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Amity's (POV)

"LUZ!" I felt myself shout at the top of my lungs before losing it. I drew a circle and immediately felt myself spiralling towards the roof. I started crying as I saw Luz. She was in a fetal position. her arms wrapped around her stomach. Her knees held up to her chest. Her facial expression went slack almost immediately. 

"No, no, no," I felt myself sobbing as I fell to my knees, lifting Luz into my arms. I felt as the air thinned and everything went silent except for my sobs. I lifted my fingers to her chin checking to see if there was any chance she could be alive. 

Pulse, pulse... pulse. I gasped hugging Luz to my chest as I began to check her heart for a beat. There was one. "Luz," I whispered laying her on her back. I began reciting the operation known as CPR over and over feeling her heart getting stronger and stronger. 

"Come on Luz," I cried pumping her chest up and down. "Amity," I felt a hand on my shoulder but shrugged it off continuing what I was doing. "She's still alive. She has a pulse. Her heart is beating. We can save her!"

"No." I turned to look at Pheobe. "What is wrong with you? She's dying! She's she's everything to me." I felt the tears roll down my face as I brought my lips to Luz' to give her air. 

"Move, Amity." "NO!" I shouted feeling the anger roll up my veins. I felt as she tried to pull me away from Luz. I drew a circle hastily and she flew back several feet landing with a thud. She smirked and got up coming back over. 

"You're strong, but not strong enough." She shoved me away from Luz, reaching into her pocket, pulling out a piece of chalk. She began drawing a huge circle around Luz as I regained my ground. 

I drew another circle that sent her flying into a wall. "Ugh," she groaned in pain as I resumed pumping Luz' chest making sure she was still alive. I heard a s she drew a small circle on the pavement and suddenly I was sent flying. 

"You... you know magic," I hissed. I rolled as she chucked a piece of paper that turned into a fireball at me. I growled drawing a circle. A hand came out of the ground grabbing her and holding her still. 

She laughed and began to do the impossible. She drew a circle in mid air on nothing but air. "What?" I said stunned. The circle sent me falling into dizziness and what felt like the worst headache ever. 

"Oww," I groaned in pain falling over. 

I heard as she drew the circle rolling Luz over so she could complete the spell. "No," I gasped in pain. I watched as my consciousness began to slip in and out. "No." I said it firm this time grasping every bit of hope I had left. 

I had to save her. I drew a spell the last bits of magic draining from my ever tiring system. My head stopped hurting and my vision came back, almost too late. I saw as she brought her down and my body sprung into action diving at Luz, slamming into her as we rolled out of the spell. 

My ears split and rang as a ear-piercing screech echoed through the ever growing light. What was this spell? "You little bitch!" I felt as Pheobe kicked me. I stayed over Luz checking for a heartbeat. 

I let out a sigh of relief when I felt her heart still beating. I felt as Pheobe tried prying my arms away from Luz' waist. She sighed and kicked me as hard as she posibliy could, probably cracking a rib in the process. I whimpered in pain but held my ground. 

"You stupid slut. I need her! She will complete Jason Futhara's death and I will gain his power! I will rule this stupid dimension. Now get off!" She rolled me over so Luz was left on top of me. I did something then that I never thought I would ever do. 

As she reached down I wrenched my face towards her hand biting down as hard as I could, and I... bit off her finger. She screamed in pain and I spit the finger out coughing and choking on the excess.

As she stepped back looking at her hand horrified I got up and ran at her, pushing her into the flames of light. She screamed as she went in, and suddenly all went dark. The light disappeared as I gasped and crawled back towards Luz hoping she was still alive.

I was relieve to say at the least when I found out she was, but she wasn't breathing! "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no , no!" I wiped my mouth with my sleeves hoping to forget the taste of a finger one day. 

"Kid?" I looked up hopefully to see Eda standing there. She rushed over checking her pulse and the realization sunk in when her face dropped. She quickly drew a circle and a vial appeared. She dumped it down Luz' throat, as I sat, hoping something would happen. 



the seconds that ticked by felt like minutes... until, GASP .

Luz sat up straight blood trickling from her nose. She looked over to me at which I wrapped my arm around her neck kissing her deeply. I heard her giggle as she pressed her lips against mine humming happily. 

Things might just be alright.

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