The Witching Hour

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Luz' (POV)

I awoke to birds chirping outside. I recalled the previous night's events and smiled warmly at them. Amity was softly snoring beside me, her long slender body stretched. She was laying on her stomach facing me.

I smiled softly before getting up and grabbing some clothes for the day. I quickly changed in the bathroom and came back out to find Amity sitting up staring at the wall. She looked over to me and smiled saying, "Good morning."

I smiled and said, "Good morning, Amity." She got up from the bed and drew a circle in the air. Immediately she was in her day clothes and she giggled at my confused gaze. I just shook my head and smiled, throwing a pillow at her in response.

"Come on, Luz. We have to be master detectives today," Amity giggled in reply. I rolled my eyes and offered her my hand. She took it and we left the room holding onto each other. By the time we got down to the cafe, everyone else was already there.

I let go of Amity's hand because everyone was staring at me intensely. Everyone began to smile and say something along the lines of, "LUZ AND AMITY ARE HERE TOGETHER!" I ahhed at the reaction and Amity just smiled.

Before I knew it we were being wrapped in a tight embrace by everyone. "We thought you had truly left us," Willow yelled over the constant chatter.

"I was going to murder you if you left," Emira replied. I was slight;y afraid of what she could and would do to me. We all eventually made our ways back to the table before ordering our meals. I ordered French Toast, while Amity ordered pancakes.

The food arrived in no time as we happily chatted. We talked about everything we could. Besides the kidnappings of course. When it eventually came that time, we began to discuss our next step.

Gus brought up our test run that had gone on last night saying, "I have found two people who have had their roommates go missing within the last 8-10 hours. All of the cases so far, from what I've seen and heard, have gone missing between 3 and 4 am."

"The Witching Hour," Amity whispered "What," I asked in utter confusion. She shook her head about to speak before Willow piped in. "It was a children's tale. One to give you nightmares. The witching hour is when the Boiling Isles natural magic is most awake. It is a very dangerous and cruel thing to mess with the time frame. Only powerful and evil witches have dared using hexes and curse during the hour."

I looked back over to Amity who was pondering the thought. "Even me the powerful and great Mattholomule doesn't mess with the witching hour," says Mattholomule. We all look at him funny before Amity speaks up.

"My guess is the creature taking and doing whatever with them. The witching hour specifically applies to the dimensions of nature. Nature is in the animals, therefore the animals are most powerful during that period of time. The only thing we have to figure out is which creature we are dealing with."

We all nodded not knowing what we were dealing with at this point. If only King were here. He would know what demon this was. He would be able to save the day, but he wasn't.

"I can get a book of demons," Gus says as he begins to stand up. I frown thinking that they had already forgotten King.

Amity must've noticed because she rested her hand on my waist to signal that I was ok. I relaxed at her touch and she squeezed my waist in reply.

She was amazing. I couldn't doubt that. I couldn't argue with that. I couldn't even think of anything negative about her. She was perfect. And she was here for me.

For once in so many years, I truly felt safe and sound in someone's arms. I smiled at Gus and said, "I can go gather information on whatever you need," I say uncertainly.

Gus shook his head and says, "I'm going to bring Willow and Mattholomule with me already. We won't need anyone else for anything until tomorrow."

I nod my head and we all start to get up from our seats. I start to walk back towards the hotel before I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn back to find Amity smiling up at me. I give her a warm smile and ask, "You coming?" 

She laughed and asked, "The question is are you coming?" I give her a confused look and she laughs saying, "You wanna go hang out at the water park?" "They have a water park, "I ask, amazed.

She nods her head. "This is a resort, Luzzy." I blush at the nickname and nod my head saying, "Yes, I want to go. Let's go!" I start running off in a random direction, Amity in tow. She giggles and stops me in my tracks.

"You dork, the park's this way." She starts dragging me the other way and I follow along happily.

[Le Time Skip]

We had ridden every ride at least once and I was not yet tired. I had been dragging Amity all around. She had a cotton candy stick in one hand and my hand in the other. I smiled widely at her. 

She smiled back and came closer to me. "Luzzy, you have cotton candy all over your face. AT least, let me clean your face a little." She puts her thumb in her mouth and then wipes it on my face, attempting to remove the sugar. 

"Eww! Yuck," I back away from her as she begins to chase me. She ends up pinning me against a nearby wall and using her thumb to remove the substance from my face. I squirm the entire time as she basically licks my face. 

Once she's done, she wipes her hands saying, "There!" I guess I had a good girlfriend.

Sorry this took so long everyone! I have been enjoying my family in Oregon as much as I hope you enjoy your family! The chapter didn't post entirely at first, so sorry about that, but I love you all! Bye for like 3 days.

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