The NachtKrapp

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Pheobe's (POV)

Log, Day 6. Nothing much has happened today. My infection is spreading throughout my leg. It started on my calf and has made it up to my lower thigh. King is worried. He says he might have an idea what the monster is, but he refuses to speak of it. He says the last time it was seen was in the late middle ages. A creature made to chase everyone who dares open their eyes. That's all for now.

Luz' (POV)

Three days. It took three whole days to look through the book and narrow the limits of what the monster could be. We had decided on 3 main monsters that the monster could be. 

"Ok, who votes for the Chimera?" Willow and Mattholomule raise their hands. "Ok now who votes for the changeling," Gus asks tiredly. Nobody raised their hands this time. "ANd who think it's the NachtKrapp." 

Amity, me, Gus, Emira, Boscha, and Edric all raise our hands in unison. Tha NachtKrapp was a mythical creature that hadn't been seen on the Boilings Isles since the year 1200. Over 800 years later it was have thought to have returned. 

At least that was what we were thinking. The NachtKrapp hunts children who are still awake in the dark hours of the night. To most everyone, it made sense that the NachtKrapp would be the creature to take all of the kids.

The loud rumble of its large wings thumping against the buildings and floor awakes everyone. Then it goes in for the taking. When the kids are awake the NachtKrapp can sense them. And if the NachtKrapp can sense them, it will take them. 

"Weaknesses," Amity asks. "It's nocturnal. We've been over this a hundred times. It has no known weaknesses besides it is nocturnal," Willow retorted. 

Amity flinched, and I grabbed her hand in protection. I let out a huff as I glared at Willow. She couldn't just gang up on Willow because her partner wasn't here.

"Look LUZ! I can't believe that the monster is a NachtKrapp. Why?! Because if it is, their dead," Willow cried in a monotone voice. 

I heard a sob from beside me. Amity collapsed into my arms and began sobbing loudly. "Great, and now she's crying," Willow snapped. "Leave her alone," I snapped back. She let out a huff and stormed out of the room. Gus followed after her hurriedly.

I did my best to comfort Amity. I rubbed her back as she sobbed into my shoulder. "It's okay," I cooed. "I didja mean for hetsab to goop," Amity cried. "I know you didn't, and it isn't your fault. She's just on edge right now," I consoled. 

Withing 15 minutes Willow(and Gus) had returned to the room we were currently sitting in. "Sorry Amity," Willow muttered. Amity smiled in return still keeping a firm grip on my waist. "I'm sorry I got emotional."

I rubbed Amity's back softly encouraging her to participate some more. Emira and Edric had come over and made sure she was ok as well. 

"So what's our next move," I ask confidently. "I think, I mean if we like can. Maybe we go looking for this creature and our friends," Boscha suggests.

"And die in the process," Mattholomule complains. Willow negatively starts, "Dakota is probably dead. So what's the point? Let's ay least die trying and not the way Amity almost went out." "Stop it," I screamed. I started towards Willow, but Amity grabbed my shirt collar dragging me out of the room. 

"Luz, she's just angry." I yanked my arm from her grasp and started back towards the room. Amity grabbed my waist and pulled me back. "Why won't you let me do this for you," I yelled. She flinched at my raised voice, letting go of my waist.

She furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed me by the ear pulling me away from the building so no one would hear her rant.

"Luz Noceda," she started. Uh oh, I thought worried. "You will not speak to anyone as I did that night. Do you understand?" I nodded my head vigorously. She continued, "If you want to protect me, do it through fucking helping!" 

I didn't hear Amity curse very often, so I knew this was important. "I'm sorry," I started. "NO! I wil," I cut her off by kissing her. I slammed my lips into hers making this a sloppy kiss. I pushed her against a nearby wall raising her hands above her head. 

I held her hands against the wall with one hand and the other wrapped around her waist. She gasped against my lips, searching for air. "I love you so much," I muttered. I have her a second to catch her breathe and murmur, "I love you more."

That was enough for me to push my lips back against hers. She struggled but managed to free her hands running them both through my hair. I let out a low groan as she pushed her fingers through my hair running them down my spine.  

I shivered as she cupped my face. Adrenaline soared through my veins as I pressed my lips against her neck. I sucked in and she let out a small moan. 

Willow's (POV)

Maybe I had been a little hard on Amity. This wasn't her fault. I was just looking for someone to blame. After the duo had been gone for 10 minutes, Emira and I went to look for them. We found them making out and decided to tell the others. 

We all took photos and videos until Mattholomule took a picture with his flash on. The couple noticed and we all gigled at there bright red faces. 

"We're having a moment" Luz shouted over our laughs and cries of joy. "We are so telling mom and Dad about this when we get home, Mittens," Edric joked.

Amity's (POV)

OH MY GOD! My siblings took frikin pictures of me. What were they going to do now? I was in deep shit if I ever went home.

Love you guys! Even if you're reading this a year or two from now, I love you all so much!

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