Edric and Emira.

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Pheobe's (POV)

I heard the crashing almost immediately after the sun had set, but instead of running away from the flames that began to roar in the distance, I drew myself closer. The thing had to be chasing someone, so I was going to find this person, and we were going to save everyone. 

At least, that was what the warlock had said. I had contacted the warlock as I had planned, but weirdly no loud sounds came from the piece. The warlock had stayed for a day before making his descent back to wherever he came from.

He had given me what we agreed on. A scroll for the plans and complement on the part of the warlock. The Mark of Cain. I would use this, but first I had to find those other people. They would help me end this madness. 

Luz' (POV)

We quickly pulled Boscha form the mess she was laying in. She groaned in pain as we sat her up against the wall. "Boscha what happened," Amity asks concerned. Boscha continues to pant in exhaustion. 

She points towards the other side of the rumble gasping as she speaks. "Edric," Pant "and Emira," PANT, "Find them. They went," PANT ,"Forest, with Mattholomule." PANT ,"They knocked me out. Stop them."

Boscha goes silent for a moment. No one breathes as an eerie noise echoes throughout the hallways. "Go!" She shoves us towards the rubble and begins to draw a circle. A large creature stumbles around the corner. 

It's head in the shape of a human animal hybrid. It's claws are as long as my body, at least. It'd ruffled feathers made me shiver at the darkness of the creature. Eda.

I open my eyes in shock and fear as Boscha finishes her circle painfully. The circle erupts into bright lights of fire and loud sounds all erputing once again into flames. I jump back, startled. Amity starts towards Boscha, but I grab her. 

"I know, but we have to find the twins!" She gives Boscha a final, "I'm sorry," before we head off into the rubble, hearing explosions upon explosions behind us. I let out a cry as we tumble over the top of the rubble collapsing onto the other side. 

Another explosion is heard from behind me, and it sends Amity flying off the heap of the rubble into my arms. I hear a sob as Amity collapses onto my chest. "We left her," she cries. I pick her, so she has her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. 

She sobs into my neck as I carry her further down the hallway. "She's tough," i say with as much confidence as I can muster. We had left her all on her own. She was weakened and was facing off my mentor who was basically a mother to me. 

I knew I couldn't have fought her, so I had accepted Boscha's offer. It was a stupid decision. We should have stayed back and helped, but it was too late. I turned around to look back and see if we could make it back through the rubble, but the small entrance that had once been there, was gone.

I sighed as I continued to speed walk down the hall. Amity eventually started walking as well. We held hands as we walked down the hallway suspicious of any sudden noise. 

"We have too," a voice squeaked from around the corner. I heard a slight gasp from beside me. I covered Amity's mouth as she hurriedly drew a circle. A wall of some sort appeared in front of us. 

She drew another circle and the wall became see through. There stood Edric and Emira (and Mattholomule on Edric's shoulder) chatting anxiously. "Why'd we leave Boscha then," Emira says angrily.

Edric furrows his eyebrows and suggestively points to Mattholomule. "He said to bring the weakest among them. Not two or three of them, Em." Emira sighs heavily. "She's going to tell the others."

Edric frowns slightly. "No, I don't think she'll remember what happened, and besides, we'll be too far gone by then. They'll never find us, Em." "Amity! Damn it, Ed! We're doing this to protect our family. We're not running away. She'd never come with us anyways. Not if she can't bring Luz."

"I don't get why we can't bring Luz too," Edric says cautiously. Emira furrows her eyebrows. "Didn't you hear him? He said we could have Amity, but he would have Luz. He needs her. I- I don't know why." 

Emira puts her head in her hands. "Why us, Ed?" Edric pats her on the back as a siren wails off in the distance. "Come on, we don't want to be late." They hurry off out of a door, I hadn't noticed before. 

I grab Amity's hand and start to pull her towards the door. She reluctantly follows quietly. We make our way out the door to find ourselves outside. In the forest? This was the back exit of the resort. 

"I don't understand," I say wearily. "I do," Amity tugs on my hand and pulls me into the woods. She continues to tug me deeper and deeper into the woods. 

"Amity," I whisper harshly. She shushes me. Sh continues to pull me until we come to a small opening, but instead of entering the opening Amity tucks us behind a tree. "This is a spot they used to love when they were little," is all Amity says.

I hear crumbling of leaves and branches as Edric and Emira(And Mattholomule, still asleep on Edric's shoulder) come into the opening. I hear a sigh form Emira as another siren blows off in the distance. 

The trees begin to sway back and forth as a strong wind picks up. I grip Amity to my chest as the wind shoves us against the tree. The wind gets stronger and louder as we sit there cradling each other. 

All of the sudden I hear the siren again, but closer. I rip open my eyes to see a massive NachtKrapp flying above the trees. I gasp as it begins to descent into the opening of the forest. The NachtKrapp lands, and the wound ceases immediately. 

"Oh, you've come on time?" I recognize the man's voice instantly. I peeked around the corner to see none other than the Mark of Cain tattooed into the man's bulky arms. This was not good. 

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