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(Amity's POV) Hey look it's not Luz' perspective cuz she's unconscious. WOW

I smiled to myself. Luz was currently straddling me against the ocean floor. She had my arms pinned above me and her face was close enough to mine. I leaned in just enough to brush our lips knowing I'd get a reaction. 

She froze and loosened her grip her face going red before pale. Wait what was happening. She looked at me worried before passing out. I hadn't made the spell long enough. She was running out of oxygen. 

Hell! She probably didn't have any oxygen. I grabbed her limp body and started swimming. It wasn't easy. We were so far into the ocean, I didn't know if I could make it. I couldn't cast a spell. I couldn't do anything. This was my fault. 

I gave everything I had and swam. AS soon as I reached the surface I drew a circle relieving me of gills, and another one as a light. Everyone saw it almost immediately. I dragged Luz' soaked body onto the land.

"What happened?" Willow asked terrified. I knelt down in front of Luz and suddenly a light bulb struck off. "Gus," I snapped. "Something humanish. Where It's called uhh C-C-CPR! How do I do it? 

Gus rushed over and knelt down on the opposite side of Luz. "Ok 30 chest compressions." I did as Gus said and began pumping her chest up and down making sure I could feel her heart beating. 

"Ok, now what," I almost screamed. "Ok grab her nose and tilt her head back!" I did as he said and looked at him once more. "Finally open her mouth and give her air." WHAT?! I cautiously lowered my mouth towards hers. 

I took a huge breath before placing my mouth on her and exhaling. "Again." I did it again. "That's it. That's what Luz told me it was." Gus sounded disappointed. "Come on Luz," I could feel tears running down my cheeks. 

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. You win ok? You win. Please come back." I rested my head trying to hear her heartbeat. 

(Luz's POV) Look she's alive. I mean if she died that would've ruined the entire story, but still.

I heard it. Thump Thump-thump. "Luz??" "You win" Please come back." Thump Thump Thump. I sat up coughing about water and sucking in air. I fell back down onto my back. A searing pain rose through my throat to my nose where the water has entered and exited. 

"Luz!" Amity's face popped in front of mine. "I win." She rolled her eyes before saying, "I'm just glad your alive dork." She leaned down and hugged me tightly. "AH! Affection from Amity help." 

Willow, Gus, Dakota, and even Boscha had worried looks as they ran over to us. "Willow and Gus wrapped me in a tight hug. Dakota and Boscha smiled at me from afar.

[Time Skip] 

After the whole "almost drowning coincidence" we went to get lunch and just kind of hung around. Eventually, Amity and I headed back to our room where we were now sitting having a staring contest. 

"Agh!" Amity blinked and fell backwards onto the bed. "How do you always win at this?" I giggled saying, "Back at my house we had this cat that would stare at me. So I started to stare back." What a dork," Amity laughed and threw a pillow at me. 

I caught it and set it in my lap to use as a cushion. "Hey! What else was I supposed to do? Hang out with my imaginary friends," I joked. She frowned slightly before saying, " It. Is. Good. Witch. Azura. Time." I hopped off the bed and grabbed the book.

Amity lay her head down beside me as she waited for me to start reading. She always said I had the best accents for the characters. After an hour I also fell asleep.

I was awoken by a sudden urgent knocking at the door. "Ugh," I groaned as I sat up form my uncomfortable position. "Ahh cramp! Neck cramp." I wiggled my neck as I opened the door. I was expecting Willow or Gus or maybe Boscha, but of course, it was none other than Eda.

"Oh you were serious when you said you were coming," I said shocked Eda and King were actually here. "What kid? Do you think we're going to let you have all the fun? I just came to say hello and that we're in room 207." Eda dropped a spare key into my hand before walking off.

"That's it," I questioned them. "Oh yeah, we got lots of setting up shop to do. It'll be by the main pool where all the bratty teenagers are going." king gave me a thumbs up before entering walking out of sight.

"Who was at the door," Amity yawned. "No one," I lied quickly. "Well, I don't care so count yourself lucky. Now go back to bed." I yawned realizing I was also tired from this long eerie day. I slipped on my pyjamas before slipping into bed to hear Amity softly snoring.

"She's even cute when she sleeps," I whispered. I eventually was overtaken by sleep and a night of dreamless slumber.

[Time Skip] (Again)

A fresh day. A fresh start. I had awoken... very very late. I mean I didn't consider it late, but I guess Amity did because she pulled me out of bed at 9 am and yelled at me to get some clothes on. 

I had hurriedly got dressed and rushed downstairs to the cafe where the rest of our little gang was sitting. An eerie silence followed the cafe this morning. 

"Hey guys," I waved to Gus and the others. I sat down by Willow and placed an order for a whole load of sugar. "Did you guys hear that the new kid hasn't been seen?" Gus whispered. "Oh come off it. He probably missed his mommy or whatever," Boscha scoffed.

"Wait what?" I was really confused. "You didn't hear? The newest kid to Hexside has supposedly gone missing. Nobody has seen him, but nobody's exactly worried either because nobody really knows him," Willow calmly stated.

"I hate to say it, but Boscha is probably right. He probably just didn't know anyone and went home." Amity gave a small smile. "Well whatever the case is we should at least ask around right," I tried to sound brave, but it came out more pitiful. 

Amity set her arm on my shoulder calmingly. "Sorry Luz there is just nothing we can do. I bowed my head down." "MITTENS?!?! ARE YOU ACTUALLY SHOWING AFFECTION," the blight twins crashed through the door to the cafe. 

Amity snapped her hand back down to her side and groaned in annoyance. "Do you two have to be here?" Emira gave me a wink and settled down besides Amity. "Are we not allowed to be here? Last I heard it was open to all Hexside students."

Amity rolled her eyes. "Well, you ould at least stop bothering me," Amity snapped. "Yeesh! Ok ok, we'll see you later sis," Edric smiled contentedly. Emira got up from her seat and ruffled Amity's hair before walking back towards the door.

The twins gave a wave before exiting the cafe. "I wouldn't be surprised if they scared the kid away," Amity growled. The entire table burst out laughing at Amity and her relationship with her siblings. 

I could already tell this was going to be one great summer.

Sorry for the no post yesterday. I will be uploading at random times of the day depending on when I'm awake, but until further notice, you can expect every other day to everyday updates.

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