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Pheobe's (POV)

Log Entry, Day 7

There were no sound or movements within the past two nights. There is no possibility that the creature has given up, but there is a possibility that the creature was temporarily distracted. King thinks the creature is being used by a more convenient and powerful source. 

Yesterday, we stood on top of a mountain. We could see the nearest building only about a hundred or two miles away. Our goal is to reach it within the next 10 days. Look out world, Pheobe Chase is back.

Luz' (POV)

"Ugh," I woke up feeling worse than ever. Luz!" I heard a cry as I was embraced in a tight hug. My head ached in pain. The world was spinning in circles as the person let go of me. I saw 3 Amity's smiling at me. I giggled stupidly saying, "Wow, I'm pretty lucky. I get three beautiful Amity's."

The Amity faces all turned bright red. "Ok silly," she kissed my forehead gently before saying, "You definitely have a concussion." And then I passed out again.

Amity's (POV) 

I smiled as Luz closed her eyes snoring softly. I was so glad to know she was alive. She definitely had a concussion after the roof fell onto them. We had managed to find Gus, Edric, and Luz after hours of searching. 

We found them all on top of a pile of junk. We looked for hours more for Fethullah, but to no avail.  We had returned knowing the creature had gotten to her. 

I had cradled Luz' body and refused to let anyone touch her. Edric came back into consciousness while we were gathering their bodies, but with no luck, both Luz and Gus had not woken up. We carried them back and laid them in beds. 

It was two days before Gus finally woke up. He immediately got back to work and would not speak to us. He would occasionally come in and watch Luz sleep. I knew because I spent my days in the room with Luz. 

It was the 6th day, today when Luz finally opened her eyes again. We hadn't gone outside to look for others, for we knew the monster had either gotten to them or would get to our group if it became too large.

No one knew what Gus was working on, nor did anyone care anymore. We had all tried approaching Gus and Edric about the night, but both would say nothing. Edric mainly kept to Emira and himself.

They would whisper to each other about the unknown. The rest mainly kept to playing old card games and talking. I was excited to see that Luz was awake, for it was the first happy thing that had happened in a couple of days.

I usually spent my days talking to Luz while she slept. Finally, I would be able to talk to her as she healed. I heard a yawn before Luz started mumbling in her sleep. "Mittens, oranges, NachtKrapp will not," YAWN  "her, stay awake!" She jolted upwards crying out in pain as she did so. 

"Luz," I basically tackled her back to her sleeping position. "You can't sit up that fast," I insisted tucking her under the covers. She yawned again before saying, "What happened?" I gave her a reassuring smile before saying, "The roof caved in. Do you remember it?"

She gave me a weird look before a face of recognition and fear filled her eyes. "No, I don't remember." 

I gave her a sorrowful full look as her face filled with despair and emptiness. Something bad had happened. "I need to go find Gus," she started. She began to sit up again, but I pushed her back down saying, "DOn't I'll have him come to you." She nodded her head slightly before pulling me in for a short kiss.

I smiled knowing my Luz was here. I walked through the hallways trying to get to the room Gus was working in fast. I found him reading some old book in the nook of his room. He sighed as he closed the door saying, "What?" 

I flinched at his stern words. It was like Gus to be stern or rude. "Luz wants to talk with you," I gave him a look before exiting the room. If he wanted to be rude that was fine with me. I heard a door click shut behind me as footsteps gained distance getting closer and closer to me. 

"Sorry Amity. I don't mean to be rude. I'm still recovering from our eventful... night." I gave Gus a glare before ranting, "Why can't you talk to me about it? Luz is doing the same damn thing! I just want to help." 

Gus looked at me curiously, "That's up to Luz to tell you. I doubt she would mind telling you." I glanced at him curiously. What in the world was going on with these people?

I was about to ask another question, but we arrived at the room Luz and I were staying in. I opened the door cautiously to find Luz sitting at a table scribbling something in a notebook.

"LUZ NOCEDA," I screamed. I grabbed her and carried her bridal style back to her bed. "You, under no circumstances will stand up." "Gus, I'm glad you're here. Amity could you give me m notebook. I dropped it when you kidnapped me." 

I was furious, but I did as she asked. I picked up the open notebook to find two words scribbled over one of the pages. The other was filled with various notes about the NachtKrapp. That one looked older, but this one looked fresh. PROTECT AMITY  is what was written. I handed her back the notebook. She gave me a small smile as I sat down on the foot of the bed. 

"Sorry Amity, you have to bounce," Gus didn't even glance at me as he said it. He was searching through some other notebook Luz had written. I saw pages flip as different words entered my head. 

SUFFOCATE. DEAD. ALIVE. AMITY. MONSTER. KING. NACKTKRAPP. Gus stopped flipping the pages and looked me dead in the eyes. "Get. Out." He said it with both fear and anger surging through his eyes. I looked at Luz almost begging her to let me stay. 

She shook her head sadly. I furrowed my eyebrows starting to get angry. "Why don't you tell me, what's going on?" Luz shook her head again staring into my eyes with despair. I didn't get it, what was she not telling me and why?

"Luz come on, you can tell me anything," I bitterly cooed. She looked into my eyes one last time before saying, "You're not worth it." Tears stung as they rolled down my cheeks. "Fine, I guess we're done," I spat. I walked out the room slamming the door behind me.

Alright you guys, I need to ask a huge favour. I need all of you to go down to the comments and comment either the number 1 or 2. This will determine a decision about the story I will have to make, but I will not do it alone. Please help out! Love you!

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