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Luz' (POV) 

I sobbed as I heard the door click shut behind her. What had I done? I was only protecting her. "You did what you had too," I heard Gus sigh. He also had tears rolling down his cheeks. "She wasn't worth it, Luz," I growled in anger at his words.

How could he say that after what we'd been through? "Are you serious, Gus? How could you say that" I bitterly asked? He gave me a frown, "Luz it couldn't have been more useful for her to stay and find out things. Speaking of which we have much to discuss." 

I nodded my head sadly knowing he was right. We had much to discuss, and I would not be bringing Amity into this mess if I could help it.

"Tell me what you remember," Gus says. "Well...."


I woke up to a stench that was almost unbearable. Edric stood to shake in a corner. ur eyes met. All I was met with as am empty yet fearful gaze. He stared back at whatever he was looking at before. 

I made my way through the rubble and pulled myself to my feet. I turned to meet a huge winged beast. Its wings were at least three times the length of my body. The head itself was larger than my body. It was standing at least 12 feet tall. Its black ruffled feathers shook as it let out an ear chilling shriek.

EKKK! The thing scratched. I collapsed at the sound. It echoed through my ears and throughout my body as I regained my balance and train of thought. I stood of groaning in pain to see Gus and Edric doing the same. 

They were both safe and that was what mattered. I heard a cry of pain and almost in sync all 3 of us turned our heads to see Fethullah struggling. She cried out in pain and gave up. She lay on the floor looking hopelessness.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. That one will be served for dinner series." I turned around to find myself facing a tattooed man. He was wearing a hoodie that had had the sleeves ripped off. His bulky arms were covered in different tattoos. No those weren't tattoos. Those were runes. 

I gaped at the runes sketched and burned into his skin. He gave me a rough smile before saying, "It took years to print all fo these. So much pain and effort, but it is so worth it." He chuckled softly. he had an accent, I couldn't place it, maybe British or Australian. 

He came closer to me and cupped my face with his sturdy hand. "I remember being your age. I suggest you continue to look away from the girl. It will be gruesome." I found myself frozen in fear. I stared into his firey orangish grey eyes. 

All I saw was envy and hunger. He patted my cheek before turning towards Gus and Edric. "Now boys, turn around, you wouldn't want to watch this either." They both slowly turned so that we were now standing in a line facing the opposite way of Fethullah. 

The man brought out a baseball bat. He... he was from the human world. He came up to us saying, "Sorry, you can't be awake, I don't want you three to die yet. Then he swung the bat, and all I saw was black.

[End of Flashback]

"He isn't like you, Gus. He's a human with runes engraved in his skin." Gus nodded his head slowly. "I figured as much that he was a human, although I had no idea what the tattoos stood for. We hardly discuss runes in classes at Hexside anymore. How did you know what they were."

I blushed thinking of the Mortal Instruments. I had seen the movie, the series, and read all the books by now. My mom had accidentally walked in on one of the love scenes one time. She nearly killed me. 

"I just, uh, have been interested in them before. So I did some research," I lied carefully. He must have decided it wasn't important because he moved on with the conversation. "I'm assuming you caught a glimpse of what the runes stood for?"

I nodded slowly, "I caught a few. He had the Mark of Cain engraved upon his upper shoulder. Anyone who attempts to hurt or kill him will be served something 7 times worse than what you tried to do to him. I thought it as impossible, but it would make sense if he had met a warlock in a different dimension."

"Slow down, Luz," Gus stopped me and scribbled some more notes onto a notepad. I sighed, clearly annoyed he had made me stop speaking. "You're such a nerd," he laughed. I laughed too at the comment.

"We need to remove it to kill him and end this, but I don't believe in all my history at Hexisde that an everlasting rune can be removed." "Or replaced," I countered. "But it can't be removed without releasing the darkness within. The only other way to remove the spell would be for a supernatural source like a demon or an angel to remove it." I said sadly.

"So we can't kill him without an angel on our side," Gus asked cautiously. "No, it'll work," I sighed, "Without another suitable substance for the magic to latch onto it, it will enter the one who draws out the ritual to remove the mark, and the wielder and the remover will perish," I finished sadly.

"We would still need someone who would volunteer, but also be smart enough to draw out the ritual without making a mistake," Gus sighed. I cut him off before he began talking again. "It'll be ok."

Gus looked at me, first confused, then saddened. "Luz, you can't," "I have too." We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. "Come on," I said getting up. "We have a lot to do and figure out." I grabbed Gus' hand and pulled him towards the door. 

I yanked open the door to find an empty hallway. I guess Amity really meant we were over. I bit my lip biting back tears. I was going to make sure she wouldn't miss me.

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