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Mystery (POV)

Running. Constant running. I couldn't stop. They were after me. This wasn't a game. I had escaped their grasp, but not for long. THUMP THUMP THUMP!  My breath quickened at the sound. I couldn't be caught! I couldn't go back to that place. I was running out of time.

Luz' (POV)

I had awoken to a sudden Thump!  I couldn't place where the sound had come from though, so I drifted back off to sleep. 

"Morning Sunshine!" I heard a voice shout as I sat up from the bed. "We're going to meet the others in a couple of minutes. Take a bagel or something as we go down and out on some clothes." I sighed and hopped out of bed to find Amity folding my clothes and throwing me some clean ones. 

I quickly changed before we walked down to the cafeteria to get a quick snack. After I ate a doughnut or two we headed back to the main lobby of the hotel to find Gus, Willow, and Dakota waiting for us already.

"What's up... guys?" I tried to sound enthusiastic, but they all looked at me with grave expressions. Amity looked down to the floor with that same grave expression. "Amity? What's g-going on," I stuttered.

"You didn't tell her, Amity?" Gus looked over to Amity who shook her head slowly. "Tell me what," I asked cautiously. "13 kids went missing in the night making a total of 21," Willow said sadly.

"Oh, Ok. I thought there was a pattern, but I guess not. Is that something to be so sad about though? Was it anyone we knew," I questioned carefully. Amity looked into my eyes sadly.

"No one has seen King since yesterday night." "No, you guys are playing an awful prank that's all!" I tried making up excuses to convince myself he wasn't gone, and yet I couldn't believe he was gone. 

King was my adorable snuggly comforting little guy. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I looked into the eyes of the others. I wiped it off my face and looked at the little droplet angrily. "How many kids came on this trip in total," I asked. 

"220," Dakota blurted. "Sorry I did my counting." "Ok, we have 199 kids left. Where are Mattholomule and Boscha? We're going to need everyone to start exploring and asking around. We can't do much,  but we have to do the little we can right now. 

"Do we have to bring Mattholomule? He can be so annoying," Gus complained. "Luz is right we're going to need all the people we can. I'll tell Boscha to bring Rose so we can split up into groups of twos," Amity insisted. 

Suddenly Willow started shouting, "What are we supposed to look for Amity? What are we supposed to do? Kids are going missing and there's nothing we can do. Why don't you get that? You're so stupid!" 

I saw the pain increase on Amity's face as each word left Willow's mouth. Luckily, before I could intervene Dakota cut in. "Woah Woah! You can't just blame everyone like that." "I thought you were on my side," Willow cried. 

She stormed off into the unknown. "I'll go get her," Dakota insisted as they ran off. I looked over to Amity who had tears coming down her cheeks. She wiped her face and ran the opposite way. "I'll go get her! I promise," I called back to Gus. I was already too far to hear his response.

Gus' (POV) That's right someone's POV we haven't done before!

I watched as my friend's all ran their separate ways, feeling useless. Ic r-felt people staring at me, and soon tears began to form in my eyes. I couldn't do this alone. I needed them. I ran off back outside to find myself surrounded by young witches and wizards.

I started running to nowhere in particular. Eventually, I found myself at Eda the Owl Lady's little scam shack. "Welcome young one! Oh, wait I know you. What do you want," Eda lamely said?  She must've noticed the tears running down my face, for her face turned concerned.

"Are you ok? Kid?" I looked away from her and uttered, "Everyone's gone and nobody cares, or they care too much. No one even cares about how I feel. They only care about themselves!" I looked back into the Owl Lady's gold eyes to find her sorrowful expression.

She smiled lightly saying, "You know kid, you and I have something in common. I never thought I'd say that to someone like you. You have perfect grades. You even skipped some grades, and if your friends can't see that, first of all, I'm going to give a whooping to Luz, but for the rest, they don't deserve you.

I smiled at the part about Luz and nodded my head in agreement. "Why are you talking to me," I asked miserably. "Because I have no one left to talk too, and I like you." She smiled sadly. "King," she muttered, "he's gone." 

I nodded my head in agreement sadly. "This whole thing makes me feel so useless," I complained. She replied saying, "Yeah, I know how you feel." "Why can't they see that I'm trying! Willow just blames me now," I shouted in anger. 

"You need to tell them this. They can't be there for you if you don't tell them these things. I know you're a smart kid." I nodded my head reluctantly. "I'll know. I'm going to bug Luz to make sure you have some support."

She winked at me and pushed me back towards the hotel. "Get out of here. To find your friends! Unless you want to buy something of course." "Nope I'm good," I stammered. I did not want any foot odour spray, nor did I need any.

I turned around and started to walk off. Then I stopped. "Mrs Eda, Thank you." I waved at her and turned back around and ran back towards the lobby. When I got there Amity and Dakota were sitting there looking worried.

"Gus! We thought we lost you," Amity cried as she embraced me in a hug. Dakota gave me a hug as well before saying, "Luz and Willow went to go find you. They should be back within five minutes! We were so worried!" 

I felt my heart speed up a little at those words. They do care, I thought to myself.

Thank you all for reading! Love you guys!

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