Righting A Wrong

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Amity's (POV)

Slice. I dropped a knife and cut my foot. I groaned in pain and carefully began to treat the wound. I had come upstairs back to our room. I was trying to do a little cooking, to get my mind off everything else.

I felt tears forming in my eyes as I bandaged my foot. The tears were from both mental and physical pain. My sister had come in and talked to me, to which I assured her everything was fine. After she had left, I had cried some more, and then I tried cooking.

I let the tears fall as I failed to wrap my foot. I was so useless. I couldn't even wrap my own damn foot. I had made Luz hurt.

I sobbed harder as I heard the door opening. Great someone else to come torments me. "Amity?" It was Luz. I looked up in my teary gaze to see Luz rushing over, looking worried. She st down by me and immediately began wrapping my foot again.

It hurt a lot. I cried harder as she tightened the bandage. She made a sad face at me before finishing the wrap. "My mom taught me how to do these. Did you do this on purpose," she asked tenderly.

She cupped my face and looked into my eyes before I shook my head, and she smiled a little bit. "It's ok," she reassured me. She got up and began tossing her clothes and stuff into a large heap.

"Luz? What are you doing," I sniffled? "I'm leaving," she replied softly. "I don't want to hurt anyone else, Amity. I'm so sorry that I hurt you." "I opened my eyes in shock and confusion and asked, "Luz, I'm the one who hurt you. What did you ever to do to me."

She paused before throwing the rest of her clothes into a bag and saying, "Look at yourself Amity. There's a huge cut on your foot!" "What does that have to do with you," I argued.

She sat down facing the opposite way of me. I was so confused at why she thought this was her fault. I had hurt her that night, and yet I knew nothing about the night.

She put her head in her hands and continued speaking. "Amity, I," her voice broke as she tried to speak. This broke my heart seeing her like this, and yet I was still the one who had caused this. "My dad was right, Amity. I can't do anything right." She began to cry as I stood there watching.

I reached out an arm before retracting it. "What happened yesterday night," I asked. She shook her head and said, "You gave me so many flashbacks, Amity. I know it wasn't it you, and it's not your fault, but I never forget the pain those memories hold. You called me names, and then you called yourself them. You said it was my fault you had been called those names, and I believe you. And then, I did something terrible, Amity," her words turned into sobs as she cradled herself."

I rushed over to her side and wrapped my arms around her. She flinched at first, but eventually let herself relax. "I want you to stay," I whispered. She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around me.

I'm so sorry, Amity," she whispered back. I felt my eyes water and said, "I forgive you. I'm sorry too." We sat there in an uneasy silence for a couple of minutes. I finally pulled away and lifted her chin. Our eyes met and I leaned in.

I didn't realize it at first, but I was kissing her. Her lips were soft and warm. She flinched at first but then relaxed. I pulled away quickly, realizing what I had just done. She looked at me and giggled at my face.

I must've have been blushing pretty hard. "I'm so sorry," I tried. She laughed and said, "I guess we're even now. I kissed you last night, but you didn't remember." I blushed even harder at this and sighed.

"I guess so. Maybe I'll make it uneven," I winked as her face lit up red. She looked away and giggled more. I chuckled at her stupid reaction and before you know it we were both laughing.

I was very happy to see Luz having a good time. As soon as we settled down I told her, "We're going to talk about your dad at some point. I know you're not ready, but when you are, I'm here for you." She looked down before nodding her head slowly.

I thought of ways to make this more fun. An idea popped into my head, and I bent down on one knee. "Luz Noceda, will you please accompany me on a date to the water rides this Tuesday." She giggled and happily said, "Why, of course, Miss Amity Blight."

I was glad to have Luz in my life. We had had our difficulties and our hardships, but I was ready to move on from this. I was ready to start a new chapter in my life.

Oh, what?! A happy chapter? Hmm... what should I do to fix this? Anyways, thanks so much for reading, I love you all

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