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I guess I got there a few minutes early because there was no sign of life in the front gates of Hexside. I twiddled my thumbs for a few minutes before finally hearing the bell. "AHHAAAHHHHHH," the bell screamed. Almost immediately young witches and wizards started pouring out of the building.

Willow saw me first. She grabbed Gus by his arm and dragged him over to me. "Hey guys, guess who's back on the Boiling Isles!" They both gave me a hug and welcomed me back. While I was being updated on everything I had missed I saw a mint green head walk form the building.

"Do you guys mind if I go talk to Amity," I asked quietly. Willow looked concerned, "Amity has been really quiet ever since you left last semester. She is still the top student of course, but she's not been herself." I started walking over to the bench where she had put her stuff down. She was eating a turkey sandwich, and she was wearing my bracelet.

Guilt spilt through my veins as I sat down next to her. She hadn't yet noticed me, for she was eating and looking down this entire time. "Hey," I said calmingly. She glanced up from her sandwich and gazed into my eyes. I had forgotten how pretty her golden eyes had been.

Tears formed in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head in my neck. I hugged her back, patting her as if to say I was here now. "Damn it, Luz. I thought you were dead," she cried softly. I hugged her tighter knowing I had been the reason she was in this state. I felt tears welling up in my own eyes now.

"I'm so sorry Amity. I couldn't bring myself to tell you I was leaving," I huffed out a sad sob. "This doesn't mean you've made up for leaving," Amity whispered. I giggled a little before saying, "I know. Do you want to catch up at the Owl House?" I felt her nod slightly, and I smiled just a little.

[Time Skip]

Willow, Gus, and Amity had all come over for dinner with a little pleading to Eda. She agreed reluctantly saying something along the lines of, "They better not make a mess." We sat on the couch talking about what I had missed and what I had done back in the human realm.

In almost no time the clock had struck 9 pm. WIllow apologetically said, "Sorry Luz I have to go."  The other nodded their heads in agreement before heading off towards the door. Amity stopped just short of the door and turned her head slightly, "Oh and Luz. There's this new resort opening this summer and it's free to all students of Hexside. I think it would be nice if you would come." Amity gave me a slight smile before walking out and shutting the door behind her. 

"Ooh, a new resort on the boiling Isles? I think that is something worth checking out." Eda's voice snapped me out of my thought, and I jumped about a meter in the air. "Ah! You scared me." Eda just laughed and said, "So are you going to go with your friends because I'd be happy to go as well. King and I deserve a vacation!"

I looked at her questioningly. "You mean you're ok with me going. There's not going to be a talk on staying safe and not talking to strangers? I'm not going to have to check-in every 10 minutes, so you can make sure I'm not doing anything stupid." 

"Ew, no kid. I'm going to relax and maybe set up a miniature shop that you can help me with because you know all the gross things teens love. I mean don't do anything stupid, but have fun. It's a free vacation basically. Who wouldn't except it?" My mom sure would,  I thought to myself.

The rest of the night was filled with me sleeping and then waking up to find King and Hooty arguing at 3 am.  


It was officially summer on the Boiling Isles. I excitedly ate breakfast and then headed out to find Amity. I genuinely wanted to go on the trip with her and my other friends. I just needed a bit more information on what to bring and where I can stay, and if I even counted as a student since I had not been there in the last semester.

Amity was easy enough to find. Not a lot of witches spend there free time reading to kids in the library or studying for the next semester 2 months in advance. She was sitting as a table by herself reading a book called "The Life Line of a Witch." Maybe I'll ask her about it.

I saw the opportunity and took it. I snuck up behind her and then almost ruined it for myself by tripping. I got myself and instead snuck upright by her and ear and in a normal tone said, "Is that a good book?" Amity screamed in reply and fell off her chair in the process. "AHHH! Luz! Don't scare me. When I get into a book and I'm in the library especially don't sneak up on me!

I laughed and helped Amity to her feet. "You're too easy to scare. Sometimes I can't help myself." She shot me a look before saying, "So any particular reason you were stalking me?" I smiled warmly at her. I was about to give her a good comeback when I hear another voice beat me to it. 

"Oh, Mittens! Don't you think writing about someone in their diary every day is a bit worse?" Amity's face went red and she turned around to grab something from none other than the Blight twins.

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