Return of Humans

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Pheobe's (POV) 

I could almost see the building from my naked eye as I rushed through the forest. I panted and stumbled over a tree branch, falling face-first into the cold, wet woods. I chuckled, rolling over so I was looking up into the sky above me. 

I was so close to them, yet so far.

Boscha's (POV)

"Gone?" Willow asks me terrified. I nod my head slowly reaching for the cup of water on my left. Willow puts the glass to my lips carefully pouring in a small amount. 

"I trust them," I groggily muttered. She sighed and wiped a stray hair from my face. "I trust them too." 

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. Willow laughed and sat back in her chair. "You should get some rest," she says warmly. I smile and roll my eyes. "Oh come on, you know that's not going to happen."

Willow laughs again. Suddenly, Gus walks into the room looking very concerned. "They haven't returned, but we have slightly bigger problems now." "What," Willow and I ask in unison. He looks at both of us before saying, "She's here."

Pheobe's (POV)

I entered the tall building, collapsing immediately. "I am" *Breath* "Pheobe, daughter of Jason Futhara. I have come to" *Breath*  "save you,"and with that, I past out.

I woke up in a small room filled with people. Their was a short, darker, male who caught my interest immediately. He definitely seemed to be the leader. "You," I coughed. I raised a finger and pointed it towards him. 

He looked at me confused before laughing. "She's awake." He grabbed a notepad before coming and sitting in a chair in front of me, his right leg on his left. I gave him an odd look before sitting up.

A wave of nausea rolled through my head as I regained my sight from the sudden dizziness. "Pheobe, was it? " He smirked at my expression before continuing. "Jason Futhara, the man who has killed thousands. You, are his daughter. So why am I to believe you are here to help us?"

I felt my body tense at the name of him. I relaxed my muscles before speaking. "My blood relative does not define me. I hate him for what he has done. For... trapping us in this terrible place of magic." I spat the last part in rage.

The young man hummed quietly while jotting something down. "Where are you from?" "America." The young man gasped in surprise. "You're human?" "No duh. Why else would I not have zapped you with some strange circle."

The boy chuckled with delight. "Luz will definitely be surprised to hear this. I'm Augustus by the way, but you may call me Gus if you so please. Now, why are you here?" 

I laughed before looking him dead in the eyes. "I know how to kill Futhara."

"Oh?" Augustus laughed, keeling over. "You're funny." 

"I'm serious Augustus. You're not a very good leader if you've already given up!" 

Augustus stopped laughing. "Leader? No, if you want to talk to our leader, you'll need to go search through the woods. We don't have time for that though. At least that's what the others say." His voice trailed off as he jotted something else down.

"Pheobe, do you have any physical pain."


"Do you have any mental pain?"

"No and no."

"Are you experiencing nausea, blood loss, cramps, headaches, or loss of vision?"

"Yes. Now answer let me tell yo'u something else. Luz, your leader, is in danger. Futhara used to speak of another human entering the Boiling Isles. Back when I wasn't a prisoner, my father spoke of her. He knew she would be powerful, so he gave her time to train. He forgot me. Left me out. Never spoke to me unless a task was needed. I despised her, but I never acted on it. I wasn't stupid."

I looked at Augustus, his eyes full of nothingness. I felt my eyes furrow. My body was off the bed smashing his into a wall. He chuckled in surprise. "What is wrong with you?" 

"Don't you get it? We're dead! We're not  going to make it out of this! Futhara is coming in less than a day now and Luz isn't here!"

"I have a fricking cure you idiot. The way we end this! We kill him!"

"He has the mark of cain!"

"Only one life needs to be sacrificed to take that away, look." I pull out a scroll. The scroll the warlock gave me. I unleash the boy from my grasp, heading or a table to spread the sheet. 

I spread the anciet debri over the table pointing out the ritual. "It's a spell. It's a ritual. It only takes on person's life. It can fix everything. If you just let m explain-" I rambled on until Gus started speaking. 

"Slow down. We know about the ritual, but we need Luz. She doesn't know it, but she's the only one who can perform the spell. I noticed the markings and realized a witch can't have runes without perishing. Only a human can. And only species of the same sort can complete the ritual without killing everyone."

Gus sighs and puts his head in his hands. I hear a soft sob escape his lips as he continues to mourn. "We have to sacrifice Luz." 

"Not if she agrees to it." 

"It doesn't matter! Luz still has to die!"

"Ok, ok, I get it. I know you care about her, but would you rather have the whole world die?" 

"I would rather have no one die!"

"Well that doesn't seem like an option right now!" We continued shouting back and forth before I heard a loud but stern, "Guys," from behind us. I turned around to see a girl with three eyes. She rolled them and stepped aside. 

"Luz and Amity are back." 

Luz and Amity stood holding each others hand. Amity was in tears and a hand was held to cover her mouth. Luz just looked numb before speaking sadly, "I'm gonna die."

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