America's Day Out

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Alfred F. Jones sighed as looked around. He was in the middle of Brooklyn, completely broke because he got pick-pocketed again, he really should be more careful, and was starving. 

A shameful position for the United States of America, really.

Hm... Maybe he could get free food by telling people he was a nation?

No, bad idea, he would probably land in the mental hospital.

Damn, this sucked. 

He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his bomber, walking the streets as he hoped an idea would randomly pop into his mind. Sadly, it didn't, and he was left walking around, looking like a kicked puppy. 

Maybe walking into a café and just smelling the food would help? Or would it make it worse? Well... Worth a shot, and better than walking all the way back home to get money and risk getting pick-pocketed for the third (yes, third) time today.

Then he laid eyes on his savior in that very café he walked into. There was his twin, sitting alone peacefully at a table, sipping some hot beverage. Alfred grinned with new found hope, bounding over. "Mattie! My favorite twin! The one that I love the most in the world! My-"

Matthew Williams sighed, cutting him off with a silencing hand. "First off, last time I checked, I was your only twin. Second, what is it you want Alfred? If you want the key to my apartment and address, you can go screw yourself, because no. I'm not making that mistake again."

Alfred pouted. "So mean. But no, I was not going to ask for that, though it doesn't sound too shabby!" He brightened up. "So... I'm broke, 'cause I was pick-pocketed-"


"Yeah dude, I don't know why it keeps happening to me. Anyway, think you can give your little bro some money? Just enough for lunch?"

"Thought I was your twin."

"You're older than me by six minutes."

"Oh, now you care about that."


Matthew sighed for the second time in four minutes, stuffing a hand into his pocket and pulling out his wallet, giving Alfred some dollars, American, mind you. Alfred grabbed them with a grin, a 'thanks bro!', and a suffocating hug. Man, was he lucky Matthew was in Brooklyn for some reason that day! The Canadian was a life-saver when he wanted to be.

Alfred practically ran out of there, but then stopped. Where was he going to go now? He could go to McDonalds or some other fast food restaurant... 

Well, he ended up getting cheap spaghetti. Still good! 

Now, what to do next? 

You readers are probably wondering what he decided on doing next. If you thought he would go home to finish that paperwork due tomorrow, you were wrong. If you thought he went to the park to feed (traumatize) some birds or ducks, you were right, because that's exactly what he did. He ended up getting kicked out of the park.

The rest of the day passed with him harassing random passerby, asking them entirely random questions that ranged from "What's your favorite movie?" to "Do you floss?" and just about anything you can think of. 

Ah, boredom, a dangerous thing that caused this monstrosity. 

(Idk man, I'm running out of things to post on here for the meantime, damnit-)

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