My Opinion On RusAme

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So, RusAme. A very, very popular ship.

In my opinion, it shouldn't be.

Other than incest ships, like, AmeCan or ScotEng or Germancest or such, USUK doesn't count in my opinion btw, the only ship I cannot stand is RusAme.

I mean, I don't want to offend anyone, and you have every right to ship this, but COME ON.

Those two have had so many issues that are still ongoing, it's just impossible for them to get a moment of peace. How are they supposed to fall in love? Every moment in history, you see;

"Russia got involved, followed by the Americans." 

All the time, in different versions. They're constantly at each other's necks. I believe they're two countries who really don't like each other, due to having very different views on most of things, but who are trying to be civil and better as Allies, not lovers.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Once again, no offense to any shippers of this.

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