel it. You were acting a bit strange with contact ever since you got back." She wasn't wrong. "Luz your my closest best friend. I can't stand to see you so sad. What's going on?" 

At that, I just sobbed more. My dad. Terror. Lighting. Fire. Hit. Bat. Afraid. Fear. Lonely. Alone. Afraid. Crying. 

The words came to my head as I regained myself. "I can't tell you Amity," I sighed as I sniffled. "That's ok Luz. Just tell me when you're ready." I hugged her tighter. "I'll always be here you know," she cooed into my ear. 

"You promise?" She whispered back, "Promise." 

We sat there holding each other before I decided to say something else stupid. "By the way. I'm not gay, I'm Bisexual." She laughed and said, "That's ok Luz." She paused before saying, "I don't know what I am." For some reason, butterflies shot through my stomach at that sentence.

Why did I get happier when she said that? Why was I so comfortable in her arms even though I hated being touched? Obviously, I had learned to hold hands and give short hugs. I had been given time, but I didn't like being held. 

Yet here I was being held by the very person I had abandoned a whole year ago. "Why did you forgive me, Amity," I said as the tears started to slow. "I don't know Luz, but I do know that I can't live without you."

"Come on let's get some sleep," she whispered as she untangled her body from mine. She pulled me up slowly but surely to the bed. She drew a small circle to put on pyjamas. I smiled slightly as she giggled at my Harry Potter shorts once more. 

"You're never going to let this go. Are you?" "Not a chance," she laughed. I pulled myself into a fetal position and pulled the blanket over my body. "Goodnight Luz." Goodnight Amity."

Happy Pride Month! Personally, I love this month, and if you're reading this story, you love it too! Thank you so much for 700 whole views! I've probably not even talked to 700 people! Remember I love you all no matter what you look like, no matter who you are, no matter what you do or believe in. Thank you again!

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