Welcome to the Resort

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Amity face turned red as she turned to grab something from her siblings. "Luz! We're so glad you made it back. Mittens here wasn't going to last much longer. She cried the first month you'd left." I frowned slightly at that comment, but before I could say anything else Amity coldly replied, "That's enough you two! You can go now. Thanks for lunch. BYE!" Amity shoved them towards the nearest exit.

"Yeesh, we just wanted to say hi to our dearest sister," Emira retorted. Amity finished pushing them out the door and they put their hands up in surrender and started to walk away. "Oh and Mittens! Don't forget what our promise was!" I didn't think Amity's face ould be redder, but I was wrong.

Amity turned back to me and calmly said, "Sorry about them. They can be annoying." You cried about me," I asked worriedly. "Yah Luz I couldn't stand the thought that something bad had happened to you. You looked so worried that day, and I just ran off like nothing was wrong," Amity sighed softly. She looked down at her feet and muttered something like, "It was my fault."

"Hey," I caressed her cheek lifting her eyes to meet mine. "I was the one who should've told you I was leaving, I was being selfish." She smiled before wiping her eye and saying, " I guess we both could've been a little more clear huh? Now, what was it you came to ask me about?"

My eyes lit up with excitement before speaking rapidly. "Oh, I wanted to ask you about the resort. What should I bring? Am I counted as a student of Hexside still? Where will I stay? Are parents going to be coming?" "Woah Luz calm down!" Amity interrupted before I could say anything else.

"I suppose I should've informed you a bit more seeing how excited you are. Basically, bring some clothes,  a swimsuit, your own pillow because you should never trust a hotel pillow, and I don't know whatever you would normally bring on vacation. Except not anything to... How do I say this?" "Too weird?" I finished off her sentence. 

She smiled and patted my shoulder. In response, I gave her a look and asked, "So am I going to have my own room, or am I going to share or.." Her face lit up with an emotion I couldn't place. Maybe it was fear or excitement. 

"Yah we are all uhh sharing rooms. Well not all of us in one room of course," She blushed slightly. "But we are grouped into groups of 2-3 depending on the size of the room. I was wondering if uhh y-you maybe w-wanted to uhh share a room maybe?" Amity stuttered.

Aww, look at little Amity gathering up courage. I smirked at her knowing she would react. "Does someone enjoy spending time with the human a little more than she thinks?" I threw her my best puppy dog eyes and her face lit up bright red.

She scoffed before regaining her bitter expression and saying, "I am in no way enjoying this conversation because you're the one making it hard. And by the way, I would like you to be my roommate because your the only one who actually would be fine with me having a lamp on to read."

She nodded her head as if to say she was content with her answer before actually picking her book up off the floor from when she fell. She started towards the door almost immediately. "Wait for Amity, I'll to be your roommate!"

She sighed and said, "It's ok Luz. I know you're just trying to be nice." "No Amity I want to be your roommate when are we leaving?" She turned before biting her lip slightly. "The chariot leaves tomorrow at 10 pm sharp. I'll save you a seat." 

10 pm? I could do that. 

Turns out I couldn't do that. "9:30!!! Already?" I cursed to myself hopping off the bed and throwing a ton of clothes and random stuff into my bag. By the time I left the house, it was already 9:50. I asked Eda for a ride, and she agreed. 

"On the dot," I announced. I hopped off the broom and strode over to a not so impressed Amity. Her arms were crossed and she had a satchel hanging at her side. She was wearing jeans and a black shirt. A turquoise flannel covered her arms. 

"At least you made it. Come on we're going to be left behind. Don't worry I got you seats close enough to your friends that when I fall asleep you have someone to bother." She grabbed my hand almost happily and dragged me onto the bus. 

"Bye, Eda! Bye King! I'll see you soon," I screamed at the chariot took off. Amity pulled me over to two seats in the way back. Across from us were Willow and Gus happily playing with different spells. Amity sat down on the inside of the seats while I took the outer one. 

Just like Amity said, an hour into the journey she fell asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. I tried to make fewer movements for her comfort, but I wasn't the best at sitting still. Instead I ended up putting her head in my lap so she stretch and I could move my arms freely. 

Eventually, Willow and Gus fell asleep too as it was darkening in the sky.  I used the rest of the time to play with Amity's hair and then eventually drift off myself. 

I awoke with a sudden thud. I fell off the seat into a very uncomfortable position. My head was leaning against the seat in front of me, my back was twisted in a way I couldn't understand, and my legs were sprawled out underneath the seats and on top of our seats.

Speaking of our seats where was Amity. It was still pitch black outside. "AHAHHAAH," I screamed as a face popped over mine. It was Amity of course and she started cracking up. She helped me up to my feet before saying, "Welcome to the Resort." I glanced around us to see a human-like beach.

I hadn't known the Boiling Isles could be so tropical. And that's when I saw the large building in the back. It was beautiful. It had decorations that shined as bright as the sun and windows in all the right places. (Sorry I'm no architect ): ) The building was beautiful.

I didn't realize I was gaping until Amity pushed my mouth shut with her hand. "That's the hotel. I'm assuming you like it then?" Amity giggled at my shock. Willow and Gus had also come over along with Mattholomule. Gus sighed as Mattholomule didn't stop talking about how he was so important or whatever.

"I got stuck with this guy as my roommate," Gus said depressingly. I laughed at Willow tried her best to keep in a smile. "A friend of mine who is majoring in plants thought it would be good for us to be roommates and I said I'd give it ago," Willow gushed in excitement.

It was good to see she was making other friends. "All campers please report to their rooms now. All campers please report to their rooms now." I couldn't place the name of the voice, but I couldn't think about it for Amity was now dragging me to the door of our room. 

She flopped onto the nearest bed with exhaustion. "Someone's tired," I giggled. "It's midnight I'm going to bed and so are you," she sighed lazily. She drew a circle in the air and suddenly both of us were in pyjamas.

My face lit up red when I realized the pyjamas I was wearing. I was wearing little boxer shorts that had Harry Potter and a picture of a wand printed all over them. Luckily I was only wearing a purple tank-top for my shirt. 

Amity glanced up to see why I had suddenly gone so quiet to burst out laughing at my PJ's. My face was even redder now, and I quickly walked over to the opposite side of the bed to prevent myself from being embarrassed more. 

I playfully shoved her off the bed and got under the covers before she could laugh anymore. "I'm sorry that was just not what I was expecting," she continued to laugh. "What happened to be tired. Is it so bad I like Harry Potter," I whined. 

"Whatever dork." She slipped under the covers and whispered, "Goodnight Luz." "Goodnight Amity." I couldn't help but smile. This was going to be a fun summer.

(I forgot to mention there is only one bed per room due to the hotel just opening. Just thought I'd throw that out there!)

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