Bad Touch Trio HC

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This is my own headcanon on how the BTT met;

So, they met as teens (14-16), first it was only Antonio and Francis, each of them struggling to make it in the world as bigger nations, competing tooth and nail. Francis was mainly struggling due to his near constant wars with England, and Antonio was trying to expand his territory without hurting his country again, which was proving difficult. The two coincidentally came to sulk on the same spot in a forest, got to talking, and became fast friends. They grew very close.

Gilbert came later, running into that forest, and upon seeing them, he rushed to them, motioning for them to stay silent and trying to make himself as invisible as possible. It took a while, but he finally relaxed and informed them that he had a hard time going anywhere without anyone trying to kill him for being the spawn of Satan due to his appearance.

Francis and Antonio agreed to help him out with the simple minded villagers, and before they knew it, their duo became a trio, and they were all practically attached at the hip.

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