Beach Day!

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Before I begin the chapter I just want to say Thank you for 34 frikin views. A lot of people would say that that's not a lot of views, but it is to me. Thank you so much! NOW ON WITH THE STORY!

(Still Luz's POV)

I woke to find myself snuggling up against Amity. Our legs were tangled and her arm was slightly draped over me. One of my hands was using itself as a face cushion and the other was hugging Amity. My face turned bright red as I realized this. I carefully untangled myself trying not to wake her. 

To my luck, the alarm went off just after I had gotten up and picked out some clothes for the day. "AHHAAHAHHHHAH, AHAHHAHAHAAAH." I was never going to get used to the alarms hear. I heard Amity groan as she rolled over to get off the bed and turn the alarm off. 

"Look who's awake," I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me before casting a spell. I fell over. Face first onto my backpack, with my Harry Potter shorts shining in the air. Once again Amity burst out laughing. 

I threw a sock at her in reply challenging her to do worse. The sock hit her square in the face and she momentarily stopped laughing. She smirked and walked over to the closet. I curiously followed her. She opened the door and chucked a blanket at me.

No big deal right? Yah it was weighted. I crumpled almost immediately not expecting the blanket. Amity began to chuckle at my weak attempts to remove the blanket from myself. "Curse my stick arms," I yelled as I heaved the blanket off my head. "Do you surrender," AMity asked cautiously? "I will never surrender," I shouted in reply. 

"Ok then." She winked at me and grabbed her clothes for the day and headed to the bathroom. Great. "Wait I surrender." She laughed and helped me pull the blanket off. "Don't worry your not too weak I put a weight spell on it." Amity laughed before going back into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. 

I decided it was better to just change out here. I was about to put on jeans when Amity yelled, "We're going swimming just wear a swimsuit and some shorts." I sighed and slipped on a one-piece and some cargo shorts. Not the best, but they would have to do. 

Amity popped out of the bathroom wearing a large t-shirt, sunglasses, and tiny shorts. "That your swimsuit?" I asked her not so politely. She pulled down her sunglasses slightly and retorted, "That's your swimsuit? No dork I'm wearing it underneath." She pushed her sunglasses back up to her forehead and started walking towards the door.

"They have towels at the beach for us. Come on let's go get breakfast." She walked back over to me and dragged me down to the diner area. We went over to a table filled with Gus, Mattholomule, Boscha(not a surprise), and what must've been Willow's roommate. Everyone was wearing swimming gear or something that resembled it.

I sat down next to Willow and Amity sat down next to me. We were sitting in a big semi-circle booth with little room left. Amity was pressed up against me making me blush slightly. I introduced myself to Willow's roommate. They introduced themselves as Dakota. 

Amity wouldn't stop talking about how she couldn't wait to taste this and this and do this and this, but I didn't want her to stop. The waiter came eventually taking orders around the table.

Of course, I didn't order for myself. I was to busy balancing a spoon on my nose to impress Gus. In the end, Amity ordered me a chocolate chip pancake stack with french toast as the side. I was more than happy. 

After we ate we headed out to the beachside to set up. Dakota was obviously enjoying themselves. They kept drawing water spells and shooting them in various patterns at Boscha and Willow. 

Amity spread out a blanket and set her sunglasses down beside it. She then started stripping iff her excess clothing. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't look away. She pulled off her shirt to reveal a light blue top of a bikini part.

She turned to put her shirt on the side when she may have noticed me staring. I felt my face turn red instantly. I tried to look away as if nothing happened, but I don't think it worked. "Were you staring at me human," Amity asked a little too excited.

"Uhh what? Me totally totally! I mean not! Totally not!" I looked at her my face burning. She laughed and took off her shorts as well to reveal the bottom of her bikini. 

"Come on cutie. You're going to miss the fun. She grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the water. I managed to pull my shorts off and throw them on the beach in time before being fully submerged in the cool water. 

We swam around and played with everyone for a bit until I remembered I needed to still get revenge for earlier. I snuck up behind Amity who was currently trying to see how big of a wave she could make without a wand.

"I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back against me. She gasped in surprise before I fully submerged the both of us. She smiled as soon as she saw me and resurfaced. "Ok Luz. I see what you're doing. Let's make a deal you can't escape to the land. And to prevent that I'm going to give us both gills. We shake on it." 

I sent her a daring smile before grabbing onto her hand. "You've got a deal," I challenged. She drew a circle and immediately I could feel myself gasping for not air, but water. Amity had already swum away to probably surprise me.

 I gulped down the freshwater. This doesn't make much sense. Anyways I've got an Amity to take down. I could hear the water moving as the sound was amplified in the water. Suddenly a hand wrapped around my waist and spun me in a circle, so I was facing its owner.

Amity. I kicked at her trying to get the advantage before being pushed against a rock. I groaned in pain. Amity froze trying to make sure I was ok. That was all I needed. 

I tackled her into the deeper end as we tumbled. She laughed or tried too as we sank further and further into the abyss until we hit the bottom of the sand. I had her pinned. I straddled her chest pinning down her arms in the process. 

"Give up," I teased as I lowered my face to hers. We were inches apart. She leaned up brushing her lips against mine. I felt myself go red as I froze again. Suddenly I felt the need to breathe. That was impossible. 

I was breathing fine until now... and now it's all going black.

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