The Twins

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"Ok, let me get this straight! You two have been experimenting with cucumbers this entire time?"

Amity and I had travelled to the older kids section of the resort to find Emira and Edric. We had rushed there as quickly as possible for fear of losing the twins was eating at Amity.

Eventually, we found them in the laundry station in the basement of the hotel. They were using different spells on cucumbers to see if certain spells would work for future pranks. I had never been more confused.

"I was worried about you two," Amity uttered in frustration. "Awww, Mittens? You were worried we had gone missing." Emira put on her best puppy dog face. "No, I was worried you two were the ones behind this." Amity pointed at them almost disgustingly.

"I can't believe we've never thought of something like this. Em, we've let our sister down. It is quite a genius to get a ton of kids in on 'going missing,'" Ed quoted the missing part as if tp say it was a big prank.

"Wait, you two believe this is just a terrible terrible prank," I questioned. "Why wouldn't it be." Emira and Edric shrugged their shoulders confused at my point.

"Kids are just disappearing. Even kids who would never leave the resort or pull a prank for that matter," I tried convincingly. 

"Nah, you two are overthinking it. We've been keeping an eye on how many kids are going missing. Every day at least one kid goes missing. The kids had last been seen the night before, leading us to believe they're just sneaking out to pull a really good prank."

"How do you two know so much about the kids who go missing," Amity questioned suspiciously. "I don't think you'll believe it Mittens, but a lot of the kids who have gone missing have been siblings of friends of ours." Emira patted Amity's head almost worriedly.

"Mittens you may not believe it, but we keep track of the kids because they all seem to be your age. Which means you could be the next one to go missing. Not that we think this s-serious or anything. This is a total prank! We just can't let you play a terrible prank on us!" Edric tried to sound confident in his words but failed miserably.

"Whelp, we have more cucumber things to do, so we'll be seeing you later. Ok? Ok, BYE!" Emira shoved us out the basement towards the stairs. She waved before shooing us upstairs which we did reluctantly.

"Ok... Well, I don't think we have to worry about your siblings being behind this," I said as I awkwardly pointed back at the door.

Amity rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm dragging me back out to the main section of the lobby. "Luz, so many people have gone missing. What are we going to do?" She was right. The twins had mentioned a lot of kids went missing in a particular pattern.

"We should check if those kids that Em and Ed mentioned are actually missing or not." She gave me a hesitant nod before replying. "Ok, they mentioned they're "friends". One of the closest friends they hang out with goes by Matthew. We can go ask him first."

I nodded my head as we trudged off back to the older kids rooms to find the one called Matthew. We found him in the rode cafe. Honestly, we needed to start coming here more often. It seemed everyone we needed was right here.

"Ok, here's the pla-" "Hey Matthew. We heard your sibling went missing and was wondering if that was true," I squeaked. "LUZ," Amity whisper screamed as Matthew turned slowly. A gurgly harsh voice pierced the air. "Who are you two?" A gurgly harsh voice pierced the air. Another voice popped in. "Oh, that's Amity and her girlfriend. Amity is Ed and Em's younger sister. I do pranks with them all the time." An itsy bitsy man jumped out from behind who we thought was Matthew.

He stuck out his hand and we each shook it gently. "Pleasure to meet you finally. I'm Matthew." Wait the tiny dwarf was Matthew? I was so shocked in surprise I completely forgot he had called me Amity's girlfriend.

"Oh umm pleasure to meet you too. I'm Luz by the way," I stammered still shocked. This was the Matthew we had been looking for? I looked to my left to find Amity in just as much shock as I was.

"Yah we heard your brother went missing and wanted to see if that was true or not," I blandly demanded. His big grin turned to a frown and he spoke. "I'm afraid so. I had just taught him how to do a telekinesis spell on bigger objects than a slice of paper."

"So you're telling me kids are actually going missing," Amity blurted. He nodded his head solemnly. I heard Amity's breathe pick up. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly before putting it back at my side.

I looked up at the nearest clock and realized it was 5 minutes until 5 o'clock. Where had all our time gone? "Amity and I need to go. Thank you for talking to us Matthew. We'll talk to you again soon. Actually, we'll come back tomorrow! Ok?" I hurried my words as I waved goodbye and pulled Amity out of the shop.

"Luz? What the heck?" I pointed at her watch. "Oh." We walked back quickly to find Gus and Boscha waiting there. Oh, and Mattholomule was there too. We waited a couple more minutes before Willow and Dakota showed up around 10 minutes later apologizing saying they had "gotten lost."

I had winked at Willow knowing what "gotten lost" really meant before she blushed and looked away obviously embarrassed. I giggled a little before saying, "We gathered some information on the kids who have gone missing."

Amity looked over at me still shaking slightly from her panic attack not too long ago. She was obviously still worried about her siblings. "Oh? We couldn't gather much," Gus thought aloud. "That's because all the kids are siblings of older kids. We found they disappear in a pattern, but only a certain age group."

Gus looked over at me shocked to here such forward answer. "And how do you know all this," Boscha sarcastically scolded. "Amity has siblings. It's as easy as that." I smirked knowing she would have to believe me.

"Whatever it's not like you found anyone." Boscha rolled her eyes as Willow asked a question. "So how many kids in total did you count. We counted 6 before we got... lost." "We found 4 kids missing," Mattholomule said very loudly.

"The twins said there were 8 siblings missing in total." "I suppose now that I think of it, all of the kids who we "found" had older siblings," Dakota murmured. 

"All of this is really confusing. I say we head in for the night and regroup tomorrow." Gus had a good point. I was tired from running around all day trying to find people. "Good idea. Amity we're ordering room service because I'm tired as hell!" I proceeded to wave goodbye to everyone and then march up to my room.

Maybe tomorrow will be a bit better. Maybe even the rest of the night will be a bit better.

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