The Woods.

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Amity's (POV)

It was so dark outside tonight. I gripped Luz' hand making sure she was still there. She squeezed back in reply and I let out a sigh I hadn't realized I had been holding. I looked out past the tree again to see a man dismounting a winged creature. 

I heard Luz gasp beside me. "Eda," she whispered. I saw her looking into at me in the corner of my eye. I looked into her eyes, now full of tears. "It's ok, Luz. We'll get her back."  I gave her a reassuring smile. 

She smiled back sadly, before wiping her eyes and looking back to the man and my siblings. 

"Did you bring one," the man asked harshly. Ed and Em nodded their heads nervously and showed Mattholomule to him. He let an unpleasant smile slip onto his face before he snapped his fingers. 

The biggest NachtKrapp emerged from the ever-darkening woods. It growled as Edric and Emira placed the boy inside a pouch on the NachtKrapp's side.

"He'll do nicely with the others." The man smirked before stepping towards Ed and Em. I saw fear in there eyes for a split second. The man scoffed and rested a hand on one shoulder of each sibling. 

They went tense instantly but remained where they stood. "Ed, Em, we talked about this. I won't hurt your silly family." I growled at the use of the nicknames. 

Luz tightened her grip on my hand trying to comfort me. I shook off the anger and continued listening to their conversation.

"Yes Master Futhara," the twins replied in unison. That, that was definitely a weird last name. "Please, Master Jason will do. I think you've earned that much." 

The twins nodded their heads quickly before he patted them on the shoulder and put his arm back at his side. "Come along, we need to discuss this human you've talked of." He said the word human as if it were venom.

"Her name was... Luz?"

I felt Luz tense up at the usage of her name. I squeezed her hand letting her know I was still there as the twins began to explain. "You said you wouldn't hurt Amity, sir." They rambled on until the man put up a hand.

The two went silent instantly as he began speaking. "I will not physically harm your sister. Now, I don't care what relationship she has with this human, for I must have her. She will be a fine attachment to my collection."

"Pheobe wouldn't agree, sir," Emira started sadly. "Silence!" he bellowed with rage. "No one will speak of her. Now let's go! We have mucbh to discuss." He said the last part calmly as he regained his nerve.

He patted the side of the biggest NachtKrapp. "Viney, dearie, be a good girl and take Ed and Em back to the larve." "the larve," I didn't realize I had whispered it aloud, until Luz covered my mouth with her hand. 

Futhara looked around paranoid and looked up to what must've been Eda. "Owl, have yourself a snack of whatever creature is out there." He patted her side and mounted a NachtKrapp. Ed and Em mounted Viney and the creatures took off, all except Eda.

Luz' (POV)

Eda turned sharply as soon as the mn and the twins had taken off. She let out a growl and I managed to cry out, "Run!" We bolted from the tree deeper into the woods, having no real sense of where we were going. 

I heard as the trees rusteled behind us and the ground shook as Eda galloped through the ver growing forest. I snatched Amityup in my arms, turning a corner sharply before setting her down as we continued running. 

I heard a screech as Eda turned corner after corner. We just couldn't lose her. I heard a gasp before Amity's hand tore away from mine. "No," I cried. I turned to see Amity on the floor. "I twisted my ankle," she muttered. 

I picked her up in my arms running as fast as I could away. I kept running and running hearing Eda continue to hunt me from behind. I could hear her gaining space, which made me breathe faster and louder as I heaved us both through the forest.

I ran until... until, a dead end. I let out a cry of fear and turned placing Amity own behind me. Eda galloped towards me. I looked around searching for anything.  A leaf! It was worth a try, I thought. I grabbed a leaf and carved out a light symbol on the leaf. 

I tapped it quickly as Eda was no further than 200ft away from me. I closed my eyes in fear holding Amity against my chest as I fell backwards. I never felt anything. I slowly opened my eyes to see Eda looking at the light in awe. 

I sighed happily and tapped Amity to show her. She gasped at the sight before us. I slowly made my way to my feet and closer to the circle of light. Eda growled as I neared her, but I didn't back down. 

I stuck out a hand gently. Eda looked at me curiously. "It's ok." I soothed the beast.  Eda closed her eyes for a second. When she reopened them I gasped. I saw Eda. I saw Eda's eyes. She smiled before nodding her head and turning the other way. 

She gave me a final hot before ascending into the sky. 

I felt arms wrap around my waist as I watched in awe as Eda flew off into the night sky. Eda wasn't gone yet.

Amity and I curled up by a tree, hoping to get some warmth over night. I gathered her in my arms, her back to my stomach. "Luz," she whispered. "Yeah?" "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For leaving you," she chuckled sadly. 

"Amity, I was being a bitch. You had every right, but I can say, I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"After all of this is over, do you maybe want to go on a real date," I asked nervously. I felt her head nod and I sighed in relief. She turned around so she was now facing me.

"I love you, Luz." I felt as blush creeped upon my face.

She giggled tenderly. 

"I love you too."

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