Nordics HC

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Right, so I support the very popular headcanon of the Nordics living together in one house. @Twashcat360 added they probably switch houses every so often. Makes sense.

So, let's say one day, they're over at... Idk, Denmark's. The house is a mess, and there's even some unmoved furniture that is just standing in the doorway. Matthias's excuse is that he had forgotten his house existed.

We all know who got strangled by who and by what after that.

Anyway, so, Finland being Finland, he suggests all the Nordics help with the cleaning.

Sweden has no choice but to agree, so he just says nothing.

Norway begins a lecture on why Matthias should do it himself.

Iceland didn't even hear them, he was too busy listening to music on his headphones at the highest volume.

Eventually, everyone gets roped in by Tino, to whom Matthias is ever grateful, and they start cleaning.

Berwald cleans silently and properly like a normal human being.

Tino hums and sings while he does it with Matthias joining in.

Lukas just glares at everyone and tosses most of things at Matthias, claiming he's throwing them in the trash.

Emil just stands there, holding a box of random things that needs to be cleared out, and stares at it, thinking maybe, just maybe, it'll sort itself.

Do I need to mention how Matthias does it? Drunk on beer and singing with Tino, that's how. He doesn't get too much done...

For this very reason, they were only finished in a week.

They did not go to Matthias's house for another year.

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