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Mystery (POV)

My name is Pheobe. I have been running from the "Things" ever since they caught me. I think I'm safe for now. I found a journal I will be writing in for now. This is day 1 of the countdown to death. From my own experiences, once these "beasts" have your scent they don't stop tracking you. I'm already doomed, but maybe whoever finds this will find a way to defeat these terrible creatures. No new news for today besides the fact can hear the rumbles of the ground shaking miles away. It gives me a headstart before I get eaten. I will be moving from this spot soon. 

Amity (POV) 

I felt a rush of adrenaline as their lips pushed up against mine. I was pressing someone against the wall, my hands squeezing their shirt, as they ran their hands through my hair and against my neck. I broke the kiss for a moment to stare into their eyes. Luz. 

She caressed my cheek and asked, "Are you ok?" She was so sweet. "Never better," I replied pushing my lips against hers. It was a warm passionate kiss from both ends as we made out. Suddenly, a loud rumble was heard throughout the club. I gasped breaking away from Luz quickly. She started to fade saying, "I'm gone!" 

I woke up in a sweat to a loud rumble echoing throughout the building. I gasped for air as I sat up in the bed. Luz was sitting next to still past out. She was laying just so I could see her stomach and her bed shorts.

I smiled softly at the sight. It had just been a dream. I was disappointed yet happy because Luz was still here. A loud rumble echoed throughout the room once again. the bed shook and Luz almost fell off the bed as she awoke.

"What's going on," she asked worriedly. "I have no idea."  I stared into her worried beautiful brown eyes and smiled sweetly to calm her nerves. Another loud rumble shook the floor. Luz and I both fell face-first off the bed, with me on top. 

"Heh," she laughed nervously. I was so close to her lips. I could close the gap so easily, but I didn't. I got to my feet and offered my hand to help her up. She gladly accepted and I pulled her to her feet. 

I started to walk towards the door before Luz stopped me. "I have a bad feeling about going out there." I wanted to go out there though. It was almost like it was compelling me to go. "Luz it can't be that bad. Plus, I feel like it wants me."

She stared into my eyes. She looked so worried. I couldn't understand why though. Whatever the rumbling sound was, it was good. I could just feel it. 

I started towards the door again to find Luz blocking the door. "I can't let you go out there Amity," Luz sighed heavily. I furrowed my eyebrows out her and stated, "Luz, you're being ridiculous. Let me outside."

I felt this overpowering sensation of anger boiling inside of me. Couldn't Luz see this was a good thing? I had a good idea. She was always the one with "good ideas." "I can't let you do that Amity." 

I could feel the anger erupting from inside of me. "Move." "No!" I walked towards Luz, her expression turning from stern, to scared, too frightened. "Luz I'm giving you one last ch-" I was cut off as Luz dove for my stomach and tackled me to the floor.

"Luz!? What's wrong with you," I screamed at the girl I admired. She was pinning me down. I kneed her in the groin, and she toppled over. I got up and started running towards the door. I almost reached the door nob before Luz grabbed my waist and threw me into the wall.

"Umph," I cried as I fell to the floor. "Amity? Are you ok," Luz cautiously questioned. She stepped closer. Just close enough where I could grab her legs. I did exactly that. 

I grabbed her legs and she toppled backwards onto the hard floor. She landed with a hard THUD!  I started to get up and then I was interrupted once again. Luz had grabbed my hair and was yanking it towards her.

"I'm so sorry Amity," she cried and she pulled me on top of her. I took the opportunity to pin her down. I swung my elbow into her nose as she tried to wrestle out from my grasp. "I don't know why you try Luz. It useless in the end! You'll never be a witch."

I swung my fist into her gut, hard. She flinched and groaned in pain. "You are useless," I spat. I saw tears forming in her eyes as she sucked in the pain. "Please Amity, this is isn't you," she gulped as I lowered my body onto hers.

"I grabbed her ear and pulled her face to mine. We were only inches away. "You left me. Luz Noceda, the brilliant human witch left someone. No one believed me. They all thought I had scared you away. Do you know just how many names I was called, Luz?" I deepened my grip on her shoulder and set her head back against the floor.

"F****t," I felt tears welling in my eyes as I said the word. So much pain rippled through my body as I continued. "Fatass, Dumbass, B*tch, all of them Luz. We're all of them.  We're both disgraces."

She let the tears roll down her cheeks as I tried to wipe mine away. "I don't deserve someone as nice as you, yet I don't I deserve to be abandoned." 

"Amity, listen to me," Luz started. "I know what it feels like to be called those names, and I know what it feels like to be those names, but I did something different than you did. I let my father take out his anger on me. I felt I deserved that, but you can come back."

She reached up and stroked my hair and smile softly. "Remember the day I met you? You pulled me out of that container of goo like no other." My face softened as she recalled the event. She caressed my cheek and leaned up to my face. 

"I know you're in there Amity." She connected our lips then and there. A certain rush of adrenaline soared through my veins as I returned the kiss. It was sweet and passionate, and I suddenly found myself at ease.

I couldn't believe I had ever thought about hurting Luz. I loved her so much. She gently away slowly, a soft glow in her eyes. "Luz."I guess this means I'm the top," I giggled. 

Luz' face shot up bright red before she smiled saying, "I'm glad to have you back." I slowly got up off of Luz and I pulled her to her feet. "You still want to wait a while to open the door? Because I do," I scratched the back of my head in awkwardness.

She raised an eyebrow and then trotted back over to the bed. "Yeah," she nodded in response. Well, tonight may not have started well, but it sure did end well.

I was gonna hold off on a kiss or whatever until later, but I was like oh what the heck? It's frikin pride month. So there's that. Although I could play an evil trick or two. It's just the cost of a good story! (Or maybe not a great story, Idk anymore)

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